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Emptiness (15)

1 Name: Hinatot!g9LBK6FGBI : 2014-02-15 21:19 ID:C8+Atfta [Del]

I've been feeling empty more and more lately. It's like I just stop feeling anything, and when I finally do feel something, it's just hatred and sadness.
Any suggestions as to how to make it stop?

2 Name: Rellik : 2014-02-15 22:10 ID:JtahsFJO [Del]

Doesn’t watching anime makes u emotional??

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-15 23:38 ID:yAPFd8Dv [Del]

>>1 I have this problem. It's like you're slowly sinking into a pool of darkness. The only thing that I do to fix it is to find something that fills that emptiness. Like a hobby or something healthy along those lines, don't do nothing! Doing nothing can lead to depression. If it helps, you could even see a therapist.

4 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-02-16 10:53 ID:+CCSmMnM [Del]

Like Neko said, do something. When I'm going through an existential crisis, I'll sit down and watch some South Park or play some stupid game on my phone. It's a temporary solution, but it usually works. If you feel it's becoming a serious issue, try going to see a counsellor. They're far more qualified.

5 Name: x4xy4 !V29dQZticY : 2014-02-16 20:34 ID:4AglNR7t [Del]

When this happened to me I did all the wrong things. First I just assumed it would go away and I didn't do anything about it. When it ended up getting worse I resorted to self harm which was probably the worst decision of my life; I attempted and almost succeeded in taking my life numerous times and I now have countless permanent scars all over my body.

The way I was able to get out of the emptiness I felt was to surround myself with people I cared about and I tried to have new experiences. For me that new thing was exercise. I started running and biking until I could no longer walk or think and that was the best thing I could do for myself. I then slowly started to feel more and be happier and while I still suffer from clinical depression I do have more good days than bad.

6 Name: Fukuda : 2014-02-17 03:50 ID:IPpxL6CB [Del]

I too get this feeling. The emptiness just keeps growing and growing. And it will be filled by something. In most cases, like yours, hatred, sadness, and other negative emotions.
However, it doesn't need to be that way.
Like >>5, new or old friends can help you out here. Just have fun with them. Go out a bit. And do what you want. Enjoy yourself and that emptiness will be filled with the brightness of those moments.
My advice, just be happy every now and then.
Fill the void with light.
And enjoy yourself.

7 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-17 03:51 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

I think that the biggest reason for emptiness is loneliness. If you have 'true' friends that you can be open to and have that special bond with, then I highly doubt that you will feel that empty. Emptiness might be because of our lake of purpose or because our futures aren't looking that good but I think having real friends will help get you through it.

I do have to ask though. Are you a very apathetic person (Hinatot)? If life seems meaningless then you might not care about anything. I think that even in that situation a friend will still help (just watch Miharu & Yoite from Nabari). Especially a friend that you can relate with.

As Naruto says; "only a jinchuuriki can understand another jinchuuriki".

I only know what I have experienced but I hope I helped.

8 Name: Sou!Ww9Me2u6TE : 2014-02-24 23:33 ID:vpGnEhtO [Del]

Force yourself to go find a new hobby. When you feel empty, the worst thing you can do is nothing and sit around.

9 Name: Fura : 2014-02-25 11:44 ID:blTRwClr [Del]

bueno si quieren podemos hablar por vía e-mail. mi correo es
con gusto los escuchare.

10 Name: Asuka : 2014-02-26 08:13 ID:NrU40nqA [Del]

The reason for emptiness is not really loneliness but the fact that people crave for a better life. Living a life w routine makes one bored craving excitement. I mean no one actually likes an ordinary life when they alrdy have one. Hence, people go online to raise their life from the status of borderline ordinary to a better one. Soon or later everything lost its own speciality and its meaning , thats called boredom. This is why i LOVE watching anime*-*

11 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-02-26 10:06 ID:CC8/PzeG [Del]

I'm an otaku, but I still struggle in how my life came out to be. I stopped talking to most of my friends through facebook, texting, and messaging since this years. I'm not that smart so I don't really get high grades, but I still work hard at some times. My parents was rarely home because my mother had always worked at a hair salon since I was a kid and still does as my father got a job and works from 11 am to 9 pm. I grew up with my siblings until they went to college and now I spend most of my time alone at home either watching anime, play piano, draw, sing, [strange fully] do work, or randomly drive around and explore. I don't do much stuff nor do I stay on one thing for a long time, but I still have myself. I will tend to go to the Dollars website to try to talk to other people, which would definitely help me in my awkwardness. I would try to recommend you to look for friends online, especially here on the dollars website since we are people who have similar hobbies and interests.

12 Name: Sine : 2014-02-28 10:06 ID:chFAjolt [Del]

my advice fir you is that you should try something new to break your sadness streak. Meeting someone new or doing something new that you'd like is a great way to men your soul.

13 Name: A Larger End : 2014-03-02 15:31 ID:jZa98rcG [Del]

My advice is to set yourself an ambitious project (something you want to do) and work on it, read up on things that will help you, enrich yourself. Even if you don't succeed in the end you will come out the other end with new knowledge and maybe a new found motivation. Then just keep setting yourself projects maybe a bit less ambitious and just keep going. Don't worry yourself about the project failing just enjoy chasing the goal. That's what I do when I feel like I'm stuck in a bit of a rut.

14 Name: Asuka : 2014-03-03 04:13 ID:bKEdfZZV [Del]


15 Name: Norakah : 2014-03-03 08:20 ID:b/8uxtpf [Del]

Ask a girl to go out with you no matter when he laughs at you or she is older than you. How you said you feel nothing so it should border you when the say no.

But when the want to go out with you than good luck bro