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Not Having Real Friends (11)

1 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-14 01:00 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

Hey guys, I was just wondering if any one else is having the same problem as me. I have friends and family so I'm not physically lonely but I feel like it just makes it worse because it just all seems fake and not real. Does anyone else get what I mean, here? They don't bully me or abuse me and probably could be considered good friends/ family as far as they go but it isn't what I'm after. I've heard people say that online friends are not the same as real life but I feel that it's better to find them online and anonymous instead of simply making do with the people who you coincidentally happen to know.
I'm only 18 so people around my age might be able better understand what I'm like so yeah. Also, I'm probably not very good at communicating what I'm thinking and I'm not good at talking to people so just bear with me :).

2 Name: Roorando : 2014-02-14 03:44 ID:sDKkgbGJ [Del]

Hello. I will just say I feel you, the same is happening to me.
People in real life put on an imaginary mask and fake themselves meanwhile online they just replace it with the thing called internet.
To be honest, I have a really good friend online. I am bad at talking as well, but I am able to talk honestly online.

3 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-14 05:14 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

Thanks for replying. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one. Do you know who your good friend online is or are they anonymous? I think it would be really awesome to have a really good friend that you can be open with that you don't know who they are. It's just a lot easier talking to someone when you can be anonymous. Like you said people wear masks and fake themselves and I think that might rub off on us too. Or you have to try and be the person that they want you to be.
I think that it would be awesome for random lonely people out there to become friends anonymously and why I love the idea of the Dollars. I think that Naruto explains it best with the concept of only a jinchuuriki being able to understand another jinchuuriki. Thanks again for replying XD I hope we can help more people in our shoes

4 Name: Roorando : 2014-02-14 06:36 ID:sDKkgbGJ [Del]

Heh. I do not know him in real life, but that does not mean I do not understand him or anything. Just the opposite, we are both alike, people who are scared to open themselves to others because we are afraid of showing our true selves which could lead to our downfall. I trusted many people and they betrayed me in the end. So be careful about who you let too close.

5 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-14 07:16 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

That's awesome. As much as it seems impossible in my position it probably does happen so I'm happy for you.
What about family then? I honestly can't stand living in my family but it's not out of hate but rather that everything seems fake about it. My parents love for each other doesn't seem real, they don't seem to really care about us and my brother and sisters are becoming fake like them too. I don't have any special feelings for my family and think of them as I would think of someone I've never met before or any random person I see. I think that because we have no choice over who our family is we tend to just adjust to them or try to fit in instead of actually having a bond with them. There are probably families that get along well but I think that friends are probably a better, more reliable, source of love and bonds, and someone to be open with. What do you think?

6 Name: Roorando : 2014-02-14 07:23 ID:sDKkgbGJ [Del]

My family situation is complicated. If you would like to talk about this matter more then hit me up. I will gladly answer to anything, it just feels bad saying it here, sorry.

7 Name: TK-San : 2014-02-14 07:35 ID:34PMOXxl [Del]

Hello, I guess I understand what you mean to say. Online friends are easier to feel relaxed and to talk about your personal problems because they aren't in front of you physically. Translating your emotions, thoughts and feelings by the keyboard, without the need to face the other one helps everyone to be more honest, that's what I think.

But, I do have real friends close to me.

If you'd like to break that feeling of living in a fake world, I guess the first step is to find some real good friend to whom you could open your heart. Tell about your deepests fears, tell about your family and love relationships problems, tell about problems of life in general. Once you find someone like that, You'll start to find these real friends on real life.

Good Luck!

8 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-14 07:53 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

Thanks TK-San. It is true what you said but it's not that easy to simply find people that you can talk to like that and become close friends. I suppose it would be preferable but you can be a lot more open when you and them are anonymous and if things go well you could meet and become real life friends. Until then, however, I think this is where to start.

9 Name: TK-San : 2014-02-14 08:01 ID:34PMOXxl [Del]

That's really another way too! I frequent online internet foruns it's been almos 10 years now. Although I have close friends and childhood friends close to me, I've also made a lot of friends from internet. Some of them I talk to it's been more than 7 or 8 years. Some of them I've already met more than once or twice.

Take your choices, but I do really think you should bring these real friends to your real world. Our own lifes are not something for being alone with. :)

10 Name: Liber : 2014-02-15 03:01 ID:DcjFpV8K [Del]

Online friends are special. You see, physical things bind us down. You start to see less of the soul and mind, and more of...the physical. I believe the physical is just the canvas for our hearts.

But the way society is nowadays it's more like trying to force the canvasses down our throats, or wear them like some weird new fashion sense. We're supposed to express our sounds through the world man! Not let it take the place of our souls.

I'm in a similar predicament as you. I've had a close friend for years, just one. We both openly share our faults, we both acknowledge how bad we are inside, but together work to better ourselves. There's...literally nothing to hide...

If we fight, if we do something the other does not like. We deeply explain our reasonings for it. We keep that ability to understand mindsets even if we don't agree with them.

Now...I have another group of friends. It's...been feeling fickle and fake. --And I realized recently that it was because they did things I didn't like, I had a disagreement with them I didn't address, I have things I dislike about them I don't address. It's bred some contempt in me.

I'm so afraid to bring it up because I'm afraid they won't handle it well and will break the friendship off. But it's silly, because holding it in is just doing the same thing from the inside out! Postponing the inevitable when actually confronting them MAY lead to us becoming closer!

Fear is a mean thing!

Find a way for you to communicate those feelings in your heart and head! It'll happen!

Communication >> Understanding >> Love.

11 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-15 04:24 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

I get what you're saying about the physical things binding us down. When online there is a lot less distractions or factors that would influence you to not be the real you and not be open. A real life relationship that goes past that and is truly open is awesome and I'm happy for you (liber) and roorando.
I think you have the kind of friendship that I would consider a true or real friendship. It really has to be open and have understandings between each other that let you know that you can be open and true to them.
I'm not sure if fear is the right word because it's not something that you are afraid is going to happen but rather that you pretty much are sure will happen. Like I'm not afraid that I won't be able to have that kind of the relationship but rather doubt that it's possible with them. It won't work with just anyone so I think that I might just not be around people who I can have a really open, real friendship with.