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No idea what to do. (4)

1 Name: rose : 2014-02-03 17:15 ID:xIf4KGvE [Del]

Ok, so I'm a lesbian in high school. Recently, I accepted this guy's request to go out with him solely out of pity. I mean, this kid was going on and on about how I was the most important person in his life (even though we haven't known each other long) and how I meant everything to him, and I just said yes because I was kinda put on the spot and felt bad. Now I am REALLY regretting it. The kid's moving way too fast, he never stops texting me and sends me things like "oh man im so excited this is gonna be my first valentine's day with a girlfriend!" and the other day he sent me a wall of text that was an in-depth comparison of how our Chinese zodiac signs work and live together. He's told me that he thinks going out with me has "cured his insomnia," and we haven't even been going out for a full week and he's already told his family about me.
I... really have no idea what to do. He's a sweet kid, but I'm just not feeling a connection... probably due to the fact that I'm not into guys. He told me that he had a dream I broke up with him and that he'd be "more than depressed" if I did. I wanted to nip this in the bud but... he's kind of using some extreme plant-growing stuff because he's just way too attached to me. I have no clue what to do aside from MAYBE tell him my parents saw our texts and won't let me talk to him anymore. But I'm not even sure that'll work. Any suggestions?

2 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-03 18:07 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 Run. A week and he's acting like that? That doesn't sound normal and potentially dangerous. I don't mean to scare you but I get a little paranoid when I hear about stuff like this. It doesn't even matter that it's near Vaneltines day, the longer you drag this on the harder it'll be to break up. It's obvious that he's basically threatening you not to break up with him which isn't fair. Don't let him make you feel guilty! Also, never date anyone out of pity.
I like your break up idea, but I honestly think you should tell him that he doesn't match your sexual orientation and there's nothing he can do. You could also say that you're not ready for a relationship, that school/work/life is too much and there's no way that you can handle a romantic relationship with anyone and that it's not his fault.
Don't let him make you feel guilty, also, don't overly apologize. And he may get crafty in how he wants to stay your boyfriend so just be prepared.
I hope this helps!

3 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-02-03 19:06 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

you shouldnt have to stay with anyone if it doesnt make you happy. its blunt, but you have every right to leave even if it really hurts him. but he seems like hes going through a hard time right now, so maybe thats why hes so clingy to you. be careful...

4 Name: Ryuu kage : 2014-02-03 22:30 ID:0jhDxZGd [Del]

I'm with them, I can kinda relate to how the guy feels but I say you need to find a way to break this off before he's even more far gone.
I say do it somewhere public but not too public.
Idk what he'll do, so it's best to have people near by but not right at the table.
Good luck, I know these things are tough.