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'Voices' in your head/ multiple personalities (27)

1 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-01-12 19:49 ID:QHCjf8oN [Del]

Hey, does anyone else have 'voices' inside their head? Or multiple personalities? Or even maybe a cross of the two (because that's what I'm pretty sure I have)?

2 Name: Hero-chan : 2014-01-12 20:17 ID:znYrJsiA [Del]

Wow that's like what I have voices or multiple personalities. My dad says it's my uncle because he died the day I was born and that's why I am so much like him.

3 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-01-12 20:20 ID:QHCjf8oN [Del]

Nice to know I'm not the only one with something like this. Except, I'm fairly certain that in my case its not any dead family members (although I would've preferred that)

4 Name: Ares : 2014-01-12 21:20 ID:ymhd6+LM [Del]

i have it too, it causes me to have different personalities .

5 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-12 22:44 ID:EmEmPT8h [Del]

No. No. None of you have schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder. These conditions are incredibly fucking rare and are not as simple as just having fucking mood swings or having fucking hyperactive thoughts. If you guys actually had DID you would know it a lot fucking more than just saying 'I'm pretty sure I have'. So fucking sick of people diagnosing themselves with these fucking conditions because you want to feel fucking cool. All you're doing is making a mockery out of the few who actually do have them. Fucking hell.

6 Name: CoffeeCream : 2014-01-12 23:20 ID:0NS5+PhZ [Del]

>>5 Thanks.

7 Name: arka !chvok4/SZI : 2014-01-13 05:39 ID:RUXNAX19 [Del]

I have First Sight and Second Thoughts. Sometime Third Thoughts as well.

8 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2014-01-13 10:37 ID:o3+rSlAX [Del]

I talk to myself. A lot.

I separated the types of thoughts I have into two different people. That way my 'friend' has a distinct personality and it feels cool.

I used to think I had multiple personality, then I realized it was offensive to even suggest that.

Listen to >>5. People tell me since they like science and don't have more than 5 friends they have Aspergers Syndrome, because they saw it in a movie once and thought it would be cool. It's very sad to see serious medical conditions reduced to this.

9 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-01-13 12:32 ID:EkiBZM25 [Del]

>>5 Actually, one side of my family has quite a bit of history of mental diseases, and the other side of my family has had a few as well.

10 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-13 13:34 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>9 Hypochondria wouldn't happen to be one of them, would it?

Just because relatives of yours had similar diseases doesn't mean you do. Most mental diseases aren't hereditary, although there are a few (such a depression). Some Disassociated disorders are hereditary but are most often the result of stress or severe emotional or physical trauma, which is why they're common in war veterans.

If you honestly have DID, you wouldn't be joking about having it or post on a forum to see who has it; not only is asking about something like that disrespectful, but it's also repulsive that you think it's some kind of casual topic. The same goes for bipolar disorder, which kids try to brag about "having" all the time when they really just get periodic mood swings.

Have a little respect for those who are struggling with it. This is an anonymous community, so we don't know how many of the people viewing this might legitimately have a problem that they struggle with every single day. DID isn't a joke, nor are any of the other Disassociated disorders; they affect every part of your life and should be taken seriously instead of glorified like this.

11 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-01-13 20:15 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

>>5 is right. multiple personality is very rare and extreme so unless something truely and extremely traumatic happened to you, you prob dont have it. also, most people dont know about their other personalities. if you think you have it, you probably dont. but everyone has multiple personalities in some way so i know it feels like you do sometimes. it sucks, but unfortunately its normal. its just less or more extreme for everyone, we all have our own levels. but having a true disorder is rare

12 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-01-13 22:30 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

Although I fully agree, there's also the fact that many upon many mental illnesses go undiagnosed. People who have mental illnesses rarely speak of it unlike those who find it hilarious to joke about having mental illness. I have OCD, I've never seen a psychiatrist or have had a chance to see one, however I know I have it, anyone with the disorder realizes what they're doing is abnormal yet it is an everyday struggle of compulsive acts and anxiety. I've had this for years and it still is really hurtful when people joke about it, they have no idea what it's like and the mental strain it inflicts on a person. I won't go into detail, that's my business, I don't usually discuss this.
People who think they have multiple personalities most likely just have an overactive personality or "psyche", the conscience and reasoning of the mind just might have a lot of "voice" in decision making. I too sometimes think I have multiple personalities, I have no right explicitly stating it though, doesn't mean that I don't have it either, I do have gaps in my memory and random distinctions in my actions and opinions, I'll never know for sure though and I don't mind it.
People can also have traits of mental illness like traits of psychopathy, I have some, but that doesn't make me a psychopath.
If you hunk you have a disorder then go research it but don't tell everyone like it's the coolest aspect about you. If you want to know for sure and/or if it's a problem for you that needs to be fixed, then see a psychiatrist, I know I'm a hypocrite. I should see one too but I honestly don't want whatever I have/don't have to define and label me in today's society that's not fair, and unless I have mental breakdown, I've come close to that before, I won't see one.
Irregardless, if you think you have a disorder, don't joke about it, keep it to yourself and take it seriously and consider whether or not psychiatric help is necessary.

