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I'm not sure what to do (8)

1 Name: Saika : 2014-02-01 18:49 ID:6Qf9WEQm [Del]

Recently I got in a fight with my friend, we were very close and both very similar. But she changed and we had nothing in common anymore, often when I tried talking to her I was ignored. So when I left after being ignored continously and was then told she said behind my back that I had stormed off when I was really just upset about being forgotten. It's very difficult to hang around with someone when everything they talk about does not interest you or does not involve you. I tried talking with her for over a month but It still continued, it had gotten to the point where I just couldn't take it anymore and told her how I felt. All she ever talked about was this one continuous subject, even when I would go over to hang out she would ignore me while going on the computer looking up this one subject. Once I told her the things I had done wrong and apologized, she blamed this entire thing on me and everything bad I said about my self she agreed to without thinking even the slightest that she was indeed part of this. Now everyday in the Hallway she gives me looks like I'm a pile of crap, or someone that shouldn't exist. and if shes around while I talk to one of my other friends she quiets down and looks like I should go die. It wouldn't be bad if this was the only problem but I was walking in the hallway and someone I didn't even know through food at me for no reason. People will repeat everything I say on a mimicking voice behind me, whenever I go skating a certain group of kids bully me and at home my dad is always yelling at me.

2 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-02-01 21:23 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

sounds like she is talking behind you back to other people too. maybe confront her one more time and tell her ALL of how you feel in a calm way and ask why she is acting this way. if she continues to be a bitch like this, move on. are u in middle school? if so, things like this happen all the time. it does get better in highschool though so keep ur head up :) it sucks but if you did all you can, theres nothing else you can do and if she wants to keep being a bitch, shes gunna be a bitch. just move on. keep walking.

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-02-01 23:03 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

I agree with >>2 she's obviously not as mature as you so just ignore her antics. Friends grow apart and there's nothing that you can really do about it, all relationships require effort from both parties to function in a healthy manner. You've done everything that you could have and all you can do now is move forward. However, if the bullying gets to be a problem that you can't ignore then tell an adult and/or a teacher. I hope that helps, good luck~! :3

4 Name: Saika : 2014-02-02 10:24 ID:6Qf9WEQm [Del]

Alright, thank you everyone ^^

5 Name: Alfred : 2014-02-02 23:10 ID:x5l3GrqX [Del]

You should confront her again and tell her everything that you feel. You don't need to force yourself to do anything though, only do what you think is comfortable.
Also, please remember that a true friend will always have your back. Don't force yourself to befriend someone who is unfair and unjust to you. You deserve someone better.
Do what you wish to regain and strengthen your relationship with her.
Best of luck to you.

6 Name: Saika : 2014-02-04 15:38 ID:6Qf9WEQm [Del]

It's been a month and she's still giving me dirty looks in the Hallway at school or wherever as long as I'm around her I keep getting a look like I'm a pile of crap and it's really starting to tick me off to the point I'm starting to hate her, can someone help me?

7 Name: AnInfoBroker !TzIhFQeLZE : 2014-02-04 16:09 ID:UPXqemP4 [Del]

Just think about this before you do this. But school is practically the animal kingdom. Eat or be eaten you might say. Talk to her and raise your voice on her. Look tuff and confident and if you aren't really, then just bullshit it. Say you hate her and can't stand her anymore and since you know her say stuff they'll stick in her head and will torture her at night. Then march off. Hell be enemies if she still won't stop being a thunder cunt. Disregard whatever those douche-bags who annoy you and they'll leave you alone because want a reaction and if they don't get one they would have failed and eventually stop.

8 Name: Ari!!RV+3t7/a : 2014-02-05 10:01 ID:KnOfROPs [Del]

You have to decide whether you really want her as a friend anymore. To me, it looks like you've done everything you possibly can to try to fix the gap growing between you both. It's up to her now, and it looks like she's given her answer. My eighth grade home economics teacher said this to my class once, "Sometimes, no matter how hard it is, you have to say sorry," which you have done, "and sometimes that's all you can do. Even if they don't accept your apology, at least YOU have the relief of knowing you did what's right." I think you should find a new group of friends. Trust me, I know first hand how hard it can be, but IT IS worth it. I'm not gonna get into my own sob story, but I can tell you how much better off I am with my new friends. You sound like a good person, you deserve better :) Now with the ppl throwing food at you, tell an adult. Even if thy call you a snitch, it's no worse than being thrown food at right? And now to your dad yelling at you. I've personally felt with that too. After researching what to do, I finally found the courage to confront him. You have to get it done and over with. Remember, he can't theoretically lay a finger on you, so if he hurts you, you have a right to a police report. Now, this ain't gonna be easy. Ask him why he's always yelling. You are not a stress doll, it's not right if he takes all of his stress out on you. If he doesn't like you, well YOU are YOU. It' just means he can't appreciate the beauty in his life :) I kept a journal as well, which helped me A LOT. If he yells at you, confront him and search for his logic in doing so. You'll often find there is no logic, so he has no excuse to treat you this way. If you can't handle it alone, which is perfectly fine! Then talk to your guidance counselor. I wish you the BEST, I hope everything works in your life :D