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I know I make mistakes (7)

1 Name: Kurono : 2014-01-31 05:45 ID:gJJE/7V6 [Del]

There are times when people would just look at me like "You're still here?" and then they would ignore and gossip about me.
I'd like to talk to them but I don't have the courage to. I grew up home-schooled so when I started high school at a normal school, I freaked out and started avoiding everyone.
Some girls spread the rumors that I was so full of myself so i thought others were below me, so that resulted in me having no friends. I get bullied a lot, and I just keep quiet the whole time because I'm scared I might ruin my life (even more).
The truth is, I just want someone to talk to; someone to call my friend; a shoulder to cry on.
So I hope, here on Dollars, I can find some people to talk to.

thank you for reading my thread, and I hope you will reply.

2 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-31 07:46 ID:0c3hTbPN [Del]

>>1 First off: School is bullshit.
Nothing you do there, socially, will matter by the time you're in your twenties.
So don't worry too much about friends or what people think.

You are there to learn, to grow, and to better yourself.
If those people want nothing to do with that then you must want nothing to do with them.

Second: Online friends are great and some of the best people I've met have been on this site, so as long as you follow the rules and pay attention, you will make great friends.

However, it is also important to human beings that you have at least one physical friend.
We are pack animals and tend to get pretty useless on our own for too long.

Third: You're young.
Have fun while you can.
Focus on making you happy above other's.
You're the one who has to deal with yourself the rest of your life, so make sure you're someone you can be happy with.

3 Name: Minu : 2014-01-31 09:01 ID:BIkwXpp6 [Del]

Can I just TL;DR that down for you?

TL;DR, School is bullshit, people are bullshit.

4 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-31 11:15 ID:dqQtLy8U [Del]

Most people I've talked to forget almost everyone they ever went to high school with. I know it seems like the people there are really important, but it really doesn't matter.

I was in your situation when I first went into high school, except I had been in a different city with the same class for 5 years. I had no social skills at all. I basically went and tried to find other people that sat alone and talked to them. It's not ideal, but it makes school a little less shitty.

It's important to try and socialize now, because although it doesn't matter right now, making friends later does matter a little more.

But, I heartily agree, school is bullshit and doesn't matter as soon as you get your first job. I have way better friends at work than I ever did in school.

5 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-31 13:16 ID:8Ccnzavm [Del]

>>3 Everything is bullshit, my friend.
But it's about rolling with the punches and making the most of a bad situation until you fucking croak.

6 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-31 19:11 ID:djqihmJZ [Del]

>>5 this.

7 Name: Chreggome : 2014-02-01 08:13 ID:8Ccnzavm [Del]

>>6 lubyababa<3