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she wants to get back with me (11)

1 Name: bigfellow319 : 2014-01-24 12:00 ID:Q5EOLT5m [Del]

So this girl that I used to go out with about 2 mabye 3 years ago wants to hook back up with me after divorcing her wife and I really mean her wife wich is also another ex of mine and Ireally have no idea on how to approach this situation or what to do. Even when they were married they moved to Russia and lived their for a good while and both of there families love me and are even throwinga huge party for the divorce and soon enough there going to be arguing about who I'm going to take back too. So yea any kind of advice would really help. Thanks.

2 Name: kumakon : 2014-01-24 13:05 ID:QtipVD2N [Del]

Those chapters of your life closed, time to push them aside and write new ones.

3 Name: Ishimaru K : 2014-01-24 14:34 ID:aYjDe992 [Del]

As much as I'd like to use my stolen catchphrase ("...walk away like a boss"), I feel that this is a very serious time for you. So, I will lend helpful advice. You have three choices, take back Woman A, Take back Woman B, or neither. I want you to say this to yourself, "Can I see myself with Woman A. Can we be married forever? Can I see myself with her for eternity(I know, it won't be 'forever', but it will seem like it.)? Can I push aside her problems because of how much I love her?". Then do the same for the Woman B. If you can honestly answer yes for one of them, go for it! Marriage is not as simple as it sounds. Believe it or not, Divorce is actually a sin. So, be careful. Don't go for her if she's not 100% what you want.

And no, I have to PhD in this, nor do I do it for a living. In fact, I'm only 17. But, I have helped 3 of my friends find relationships. One has lasted for well over 2 years. Good luck to you, my friend. I wish you the very best! ^.^

4 Name: Ishimaru K : 2014-01-24 14:35 ID:aYjDe992 [Del]

[Have no** PhD]

5 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-01-24 18:30 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 I agree with >>3, you have three options. However, I think that maybe you need to give each one of them a chance. What I mean is go on a date, one with woman A and a separate one for woman B. Time changes people and both of them might be completely different people now, you never know. But if you don't feel a "connection" between you and either of them then just tell both that you can only be their friend and nothing more. If you do like one of them then just see how it goes, love is a gamble. And if you think about marriage then just be 100% sure about it.
It sounds like a lot of drama so just prepare yourself, good luck!

6 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-24 18:57 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>5 This is horrible advice unless you want to get slapped.

Don't go on a date with two different women in a row just to "get a feel" of their "new" personalities, especially women who are both close to you and one another.

(And tbh bro, I'm about 98% sure this thread is bullshit, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt to that 2%: Just don't do it. Walk away from them both. Tell them to go fuck themselves. They had their chance. No reason to deal with them again now.)

7 Name: bigfellow319 : 2014-01-24 19:07 ID:Q5EOLT5m [Del]

just to let yall know its just one girl and BarabiSama i dont blame u for thinkin this thread is bs

8 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-25 09:07 ID:8Ccnzavm [Del]

>>7 Because it is bullshit, right?
Your posts conflict.

9 Name: bigfellow319 : 2014-01-25 10:46 ID:Q5EOLT5m [Del]

No cause u know they have some people who post random stuff and I'm just not that type of person to do that

10 Name: Kashi : 2014-01-25 18:11 ID:Gv00bxtF [Del]

Well its you who needs too think about it really how does this benefit you from now and the future and the people you meet.

11 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-26 01:10 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>9 Okay pal.

Well, a wise man once said, "Never tap da same ass twice."

So, take from that what you will.