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Confess (8)

1 Name: Hyori : 2014-01-24 02:23 ID:d/MmdENz (Image: 1200x854 jpg, 144 kb) [Del]

src/1390551789607.jpg: 1200x854, 144 kb
A few months ago one of my friends confessed to me.Since then everythings been normal but I also developed feelings for him, but haven't replied yet. To me it doesn't seem like he's still waiting for an answer rather it feels like he's acting as if the confession never happened, like we were before. I've been wanting to confess but somethings holding me back when nothing should. We're good friends and we never fight like I would with others but I don't want to ruin what's between us if we happen to fight later on. I never expected him to like me,even so should I reply back? How would I start?

2 Name: Asuka : 2014-01-24 04:24 ID:gHfAGxuI [Del]

You should reply back if you think that he still likes you. You might regret if you don't . The reason why you are holding back is because you are not so sure about how he feels now , what will happen next and because he was afriend. But since you like someone, it is better to confess. Would you be happy if he got with another girl? Ask yourself that,

3 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-01-24 10:02 ID:TH8UqaU9 [Del]

If he's acting the same as he did before, it might simply be because he's respecting you and waiting for your answer before he treats you any differently. Coming in that spot, it can be very difficult to figure out what you can and cannot say to or do with the one you like when you don't know how they feel about you. I'd say take a shot and tell him how you feel. Honesty IS the best policy. Difficult, but best.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Sid : 2014-01-24 12:30 ID:Hd1nB+am [Del]

You don't have to confess directly, for I believe actions speak louder than words. If you keep hinting at it that you like him then he will know to an extent that you do.

Also if he is acting like he used to before he confessed it either means he doesn't really like you, he found someone else, or he thinks you don't like him. I think if he tries avoiding you a little bit then he is just trying to bottle his feelings back up. If he is avoiding you and treating you bad, or being all hush hush then he could have found someone else. If he doesn't even try to do anything, even hint, then he probably doesn't truly like you. For if you do truly like someone you treat them differently already. Just try to notice how you and him act around each other compared to just your friends.

Most of all don't force it, since that makes it awkward. Just be yourself and try hinting at it first.

Also this should probably go under dating problems thread.

6 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-01-24 18:12 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 Confess! It probably took him a lot of courage to confess and he's acting like it never happened because he wants the two of you to be at least friends. It was hard of him and it's hard on you too but that goes to show that maybe the two of you should at least try dating, especially since you like him back.
Talk to him about it and tell him that you like him too, but just say that if it doesn't work out then the two of you will still be friends. That way, there won't be tons of awkward pressure on your friendship. Friends make the best of lovers sometimes~ good luck! :3

7 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-01-24 19:16 ID:TH8UqaU9 [Del]

>>5 "If you keep hinting at it"

Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Hints can't do. When you want something you're well aware of the fact that you're reading into things and can't tell if what you're seeing is actual or just your imagination. "Hinting" is the most frustrating thing. Don't put anybody through it. You'll keep him guessing and drive him insane, (Not remotely in the good way.)

As to your second paragraph, I'll reiterate that it's quite likely he's just afraid of pressing the matter before (s?)he's ready for him to do so. When you tell someone you like them, and they don't say yes or no, you're left with no clue how to treat them except for how you always have, because you don't know if anything else is acceptable.

>>6 I'm with you on pretty much all of that.

I'm no dating guru, I'm just trying to give a bit of perspective. I don't know the guy in question so there's a good chance he thinks quite differently than I do. I'm only speaking from the stance of what I would want in his position. Which isn't all too dissimilar from my own. It was a month before the girl I like told me how she felt after I confessed.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-26 20:32 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

In my opinion, you should tell him. There is nothing wrong with trying. If he turns you down, just continue on as normal. You two will still be friends if you let it, which is better than nothing. Chances are he still has some feelings for you and wouldnt be opposed to dating. Chances are he wont come back to you and ask you out again, fearing he'll look desperate or creepy, so you have to ask him this time. As for worrying about dating him and your whole relationship with him falling apart, it's a gamble. On the one hand, you could end up dating this guy for years and live happily ever after, or this could crash and burn within weeks. Fighting with him doesnt have to end everything though. If you think your relationship is crashing, you can always call it off and say "this isnt working" and salvage your friendship. It also depends on how you and this guy respond to arguments. Relationships are constant give/take. You have to give a few things up for him, and he will have to give a few things up for you. If neither of you can compromise, then a relationship may not be the best of idea's. Every couple has their fights. What makes a relationship sucessful isnt lack of fights and disputes, but the ability to work them out or look past them. There is no harm in giving it a shot, but you have to be prepaired for whatever comes, and be willing to compromise.