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So... I need some... opinions... (10)

1 Name: Kirusan !gE2V.MAVE6 : 2014-01-18 05:27 ID:rI7TAoRG [Del]

So... I need some outside opinions... I guess I need help really. You see I'm still in highschool and I have some trouble with my future.

I'm one of these "under the radar" people. It's not like I choose to be, I just have no real outstanding qualities. I'm not athletic, I'm not academic, my personality stops me doing things like write books or make art since I'm really quite impatient. Trust me, I've tried getting over that for years... but it just doesn't seem like I can just yet.

I don't have any real hobbies and I'm not very interested in much at all. On top of all that lack of interest and skill, I'm also quite anti-social... and a little sadistic. I mean it's not like I had any traumatic event or anything that made me become that way, I just grew up that way. I never could make friends and I never got along with my family either.

Without and hobbies or real interests... the only good things about me is my love of stories. In any form whether it be books, animes, movies, video games or any other way of telling a story. I've always just been obssessed with the worlds and characters they create.

My problem here... as I said... is my future. I just don't know what to strive for. Everyone around me has some sort of job or goal they want to get once they leave school. Everyone has an interest or hobby they want to work on in life... I don't... but I've never been able to talk to anyone about this problem(trust me I've tried but I could never explain it) whether it's my anti-socialism working against me or just because I'm the only one with a problem like this, I don't know...

but because I've got no one to ask about this or talk to about it. I'm turning to you guys. I don't really care what's said on this, I just need to hear(read) it. Any opinion on what I should do? Any opinion on how I could find something? I just... I don't know... it's hard to explain this problem and I doubt anyone can really help but I need to hear it non-the-less.

So please, if you have anything to say on this then please do... I need something else to think about on this matter... anything will help...

... thanks...

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-18 08:05 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

One thing you can do is work as an e-publication group. Design a bunch of stories, find a freelancing site, and ship the designs off to other people to write under an NDA agreement. When they're done, you have a book that you can sell and market online (or offline if it's long enough). You can also speak out your book ideas and post them on YouTube, maybe create a series dedicated to telling stories? That way, you don't have to worry about the patience of sitting down and write it all - you're just sharing your awesome ideas with the people out there.

Of course, you probably can't live on that for a while. I suggest that you focus on getting a few part time jobs to help pay for your expenses once you get out of school. There's plenty of time to figure out what you want to do, and once you start to be put in situations where you have to work, you'll probably be more inspired to find more hobbies to enjoy in your free time ^^

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-01-19 00:46 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 you love stories, that's your interest right there, use it and build on it to create a future. Just because you can write or draw doesn't mean that's the end of the line of work in that field. You can go into many things like criticisms like a blogger or reviewer. You could also study literature, you don't have to be rocket science smart to study and analyze literature, granted it can be challenging but if you work for it and go to college/university you could make a career out of it. Those are just the ideas that I came up with, but you could always find ways to use what you love to pursue something great for the future. Research some things and careers and try them out.

If that doesn't work, then you need to find new hobbies/interests, try new (safe,) things and maybe you'll find something :3

Also sadism isn't necessarily a bad thing (I'm a sadist too,) it's perfectly normal so long as you don't harm anyone.

I hope that helps! :3

4 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-19 19:36 ID:BdNLErIw [Del]


5 Name: Sakunya S. !3glyCy57HY : 2014-01-20 03:24 ID:4mA/6qE5 [Del]

>>1 This is exactly how I am now.
I felt like disappearing.
But it's not a problem anymore.
I still struggle in making friends because I'm still an introvert. But I will not lie- you don't need friends, well, for my situation. I still love the people that I love, like my family and my friends, but I found that my true passion was nothing. I have no passion.
I just go with the flow with the crowd.
But I've realized something.
I've been spending on the internet a lot. I have been watching anime, reading manga, and playing games a lot, but my obsession with those doesn't do anything with my future. I found my future though, and that is to have a youtube career. Since I'm still struggling in the position I am at now, I knew having a youtube career would definetely help me. And I noticed why I- or rather everyone existed- to be happy. My happiness is not my passion. Everyone being happy is what I want, and I love to see happy comments commenting what I have made. I previously had a fanfiction, and yet, even if I had only 5 reviews and feedbacks, I felt really happy, and being a dollars really changed my life (in helping me gain confidence by doing the missions). I hope you try what I did. Try doing more of the missions here, and gain confidence. I'm sure it will help you. But if it doesn't, re-introduce yourself here so other people can notice you. :)
So, I suggest you try to

6 Name: Sakunya S. !3glyCy57HY : 2014-01-20 03:26 ID:4mA/6qE5 [Del]

Woops, didn't mean to leave that last sentence, just ignore it.
I'd suggest you to get a fanfiction and a fictionpress account if you really like to write- it helps by publishing a story and getting feedback from others :)

7 Name: Kirusan !SvzsunXAUI : 2014-01-20 20:35 ID:rI7TAoRG [Del]

These are all amazingly helpful... given that I've had thoughts of these ideas fly through my head before and none really stuck... I guess I should try and be more active though. I feel like that's what I'm lacking when it comes to achieving all the things and finding that final thing that I want to achieve in life...

actually no. I've watched too many anime recently and joined the Dolars, from doing that I feel like I have a purpose for right now...
My goal is that one day I'll be able to make everyone I meet smile, even just once :P

8 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-14 08:11 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

Are you by any chance a deep thinker or someone who likes really interesting concepts or ideas? I feel like if so then I'm pretty much the exact same as you. I don't have any interests apart from anime and writing/ coming up with interesting stories or ideas. I'm pretty much completely lonely (see not having true friends post) and I'm an antisocial too.
I just got out of school and didn't go to uni this year because I don't know what to do but I don't even have a job. My future is a mess. I still have my thoughts though.
The thing about life is that you need to find out what's really important. Being apathetic about everything may seem like a bad thing but I like to think of it as being able to see things that others don't because you're not as distracted about the less important things.
If you want to talk to me outside of the dollars then feel free to email me at
I hope I can become someone for you to talk to XD

9 Name: TK-San : 2014-02-14 08:25 ID:34PMOXxl [Del]

Hello, Kirusan!

I've seen a lot of me in an unique part of your personality: I also DO love stories. I'm used to sayu exactly the same thing you said up there to friends of mine: "my love of stories. In any form whether it be books, animes, movies, video games or any other way of telling a story."

Lemme tell you, I don't have most of the problems you're passing through. I do have good freinds, i do know what to do to my life; even though I'm not quite skilled or athletic, just like you. Well, I'll say about my life, and I hope this could help you someway.

Right now, I'm studying Law at college. I'm already in my third year. Even though, I don't like very much my course, and I really think I wont like my job in future. But I have a dream of becoming a writer someday; for that, I'll just graduate in Law College, find a regular Job, and dedicate my free time to my love for stories. For reading, watching and listening to them. And of course, for algo trying being a writer someday.

So, here's my opinion about what you should do: BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU LIKE. As you already said, the good thing, the thing you like the most is stories, so grab that for your life! Somehow, you'll find a way to introduce it in your life in a way it will make you enjoy yourself.

10 Name: lilly kun : 2014-03-22 21:48 ID:bvT1Rik6 [Del]

i have the smae problum. i am very under the radar academically and my athetic apility is the same. i'm also very impatient and i ove stories. just jot down any ideas. find a good starter for your idea- then write. write about your angest and past experiences. JUST GET A NOTEBOOK AND WRITE YOU LITTLE HEART OUT YO !!!