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Running Away (25)

1 Name: x4xy4 !V29dQZticY : 2014-01-16 00:56 ID:aY++UU8S [Del]

Hello my fellow Dollars.

When I say running away I don't mean running away from home or anything, I mean I want to run away from my life to something new where I would make a difference and be free from the constraints of society. I want to run away from my life to experience the world away from here. I don't know if everybody feels like this at one point or another but the people that have felt this will know what I am talking about.
What are your thoughts on it? When you feel like your life is boring, old, and uneventful is there a way you deal with those feelings?

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-01-16 02:57 ID:AbSTkYdg [Del]

Off topic: Before you do something grandiose such as running off into the woods to live for eternity like a transcendental-fag would, get the BBS app done.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-16 22:18 ID:91O3aqmp [Del]

>>1 I actually understand what your saying. I too have felt the exact same way. I feel like everyone else is suffering with their lives and I'm just sitting back and enjoying mine. I don't see how its fair that I've been so blessed while everyone else is suffering. I want to help them but personally I don't have enough strength to do so. Does that make me a horrible person? And I too have thought of running away from this boring life and changing it into one that is exciting and new. Don't get the wrong idea, I wasn't thinking about something as drastic as suicide. I just wanted my life to change. Something to make me different and to make me feel like I deserve this happiness.

5 Name: x4xy4 !V29dQZticY : 2014-01-16 23:08 ID:aY++UU8S [Del]

>>3 I am really trying. I am collaborating with another who wanted to make a Dollars app as well. If you aren't going to give any helpful response then please don't respond at all.

>>4 You are not a bad person, just lucky I guess. I just do not think I have ever felt the way you do so I don't really understand it.

6 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2014-01-17 18:10 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

Well, you can run away from things. But for how long will you do it?
Start a new life, but it is not that easy. Problems will appear no matter where you go.

I understand you, I'm bored of this life and I would like to try something else. Something new. And unexpected. But is too bad it doesn't happen when you wait for it. It happens when you expect less. And it comes slowly. But looking back, one day you'll realized something did change. And it was the change you needed most. Also, it might not be the change you wanted, but at least it will be the one you need most.
Sorry if that was vague.

>>3 Dude, that was mean. Also funny, but still really mean. You should have just write that on the app board.

>>4 I'm sort of blessed too, and when I see people suffering and that I can't do anything about it makes me angry. And all I can do is say something nice and uplifting. At least I'm good with words and motivate them. You should just be glad that you are blessed. It's not too much fun either way but not all people see it and think the other side looks better. Don't feel bad for being happy. Just take care that no pain will come to you. Because THAT is no fun at all. Like really.

Guys, take care of yourself, because I'm sure, one day you'll have the adventure you wanted to. Just being here with Dollars makes me happy and I have the feeling that I belong somewhere. And not just somewhere, but in a place where are amazing people, not struggling with life, but rather living it at its fullest.

7 Name: x4xy4 !V29dQZticY : 2014-01-17 22:14 ID:aY++UU8S [Del]

>>6 Do you think you might be able to explain what you mean?

8 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-01-18 01:19 ID:4mA/6qE5 [Del]

That is exactly what I would like to do.
But, I mean, I can't help it.
We call can't.
Sometimes we all just want to escape somewhere, but there's nowhere else to run.
Maybe, when were still so young and alive, maybe we could just start over, or start a new path.
We can't just let that old path rot away for nothing, which is why we still need to move on. Commit suicide is the worst idea possible to leave this planet, and yet, so many people just can't handle reality.
I spend my time on the internet. I like video/pc games, anime, manga, tv shows, and movies. But doing too much of it can cause a loosening tight from reality. I still do a lot of it. So a lot of times, I would escape reality and get carried away into fiction... but it's just hard. We were granted to breath and live at the same time, and yet, we do things that can bring to an apocalypse. I feel like people really need each other to change. The reason I haven't changed much is because I'm a social introvert, but I'm trying to make friends. I have seen other people get help from others. I've seen many people teach others, have fun, hang out, talk about their hobbies and likes.
I just think that our lives are constantly in the pull and push of reality.

9 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-19 19:36 ID:BdNLErIw [Del]


10 Name: x4xy4 !V29dQZticY : 2014-01-21 23:26 ID:aY++UU8S [Del]

>>8 I agree wholeheartedly. I also think it is great that you are trying to make some new friends because, for me at least, my friends are some of the only things that can distract me.

11 Name: Nori : 2014-01-22 06:32 ID:+iKJnJ7Y [Del]

Funny how I would see a thread like this since I was just thinking of how boring life was just the other day.

I think that everyone gets like this at some point or another but then again, I look at everyone around me and wonder why they can get over it easily and I can't [maybe they're just good at hiding it but who knows?]. I get frustrated sometimes when I think about this, whenever I realize that life really is so freaking boring.
I find myself doing some assignments and then I stop suddenly and wonder why the hell I have to do this. And it gets me all depressed because it is in that moment that I realize that my life has no purpose whatsoever, that I'm stuck in this circle of normality forever.
So I try to escape with the use of books, I try to read a lot as a distraction because when I read I can imagine myself, even for a moment, that I'm in a different world. When the books ends though, reality smacks me back into the present and I'm back to being depressed again, so when the book thing doesn't work, I just try and suppress those kind of thoughts.

In my perspective though I think life will always be boring no matter what we do.

