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Mean Dad....Sorry For Complaining But... (4)

1 Name: Hana : 2014-01-19 14:51 ID:GDrN3NEY [Del]

Lately my Dad has been very terrible towards me, my mother, and my sister. He'll yell and cuss and me for the slightest mistakes or sometimes for no reason. Like I spilled my water a couple minutes ago, and I quickly ran to get towels and things to clean up but he began screaming "What a dumbass!" and other really mean things. He said I was a lazy ass and a fat ass for not cleaning the water up fast enough. And...he just yells and yells at the slightest things! His favorite thing to call me is definitely lazy ass, and he called me a terrorist when he saw me watching anime. I've been dealing with his outbursts, he can be nice...but it's gotten a lot worse lately. He's unemployed currently, so he ridicules me during the day then goes out every night drinking way too much. He gets violent when he comes home almost every time. When he hits someone it stings, yeah, but it doesn't leave bruises or draw blood, so I'm sure a person in a abusive family has it a lot worse than me. I know there are always more unforntunate people than myself...but sometimes I just wish so badly for things to be better. I'm sorry for being such a complainer, but if it's like this...sometimes I wish I didn't have a dad like so many kind anime protagonists. I feel like indeed what my dad does is terrible, but not bad enough to run away or to ask for help. But I wanted to talk to someone, anounymously, and have turned to here...I guess.

2 Name: Dias !Fwa6UqgPqQ : 2014-01-19 15:21 ID:7ArnLPaC [Del]

I'm sorry to hear about that Hana. I understand that talking him out of it isn't an option, but what he's doing to you IS abusive. I recommend you talk to your mother and sister and try to come up with a safe solution.
You SHOULDN'T feel guilty about complaining. This is not a complaint, or a rant, it's a call for help.
It doesn't matter if there are other people who have it worse than you. There always are.
There are ways to deal with these kind of relationships but it's complicated.
As much as you may want to call him out on his bullshit, you shouldn't do it recklessly. You shouldn't be afraid of him, though. I'd ask your other family members to confront him all together and if it seems like he's getting violent again, call the police. What you do is up to you though.

3 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-19 19:37 ID:BdNLErIw [Del]


4 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-01-19 22:23 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

There are hotlines you can call for advice, tell people, tell other adults you trust and friends, see if they can help you out.
Like >>2 said, don't feel guilty. Just because there are people worse off than you that doesn't mean that you can't complain. And it's not even complaining, you're speaking out and that's very good, other people don't tell anyone but you told us and that's a good place to start.
He hurts you, you feel pain, you really need to tell other people, even the police.
If you're afraid of home and home is threatening you then it's abusive, and every person deserves a loving home. At least call a hotline. I hope that helps in some way.