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Advice for an awkward guy. (4)

1 Name: M-W : 2014-01-15 13:47 ID:w27wFFuA [Del]

So, I'm in my second semester of college and I've noticed that all the people I know have met someone and started dating them. Up until now, and really ever since high school, I never really saw the point in being in a relationship with someone. I've never fallen in love before because there isn't anyone who really made me feel that way about them. I'm a shy guy, to the point where it's getting really annoying actually, so I’ve never really carried on a conversation with a "cute" girl before. I guess you could say I kind of have self-esteem issues. I'm not really the best looking guy out there and all through middle school I was a bit on the heavy side, enough to where I got picked on every once in a while, so girls never really had any interest in me. That's one of the reasons why I didn’t talk that much in high school. I guess I’m just starting to wonder if being in a relationship with someone is really all that great. I don’t know that many people at my college so I don’t really have that many friends that I see very often, so I’m thinking about joining a club there. I’m mainly doing this to meet more people but maybe there’ll be a girl there who makes me fall for her.
So I was just wondering if somebody could tell me what’s so great about being in a relationship and possible give me some advice on how to fall in love I guess.

2 Name: Slarki : 2014-01-15 15:07 ID:RvcvvDhP [Del]

Well, I made a little experience concerning love in the past and I would personally say that you should not force it. This sounds somewhat stereotypic, but I think it's best if it is natural love. That of course doesn't mean that you should avoid to force you to some contact, it is fine as long as you are not really hurting yourself with it. Love can be born in the strangest situations. Another thing is that you should not rush it. Stay patient, if you find someone, lucky you, if not, well keep on looking. Being alone is not as bad as a terrible relationship. Just gather some life experience and the rest will probably develop on its own if you don't stop going on.

But that is only my point of view, accept or ignore it, your decision.

3 Name: Rukimii : 2014-01-15 15:48 ID:bmN9+xCe [Del]

I agree with >>2
In my view for your question about relationships, I probably having nothing to say but tell you to give it a try. Like life, love is all about experience and risks. Let things flow along, and see how thing goes.

Absolutely, NEVER force love. That is one of the major warnings you should take consideration into

4 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-01-15 23:43 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

I agree with >>2 and >>3 never force love. If you want love then forget about it, love has a funny way of appearing out of nowhere. Now, from my own experience, I can tell you that love isn't always like it is in the movies, it can be time consuming, distracting, and painful which can get in the way of school. Those are the negatives but honestly, it's worth it, it's the best feeling in the world. Just be patient and the right person will one day find you or you'll find them. I hope this helps :3 good luck~!