Dollars BBS | Personal
















I am not alone in my own head... (6)

1 Name: Rini Yamori !DIXv5jBsv. : 2014-02-04 20:48 ID:eIJVAIIw [Del]

Hi everyone im just hear for some advice you see i have multiple personality disorder and one of my personalities has feelings for my friend (a girl oh and im also a girl and were both straight)shes one of the few people who knows about this and well she likes him yes i have a male personality and well when he comes out (they can well its like i am not driving anymore but they are)so when he comes out they do stuff >.> <.< and i cant stop him i have no control when he comes out and well i don't want to loose her as a friend but its creepy i even had a hickey from her and i had to lie about how it happened its stressful and well i have not even had many intimate encounters with guys yet it just feels like someone else is taking my ah innocence?? i guess simply its creepy and awkward when i come back to my self but shes so happy i dont know what to do so Help !!!!!!!!

2 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-02-04 23:20 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

multiple personality is very serious, its caused by some major trauma in your life. the only way to fix it is therapy and psychological help. go get it asap! :) and good luck!! you are you. dont ever forget your name. hold on tight. its gunna be ok :)

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-05 01:00 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 if it's a problem then go see a psychiatrist and/or a therapist.

4 Name: miko : 2014-02-05 06:34 ID:0ezvXUbD [Del]

try reminding yourself that you are you, repeat your name on your head when your walking or talking to others, write your name in a large font on your room... if this didnt help go have a therapy or stress out

5 Name: Rini Yamori !DIXv5jBsv. : 2014-02-05 15:23 ID:jqHS8CAP [Del]

thx for the help but i would like some advice about how to well get them to stop dating i love seeing her happy but its wired ill come back to by body and i can feel the after shoucks of the tuches the shared and i think i might just start liking her its twisted and creepy i know but.... sigh

6 Name: AnInfoBroker !TzIhFQeLZE : 2014-02-05 15:36 ID:UPXqemP4 [Del]

You should got to a psychiatrist or therapist to see if they could recommended meds for you to keep the other personality at bay if its that much of a problem.