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Suicidal thoughts (22)

1 Name: Momo : 2014-02-19 08:18 ID:6DZy146a [Del]

Recently I have been having suicidal thoughts and getting me mad things like my mum nagging at me to clean my room or maybe my friends annoying me would often cause my to grab a bow cutter just cutting myself when I am alone, theyre not very deep cuts but only deep enough to start bleeding Is this normal or do I have to go to the doctors?

2 Name: starica moon : 2014-02-19 15:29 ID:G3ItlMk0 [Del]

how are your friends annoying you?

3 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-19 15:48 ID:rhnKwaik [Del]

If these are the things that make you want to kill yourself, then you are a brat.

Clean your room.

4 Name: Akagami : 2014-02-19 21:31 ID:35lIKCzQ [Del]

Surely there are more factors into this, OP???

5 Name: Agorain : 2014-02-19 21:44 ID:RjouFpUU [Del]

3 You have no idea what is happening. You have no rite to assume Momo's a brat.

There must be more to the story. and you don't have to go to the doctors. You're only human, and your breaking point is different from others. So is your coping. Granted, i'm not encouraging you. I use to do the same thing. Cutting. But maybe, instead of doing that, you should write, or draw, or even scream into a pillow. Anything is better then hurting yourself or those around you. and Momo? if you need someone to talk to, my email is . Feel free to vent to me. Stay strong. :)

6 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-20 00:36 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 Everyone's pain is different like >>5 said, but toughen up. Those are the things that get to you? Yes they can especially when you're young, it's understandable, but you need to change your outlook on life. Cleaning your room teaches you to keep things proper and organized and clean which is very very important. Friends get annoying, yeah so what. Friends can be annoying but they're your friends and are there for you, you can even talk to them about your problems. If they're actually bothering you then find better friends. I hope this helps :3

7 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-20 01:25 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>5 Actually, it's a basic human right to judge and assume whatever the fuck I want.

If her problems are her mother nagging her to clean her room and her friends being annoying and that makes her want to kill herself, she is a fucking brat.

If there is more to the situation, maybe she should say so.
That way she doesn't seem like your average "suicidal" teenage brat.

>>6 This.
Neko, you've been a really cool member, stay cool.

8 Name: Momo : 2014-02-20 01:55 ID:6DZy146a [Del]

My mums nagging and my friends nagging never used to get to me but I recently had a problem of getting sexualy harassed now everything just makes me want to kill myself and the only way to calm it down is by either getting a knife and having it right on my neck or cutting.

9 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-20 02:07 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>8 How did you get sexually harassed?

10 Name: Momo : 2014-02-20 04:03 ID:6DZy146a [Del]

My friends love perverted jokes but I had one friend who would take it too far. He would lick my finger and try to touch my boobs. He would also put his hand on the chair whenever I tried to sit down. For a while I didnt tell him about the problem but once I blocked him on facebook and then he confronted me about being a better person which I then thanked him for

11 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-20 04:29 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>10 This is still not a reason to want to end your life.

12 Name: Momo : 2014-02-20 04:56 ID:6DZy146a [Del]

Im not sure that you knew what I meant by suicidal thoughts.. I meant about thinking about killing myself. I have no desire of killing myself I just have thoughts of doing so. I also have no control over my thoughts as in I see knives and I normally think of slitting my wrists but of course I dont want to think about that.. Its hard to explain and with the sexual harassment I was just saying that it was the reason why I started, not necessarily why Im doing it now. Right now Im just doing it to try and get suidal thoughts out of my head and calm me down

13 Name: Akagami : 2014-02-20 06:21 ID:35lIKCzQ [Del]

I have those thoughts too. I think a lot of people do. Personally I sometimes find the thoughts to be relieving a way. If things aren't getting dangerous then I wouldn't worry much about it. It'll pass.

14 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-20 06:26 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>12 Oh!
My apologies then, friend.
Those feelings are normal.
I feel like killing myself ever day.
The important thing is not to let life win.

15 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-20 06:27 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

Also, most don't know, but I used to cut and burn myself pretty bad.

Don't do it OP.
It leaves ugly scars and those serve as reminders of how weak you were in that situation.

I'm not trying to insult you when I say you're weak, all humans are weak.

16 Name: TK-San : 2014-02-20 06:35 ID:34PMOXxl [Del]

I'll agree this time with >>11. I usually don't post on suicidal posts cause I don't find any useful thing to say to the cases I read; relationships threads are easier. But, at this time...

I really think it is kinda childish for you to have suicidal thought about ending your life if those are the reasons. Since I don't really know how old are you, I'll try to do not judge you by that. But you should stay strong at these problems: A friend being annoying is not a question of blocking on facebook, it is a question of you to seriously ask him to stop, and once you don't stop, talk to school or to your parents to do something.

I don't even consider things like small house chores being a reason, too.

There are moments in life that you should take your responsability to things you have to do. Life is a lot more than that. Stay strong and solve the problems, there are A LOT of easier ways to have these things settled instead of just thinking in suicide.

