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Step-dad drinking problems (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-04 19:17 ID:ermlhWhy [Del]

so my step-dad has had a drinking problem since well forever. about 5-6 months ago he went to stay at a house with other people who have his same problem. he stayed for 2 months and came back. it had been a solid month and a half that he didn’t drink (or i just didn’t notice), but last week when i got home from school he asked if i could pick my little sister up from school which i never do because he always does it. on my way out i noticed in our kitchen a beer can. when i got back the can was no longer there. i didn’t question him about it because i didn’t want to get in a fight with him while my sister was there. i also didn’t tell my mom because she was stressed from work. now i am certain that i should tell her but i don’t know when should i wait for more evidence to pop up to make sure this isn’t just a misunderstanding or should i just tell her while he isn’t in the room. if i should tell her now how should i do it?

2 Name: Kintama : 2014-02-04 20:08 ID:r3pryvBl [Del]

Maybe talking to him if it happens again. I don't know if just one beer should be a mayor problem though.

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-05 01:04 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 Tell your mom when he's not around, you want to be able to catch any possible relapses in their early states. So just tell her so at least she knows to keep an eye out for any more drinking, just in case so that if he is then you can stop him before it gets bad again.

4 Name: Fukuda : 2014-02-05 04:42 ID:IPpxL6CB [Del]

>>3 I agree
But confront him if your mom doesn't believe you.
Don't accuse him so much. Just ask if he has been drinking lately.
If you do that, and he lies to you, it may lay on his conscience that he is hiding the truth from you all and his memory of his drinking problem may stop him.
Be optimistic.
Update us on any changes, good or bad.