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Random Bursts of Rage (5)

1 Name: Arreis Black : 2014-02-12 16:35 ID:xW/LwEiE [Del]

Hello. My name's Arreis Black and I just wanna ask if I have something mentally wrong with me- like if I'm going insane or something. As of late, I have been experiencing moments where even the littlest thing irritates me and I respond with anger and often get violent depending on the situation. Sometimes my rage is unprovoked. I don't know what's been going on with me lately, but I fear that If I don't get any better, I might hurt somebody without meaning to. So I want to ask, am I crazy or not?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-12 16:54 ID:+wOKjCoR [Del]

You could be bipolar or some other kind of mood disorder. A Chemical Imbalance is a possibility too. Get it checked out by a professional or you'll end up doing something you'd wish you hadn't.

3 Name: Foxmon : 2014-02-12 18:09 ID:C40Ms+kk [Del]

I experience the same issues, Arreis. I am diagnosed bipolar with depression. Mine stems from holding in all frustrations due to fear of offending someone until someone hits a random button and I lay into them seemingly unprovoked. Best thing you can do is try to talk to someone about it or maybe start a journal to write out everything that frustrates you. If you don't have a close friend or family member to speak to, a therapist is good but it takes a bit of shopping around. I recently fired mine because she was nodding off while i'm talking about important things. But I find recommendations are the best. But of course you have to factor in money situations and medical insurance which can make it rough. My insurance didn't cover the one I wanted. Also most people will recommend a psychiatrist but those can even be iffy. 90% of psychiatry at this point is guess work and throwing pills around to see what fits. I once once prescribed an anti-psychotic for my bipolar disorder that i was severely allergic to and not in the way that you'd think. Allergic reactions are always thought of as rashes and closing your throat but with alot of psychiatric drugs it could be weird things like time skips and memory loss. I've lost years of my life due to bad prescribed drugs. So do be careful and request small dosages to start to see how it will affect you. Also never let a doctor tell you whats best for you. Its your body, not theirs. Do your own research before you say yes to anything. Whats best for little Billy and Suzy may not do the same for you. See if the side effects are worth it. If anything weird happens, and I meant anything, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctor.

My last bad med was Lumictol. I was allergic to it and didn't even realize till I asked my doctor. I had a small wound, not a rash, on my chest and an identical one on my back. Almost in line. Didn't think much of it but still asked my doctor so she lowered my dosage. wound got smaller but I realized somethign else was happening then. My memory started being strange. Things that happened in the past started to feel like a story someone once told me. You could ask me to get you something from the kitchen and I'd get there and forget and have to repeat this process four or five times before i'd remember to what it was you wanted. My old roommates would get mad at me for forgetting alot of things constantly to the point it became frustrating. I'd start to either get supremely mad or just flat out cry when I realized I forgot something but still couldn't recall what it was. My memory has never been the same. Not as bad, but never the same. So once again, be careful and don't let anyone tell you what to put into your body. I still have the full bottle of pills to remind me of the consequences of letting a doctor rule my life. That doctor, after that allowed me to change my dosages at will, mainly because I showed that I was willing to do my own research before making firm decisions.

All prescriptions come with a pamphlet of all the side affects and allergic reactions, read them well. Also places like have good information and some bits that may not be in the pamphlets. Could save your sanity, or even your life.

4 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-12 18:40 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 You shouldn't say your name, giving out personal information on the internet isn't safe no matter what site you're on.
Now, we aren't psychologists or psychiatrists so we can't exact diagnose you. If you want a diagnosis and/or advice and/or treatment, then you need to see a real professional.
But we can give advice here, what you need to concentrate on is anger management techniques/skills. Research a few and see what works for you. A lot of people have issues with controlling their anger and you aren't crazy either. Next time you feel angry, just try your best to stay calm, take deep breaths and rationalize the situation. I hope that helps ^^

5 Name: Arreis Black : 2014-02-23 17:06 ID:xW/LwEiE [Del]

>>4 Don't worry this is really just my screen name. ^^ And I just wanna thank you guys for talking with me about this on here. :)