17 Name: TK-San : 2014-02-20 06:37 ID:34PMOXxl [Del]

once he doesn't stop*

18 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-20 07:54 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>1 Do you feel a lot of internal frustration? This happens to me a lot where I just get so angry and frustrated, but at things that seem insignificant, and it just gets worse because you know it's wrong to hate people and want to hurt them and have no way of releasing your anger. Especially if it's really consistent and you feel like it will never end. For people saying it's childish I disagree because we aren't in her position so it's probably a lot worse than it appears.

I have those kind of thoughts as well though. If I walk across a bridge and look over I often think, "I could end it all right now." I haven't actually considered it for a while but it's always there. Also, (I think this is sort of relevant) when eating an apple I would eat the whole thing and would almost hope that the apple seeds would kill me (because it has cyanide in it) because it would be a lot simpler.
I did try stabbing myself with a pin a few times though but it was too rusty and blunt so it never pierced my skin :(
I don't think that that is a good habit to get into though but I suppose that we all cope with things in different ways.

I don't really see much wrong with what you are doing. Life sucks so I think it's normal to just want to escape sometimes. I have a feeling though that if you're anything like me then if you get too angry you might just crack it and release your anger by doing something a bit too extreme (I haven't done something like that yet but I can often tell that I'm losing it). But make sure that if you do cut yourself, make sure that they don't get any deeper. If you make a habit of it and keep cutting deeper then eventually you might kill yourself.

I'll say it again for others, don't dismiss what she is saying as childish. You would probably feel the same thing in her shoes. It's the people whose problems are big but seem insignificant to others who experience the most pain. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" - Plato.

I hope this helped :D

19 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-02-20 10:23 ID:CC8/PzeG [Del]

Don't skip this massively boring and long post, please read it for your own sake.

the possibilities that will happen is that you will officially put an end to your life.
I might not have experience in helping others, but I've tried. I also think someone else on this website also tried to commit suicide.
I don't know what to feel when I hear that someone wants to commit suicide.
I myself have had thoughts of the same thing before too.
Like >>6 said, everyone's pain is different; we're all different. I don't see the point of why people shouldn't be, that would just leave us act the same. Imagine that, everyone in this globe acting the same way.
I just get that people are here to experience the needs that come into their life. Look at Chreggome.
I don't mean to be offensive, but I've seen this person everywhere, using offensive language to try to change people, which REALLY annoys me, but Chreggome actually tries to teach these people so they won't make the same mistake.
But committing suicide isn't just a mistake.
Committing suicide is a definition much larger than a common mistake.
You're missing out everything.
You're keeping your thoughts too tight.
I'm still like that, being really judgmental and rude, yet I don't talk to others. But I'm really trying to broaden my thoughts more. I'm really trying, I'm really trying to meet new people from here (I'm a social introvert, I don't make much friends in school) so that I can actually have a life and know more things about this world. I still have things do in this life.
You have more things to do in life. Don't try to miss out all the stuff you love.
Live for fuck's sake. Don't you also think.... that committing suicide also doesn't sound so human? I've had thoughts of committing suicide so many times before, and I've cut myself before (well, they only left as small scars), but I found myself that I can't just throw my life away, noticing the pattern that these suicides were not a 'success'.
I said that I kept wanting to die and just disappear in front of the people who actually care for me. Even if you think that life is a waste of time, don't try to miss out everything important to you. I'm repeating this sentence because I want to remind you that there are much more things to do here.
And to be honest, just like >>3 said, you really are a brat.
But i'm not trying to say it in the bad way.
Change for fucks sake, and your opportunities will really change.
Try to make other friends.
If that doesn't work, hang out on this website more.
Spend your time talking to others from this website that share similar hobbies or likes with you.
If you don't stop cutting, see a doctor. If you can't do that, ask a friend and share your feelings about your personal life.
At least try to make a friend that will support you, or try to visit websites like omegle (‎)or compassion pit ( ). If it doesn't help, then try it yourself.
Change you daily basis and your bad habits. Broaden up your opinions and thoughts. We all want to change this planet, even if it takes forever. Please take the advice we all give you, this is how we try to change others. This is what you can do yourself; to have persistence to keep moving. Try to keep patient, keep your dreams or find your dreams, accomplish it, and I'm sure if you wait enough, that dream will definitely make you comfortable in this world.

20 Name: Agorain : 2014-02-20 11:46 ID:KCNmf1Hn [Del]

Everyone has been there, and there are different things to do. We can all agree that this is something that we've all done, and we're glad we've talked to you about it. Stay strong.

21 Name: Momo : 2014-02-20 13:16 ID:6DZy146a [Del]

Thanks guys I was just worried if my mental heatlh was normal because of the stuff I think about and for anyone who thinks Im childicn and a brat that's okay. I mean the whole post was about assessing my mental condition so I dont really care if you judge me (since that kinda what you're meant to do)

22 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-20 14:09 ID:rhnKwaik [Del]

>>21 Don't take my judgement too harshly, I judge everyone but it doesn't mean I care any less about a person.