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what should i do about my boyfriend! (8)

1 Name: Manayun : 2014-02-09 16:13 ID:gj5WMR7S [Del]

ok so i been dating this dude for almost 3 months and now he starting to become distant and i havent spoken to him in 3 weeks and now i just dont know what to do because he cheated on me in the past and i forgived him but now i jsut dont know if i can handle it again... so what should i do?

2 Name: Royalette-San : 2014-02-09 17:03 ID:sszuRS9Z [Del]

In all honesty, I don't think you should have given him a chance from the beginning. Cheating is bad in general.
If he is being distant then it's probably because he needs some space. Keep them first and you second, is what I'd do. It seems that you're really worried and want to approach him. I'd go ahead and try it out but if he does want to be left alone then leave him alone. If he does cheat then realize that it wasn't your fault. It's his fault for having to do such a (my opinion) shameful act.

3 Name: Fazeon : 2014-02-09 17:10 ID:UoGFIunN [Del]

>>1 Cheating is bad, therefore, he doesn't deserve you. It's not right what he did. Agreeing upon what >>2 said, it isn't you're fault that he did this. Personally, I think you should move on from this. You don't deserve to go through this kind of thing.

4 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-09 23:17 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

I agree with >>2 and >>3 immature guys tend to be that way but you're a nice girl and you don't deserve it, he cheated, I think you should move on and find someone who respects your relationship more. Unless there's something special about him, then give him the second chance and tell him that he hurt you and that you'll give him a second chance only if he takes the relationship seriously. But don't give him a third chance. Good luck~!

5 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-09 23:26 ID:on+nuLdr [Del]


Found your problem, OP.

Seriously though. Just dump the loser and focus on learning.
Sex is a beastial urge that we should all work towards ousting.

6 Name: Ear-kun : 2014-02-10 04:15 ID:d+RY0PNT [Del]

1st of all questions do you still like/love that dude you are talking about? If it's a NO, Break up with him. Every person deserves a second chance to CHANGE. If he's not changing, go away because you deserve to be happy and not get screwed by some cheating bastard. But if it's a YES, we can't do so much about your feelings.

I'm also a man by the way :) and I hate this cheating some bastards are proud of.

7 Name: Hawkward : 2014-02-10 06:33 ID:f4WNQbwO [Del]

You should try to talk to him but if this isn´t possible then just break up with him. If he doesn´t change things will always stay the same even if you stay together, so it´s no use.

8 Name: Kiamuz : 2014-02-10 07:56 ID:4KDWyHse [Del]

you should break with him,dont fall in the same hole,Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me