13 Name: Alice Bossell : 2014-01-14 00:26 ID:ctNysR/F [Del]

I hear voices all of the time. I was diagnosed with both bipolar and multi personality disorder. I have 5 sides of myself I guess. I change a lot.

14 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-01-14 00:33 ID:MisxYmJE [Del]

My policy when it comes to self-diagnosis: if you really think there's something wrong, you'd go see a professional. Otherwise, there's no reason for anyone to take you seriously - especially if you flaunt it around.

Displaying a few symptoms of a disorder does not qualify as having a disorder. Mental illnesses are diagnosed by actual medical practitioners who have studied the disorder in-depth (or, who will refer you to someone who has). They will use a classification system (DSM and ICD are the most prominent, I believe) to identify what is/is not wrong.
Searching an illness's symptoms on Google and thinking, "Oh, that sounds just like me!" is not a diagnosis. That information is not a definitive guide to mental health and should not be used as such.

15 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-14 00:37 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

When I was about eight or nine, I started hearing voices.
They spoke in languages I couldn't understand.
Sometimes they didn't even sound like human speech, more like machines.

Anyways, I grew out of it after I left the care of my mother and father.
Now I only hear two voices in my head, myself and the voice of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

16 Name: deus : 2014-01-14 00:59 ID:WET7F4J8 [Del]

i have dissociative disorder and depression, it is not a self diagnosis, i got tested due to concern. they said it could lead to DID. my point is i did not find this offensive what they were asking. they have valid concerns about them selfs and wanted to know if it was normal, or if other people experienced something like it. they do not truly understand what they were talking about, but not too many people understand mental illness. clarifying for them that they do not have what they think they do if fine, most people responded respectfully and understood that they didn't know what they were talking about. but others got vary offensive about it, i understand why, lots of people claim to have things they don't because they want to be different and have something to make them look cooler. it bothers me too, but to get aggressive in how you tell them is just rude and unnecessary. it bothers me more when people get aggressive about things like this then those who are misinformed. those who are misinformed can learn and realize that they were wrong, but those who were aggressive may have made them up set and less likely to hear and understand what you are trying to say. so if you are going to get to tell someone they wrong do it more kindly and explain things to them, don't just say they are wrong in such a way that they don't learn and feel bad about them selfs. explain it so they learn and understand it better then they did before. teach them and clarify things for them, don't tell them they are wrong. they wont learn from just being told that they are wrong.

17 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-14 06:02 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>16 There are plenty of resources out there for them to educate themselves.

And while I hate to call you out (jk I love this part), you literally just pulled from what I said. "Dissociative Disorder" isn't a thing by itself that you just "have" - it's an overarching term for a set of different diseases that are caused by trauma. If you were told that you just have DD, you should probably fire your psychologist because it's not a disease of its own that you can have. Keeping that in mind, I have trouble believing anything else this "doctor / psychologist" has said.

No, if they make other users feel bad, then they oughta feel bad too :l I'm not gonna sugarcoat their attitude. Plus, we're not psychologists - it's not up to us to tell them what the "real" or "fake" symptoms are, but we have every right to say that self-diagnosis is generally incorrect, and going on and on about it just flat out rude to those who are actually affected.

18 Name: Ares : 2014-01-14 08:13 ID:t86eBfuL [Del]

i was actually diagnose with social anxiety and depression around early last year, and i've been going to see therapist, counselors and of those sort for almost a year, i've been keeping this private from people around me except ofcourse for my family , and i've seen people who actually use their "mental illness" to gain attention . it disgust me because i have met 2-3 people who actually had severe depression and tried to kill themselves, flaunting this illness and trying to use as a means to gain fame is just disgusting.

19 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-14 08:24 ID:9jGsl5tg [Del]


Wouldn't it be ironic if they incorrectly self-diagnosed themselves with hypochondria?

