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Anyone else? (2)

1 Name: miuki : 2014-02-08 17:42 ID:Z1KQq+RG [Del]

so i started to like my not best friend but closer friend. normally i can have a fiend that's the opposite sex because i'm not attracted to them, but he just makes me feel so comfortable around him and that's never happened before. i planned on told 3 people that i liked him...i=biggest mistake i made. now yes i did plan on telling him how i felt but i later felt like things were okay as they were with us being just friends and i didn't see a need to tell him. but two of my friends told him with out me knowing and he's been avoiding me, we used to be able to be alone just the two of us and it not be awkward but now it's not the same. and the whole point of me writing this was to see if anything similar happened to you reply and tell me what happened and how it turned out.

2 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-08 18:30 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 Well I've had "friends" of mine tell a guy that I liked him, he wasn't my friend but it still hurt me, and people have told me that he liked me back and we just never talked. However that was years ago and I'm over it. My advice to you, is get new friends. They knew that you liked him and told him on purpose; true friends don't do that.
You need to talk to him, tell him how you feel, that you like him. But also tell him that you at least would like to stay his friend and that you don't want things to be awkward. If he understands then great but if he doesn't then move on, it's hard but you'll meet new people and make new friends so don't stress about it too much :3 I hope that helps~! Good luck~! :3