12 Name: Sakunya S.!/aPzExRzGw : 2014-01-23 12:08 ID:ZYaUAhBi [Del]

>>11 I tend to do that a lot. It's just that a lot of people don't think of life that way, instead they just forget the past and walk on. When people actually think of life this way though, like you and me, we just can't stop thinking why our existence just... exists. When I pause and hesitate in a middle of a test review or something, I will always just keep thinking, "Why is reality such a pain..." and I will start getting nostalgic all over, thinking of the good memories and past... I will tend to watch anime, or watch read manga or books to escape reality, or even create my own stories to journey my characters on a epic plot. Life can be easy as a breeze for some, sometimes life can be full of energy and happiness, or that it could be boring. As long we live in a mixed up world, we will always have a certain life-sty

13 Name: AnInfoBroker !TzIhFQeLZE : 2014-01-23 13:53 ID:UPXqemP4 [Del]

>>11>>12 I also feel and think the same way. Life for normal people is truly an absolute bor. I would watch anime, make up my own stories in my head, play video games, and hang out with my friends so I don't think about it. I try not to get stuck in the circle of normality like nori said. I don't want to be stuck with children and be a parent. I don't want to have just one normal, boring ass career then just die. I don't want to be the social norm just to be accepted. In my prescriptive a normal life is probably the emptiest life you could live. So you could run away from it but will that get you what you truly want?

14 Name: Hana : 2014-01-24 10:21 ID:GDrN3NEY [Del]

>>13 "I don't want" exactly everything you said. But to your final question, about how if running away from it will get you what you want...that's exactly what I want to know. Why I do want some form of escape other than fantasy and fiction. I know now, through the years, that I absolutely hate this world. There's no magic, children grow up before they even have the chance to explore, being bound to one place or another without ever seeing the world...I wish things to could be like fantasy. Where people can branch out without binds, with incredible happenings and no endless showers of pointless information (I'm looking at you, school). If I had the opportunity to live a life in a place very different from this, I would take it immediately. Would it really give me what I want? I don't know. But, I know for sure what I want doesn't lie here.

15 Name: Tsuki : 2014-01-27 09:47 ID:PCXfJSqb [Del]

You should move to a third world free love cannibal colony where they shave their heads bald. Totally no restrictions there.

16 Name: Nakura : 2014-01-27 10:18 ID:J+56/cYJ [Del]

I completely understand. I'm so bored with my life the way it is just now. So after I finish up my degree this year, I'm planning on going to teach English in Japan. I'm so excited that it's put my mind off the monotonous day-to-day life I live just now.

17 Name: Stratos : 2014-01-27 21:12 ID:TzNh/JeC [Del]

I totally get how you feel i want to move to Japan and make a living out there and give my family more than they have ever had.I plan on opening my own bussiness over in Tokyo.

18 Name: Nakura : 2014-01-28 06:36 ID:J+56/cYJ [Del]

@Stratos That sounds like a great idea :) The economy over in Japan is apparently more stable than here in the west. Keep going towards your goal and you'll get there :)

19 Name: Exe : 2014-01-28 06:58 ID:ATkirF75 [Del]

I understand your feeling. I usually watching anime/drama/movie when i feel the same, to add some spark on my boring life.

I plan to save my money until graduate and study abroad where i can create my own adventures~ ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ

20 Name: kashi : 2014-01-28 18:00 ID:cSCqAW6X [Del]

i think you mean you want to run away to have an easier life where you can do what you want when you want.

i want too move too japan so i'm learning Japanese and i do web design so i have it set out just need some start off money.

but you can't gain something without giving something back

21 Name: x4xy4 !V29dQZticY : 2014-01-28 18:45 ID:+nRLVm3Y [Del]

>>20 kashi that is actually not at all what I mean. I mean that I feel like leaving this life to a different one where I have purpose and meaning. It has nothing to do with difficulty or restraints, it is about craving experiences and variety in an increasingly boring and monotonous existence. I want to do more than simply survive, I want to flourish.

22 Name: Okami : 2014-01-29 22:46 ID:6UKWuX+H [Del]

>>21 I totally get where you're coming from x4xy4, I want to travel, to live in Europe, Japan, Germany, Israel. I want to know more about the religions of the world, even though I'm an atheist, because they intrigue me to no end. I want to learn as many languages as possible, to feel what real love is, to truly trust someone. The amount of things which I want to do could not possibly all fit into one lifetime, and I a lot of the time, I feel like I'm wasting what's left of the life I have on menial and tedious things. I totally get where you're coming from.

But the thing is, if you were given the chance to completely change everything? Change like that is hard, I know that I would definitely be scared shitless if all of a sudden the life I was comfortable with suddenly became exciting like that, I'm not sure I'd know what to do.

23 Name: Lavi : 2014-01-30 14:43 ID:y6m3cOKA [Del]

I'm actually really happy this thread exists because this is how I feel most of the time. It's the main reason why I immerse myself in fantasy. Reality is boring and monotonous.

24 Name: Fukuda : 2014-01-31 22:06 ID:IPpxL6CB [Del]

I agree with you.
However, sometimes we need to comply with the reality we are given. Fantasies only last as long as you want it to last, but it will take the time needed in reality. Some day, we have to stop dreaming about a better place and accept everything that we have.
Reality is harsh and unforgiving.
Live in it without regret and just have fun.
Nothing more that you can do in reality.

25 Name: Aki chan : 2014-02-01 03:01 ID:LsqqmORA [Del]

I also immerse myself in fantasy but sometimes you cannot escape from the real reality,so I try to get use to whatever is out there that I have to face