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Hi I'm gay (7)

1 Name: Cutie pies : 2014-02-03 19:14 ID:xUzt1gMS [Del]

So I'm lesbian and have a beautiful girlfriend
why is this a problem welllllll....
I'm still in the closet and it's hard to do romantic
stuff with her
like I go to the bathroom at school to hug her
I have already kissed her
but I neeed help with romantic moves
help me! You are my only hope

2 Name: Mycroft : 2014-02-03 20:26 ID:GPpNIWok [Del]

I never understood the whole "closet" concept. I just act whatever way is most comfortable to me and when people ask if I'm whatever I'll just tell them when it comes up.

3 Name: Reki Ayano : 2014-02-03 20:59 ID:ir6JPFZa [Del]

Um I'm not sure if your a big anime fan but

Do whatever you feel most comfortable with, but be brave and don't get embarrassed when you do

4 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2014-02-03 21:35 ID:cWwLncPa [Del]

>>2 Because in some areas, being gay can get you ostracized, assaulted, or even killed. Parents may refuse to support you or punish you to try to get you to be "normal". Many gays are bullied relentlessly for how they were born.

5 Name: Mycroft : 2014-02-03 22:15 ID:GPpNIWok [Del]

I'm autistic and that happens to me already, it's not that bad once you know martial arts and how to manipulate stupid people.

6 Name: Ryuu kage : 2014-02-03 22:39 ID:bhN7iM6O [Del]

>>1 I'm a sucker for love.
I say keep up what your doing.
You can text, facebook, skype, whatever you can untill your ready to come out.
Your parents'll think she's a friend untill you say otherwise.
Good luck, I personally think that you should come out if your comunity isn't too prejudice, your true friends will stand by you and I don't think any good parent would be too devistated these days.

7 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-04 12:11 ID:on+nuLdr [Del]

Quit being in the closet?
If you're going to sin, at least sin right and have some fun.