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Simple Technology (3)

1 Name: durarara123 : 2014-02-08 14:09 ID:5NRqxYq/ [Del]

I wanted to get a cool flip phone since my dad and mom say said that I need to get a update on my sim card. My dad wants me to get a smartphone like everyone else but for me I don't usually like smartphones. I don't need all those apps and games to keep me entertained as I already have a laptop and a ipad. Plus when ever we are waiting I'm usually the single one out as everyone has iphones out while I'm just sitting and waiting trying to make a conversation even though I don't talk much.

My family want me to get more updates on technology like I want to get a vintage handheld radio and a Polaroid camera even though I already have a digital camera but for me I don't want to get to attach on technology. I'm already attached to the TV and my laptop so I don't need any other entertainment technology.

My dad gets mad at me for that and as for my mom well she days that I should just keep what I have. I already planned to sell my ipad but my dad is telling me to keep it though my laptop is the equivalent to my ipad.And my sister is pressuring me to get a iphone.

What should I do?

2 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-08 17:51 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 Try talking to them about it, basically try saying what you wrote here, they might be able to understand. But if they don't understand then there isn't much you can do. Instead of fighting about it, just accept their opinions and get an iphone. Or you can say that you'll get a flip phone but you'll pay for it; something like that.
You sound like you love vintage, vintage technology is wonderful to collect, and even though you may not be able to right now, you can in the future, remember that. Keep your spirit of being old fashioned with technology but still remember to be modern about it. Although technology can be annoying, keeping up with the modernizing world is important to; so find your compromise :3 getting attached to electronics isn't all that bad, just don't let it become your life, I hope that helps :3

3 Name: Hawkward : 2014-02-09 09:55 ID:gwjlGtl5 [Del]

You have to tell them what you think about it. If you´re fine with the technology you already have they should not complain. I don´t have a smartphone or a iPad because i don´t need it. My parents once bought me a iPhone and I gave it to my sister because it isn´t neccesary for me. Don´t let them decide over your personal preferences.