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Friends who leave you (4)

1 Name: Meiko : 2014-02-03 19:23 ID:bTjCVtdY [Del]

Recently my close friend had been to, well... How do I put this. Every time I talk to her in the hallways or outside of school, an normal everyday chat, and she sees one of the, two other friends of hers pass by she runs up to them and begins to talk to them. Unfortunately she forgets I'm there, and later in the day she ignores me completely, but then at the end of the day, she also comes up to me and says to wait for her, but then leaves me again and ignores me again.
I dunno what to do...
Sometimes I feel like I'm too clingy, am I? Please tell me the truth.
Because I'm really bad with people and when I become close friends with them, they leave me(its usually the other people bugging me and asking to be their friend.) and I think they leave and ignore me because I'm too clingy.

2 Name: Ryuu kage : 2014-02-03 20:04 ID:IEWlyB8m [Del]

Don't worry, even if your clingy it's not a bad thing. I'm the clingiest lol. You just need to tell your friend how you feel and try to work somthing out.

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-03 22:11 ID:yAPFd8Dv [Del]

>>1 You are not clingy. You just want to be appreciated like a regular friend, you aren't being treated that way so it's understandable that you feel like that. Honestly, you need to find better friends. I know it's hard but real friends are hard to find sometimes, but they're out there. Friends don't ignore each other, that's just mean and it's not fair to you either.

4 Name: Ephatu : 2014-02-04 02:20 ID:FRLsG/qs [Del]

I don't believe you are clingy, more of a person who sees friendship in a different way than this close friend of yours. I am not sure but your friend seems to enjoy big crowds, while you enjoy a friend to talk with for a long time and meaningfully. Like, extrovert and introvert.
You should explain to this friend that you are worried about this friendship and you wish to spend more time with her. If she says you are clingy, tell her ''yes I am, because I need someone besides me when I feel all alone and sad. I miss you being with me and hanging out, I feel left out and ignored. Can we at least text to each other more? I just need someone to talk with, a friend.''

I know how you feel, Meiko. I miss my best friend, who goes to different school and I wish to see her more. But she doesn't own a laptop and texts rarely, so I miss her even more.

Hang in there, Meiko.