20 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-14 08:49 ID:fNg7HtlP [Del]

>>19 That would be... interesting :|

Also, I'd like to apologize for all the typos in >>10 and fix something in >>17. I accidentally kept typing "disassociated" when it was "dissociated".

There are two minor unspecified categories of DD for personality problems (which still aren't just called "DD", by the way). One is for those that seem dissociated but don't really fit any disease, and one is for those which resemble a disease but aren't at all serious enough to be categorized as them. There is a possibility that the second is what >>16 was thinking of. However, considering the limits of the conditions, it's not particularly relatable to a full blown discussion relating to DID, and >>16's opinion cannot be compared to that of someone who truly and honestly has DID or another DD condition and/or struggles with it consistently.

>>18 General consensus that I've heard is that they usually don't have the conditions they're flaunting or are flaunting such because of another condition on top of it. There are a lot of various mental diseases which cause that type of behavior (wish I had the name of one off the top of my head to reference; I'll look it up again later), sometimes to the point where they're willing to harm themselves to make their point or get the attention that they physically need. They probably don't just have severe depression. Most likely, they had another condition that was making them really need the attention from it, and when they didn't get it, not only were their previous threats looming over head, but their depression piled on top if it and finally made them break down and try to kill themselves.

(I'm not a psychologist - just rambling. And the rest of you hypochondriacs better not try to use that last paragraph as an excuse to be assholes.)

Or something to that effect. Shit's too complex for my head right now.

21 Name: Ares : 2014-01-14 09:12 ID:YKL/GG1T [Del]

>>20 i might need to correct myself, i may have constructed my sentence wrongly in >>18 . i meant i've met people who are actually going through severe depression and tried to kill themselves, so the people who are flaunting this mental illness around for the sake of attention and are not actually going through it disgust me . Everyone might start taking depression/anxiety and other mental illness as jokes and just a way to get attention .
Anyways you made a great point there, i might not know if people might going through a really terrible time and might really need the attention and they can only use this methods to get someone to really help them .

22 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-14 13:26 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>21 Yeah, I completely misinterpreted that sentence, but at least my point came across lol

I agree. Mental illnesses are being taken as a joke way too much.

I mean, one one hand, I feel like there are some mental "illnesses" that aren't particularly a bad thing and shouldn't be treated as such, but it really depends on the person. It seems like they're too black-and-white, maybe? People think you're retarded or insane and need treatment if you have even a slight case of autism, meanwhile you're cool if you brag about having DID. Some illnesses are way too dramatized and others just aren't taken seriously enough.

But, enough of this conversation here. The proper thread to debate mental illnesses in relation to society is here.

23 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-01-14 14:50 ID:EkiBZM25 [Del]

>>22 If it was popular, why wasn't it closer to the top?

24 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-14 15:32 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>23 Pretty sure I said "proper" and not "popular"?

This particular board moves pretty fast, and it's common for threads to sink into the Archive but doesn't mean they're not active or pertinent. Be sure to browse or CTRL+F on the View All Threads page to see what threads are there and which aren't since only 10 threads can be displayed on the front at a time.

25 Name: deus : 2014-01-14 23:05 ID:WET7F4J8 [Del]

>>17 i know that its more then just it's self a disorder, i did not feel the need to explain why i was diagnosed with it and why their were concerns. i as a young child i faced many traumas, including watching my grandmother get attacked by her "boyfriend" my mom getting arrested in front of me, living in a house filled with chaos at all hours. i have seen a total of 6 phycologist, and taken 1 neuropsych tests recently. the test giver decided based on the results from the tests that i have DD, depression, and PTSD. i did not feel the need to explain why i have DD. i not personally accept the diagnosis, but it is what they say i have. i personally HATE going to take these tests, but i have no say in the matter since i must do what my grandmother says since she has custody.

26 Name: deus : 2014-01-14 23:07 ID:WET7F4J8 [Del]

>>25 (typo) I do not personal*

27 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-15 05:59 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>25 I wasn't asking for an explanation on why you have DD at all. I was discussing the nature of DD by itself in that it's not supposed to be diagnosed as a stand-alone disease because it isn't one.

And since you felt the need to share your life, welcome to the club c: We all have dysfunctional families, some of us more than others. Welcome to the 'more than others' category. *gives a cookie* I won't judge since everyone's heads interpret various levels of dysfunctionality differently based on their life thusfar.

Hope shit gets better for you, tho. G'luck.