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Long Term Psychological Effects (22)

1 Name: TheFlyingLion : 2014-01-08 11:19 ID:27hmD1/1 [Del]

I dont usually flinch at the mention of murder, tragedies, or anything else that causes people saddness and grief. I've been like this since i was young, i knew it at 6 years old when i'd heard what happened on 9/11 on the radio. I didn't care at all many died. It didnt compute. I noticed it was the same with everything else. Terrorist attacks, shooters killing people, people around me dying, non of it ever made me want to say "oh my god, how sad, boo hoo". Is there something wrong with me for that?
I talked to others about that how I began really to just not care about these things. They seemed to reject me like a pariah. The icing on the cake happened last year when in my college library i witnessed a young woman commit suicide and unlike everyone else who began going into shock i did not flinch. I simply reported it and later got angry at my school for covering up that it was a suicide. People talked to me later and thought my normal composure was weird. They looked at me like a freak. It began to eat at me so much I couldn't focus on classes and failed several. What's wrong with me?

2 Name: Serenity : 2014-01-08 14:20 ID:XN0Nc6Kb [Del]

Why do you think there is something wrong with you? Cause you didnt feel bad emotions when 9/11 happened? i didnt either. ya i felt like it was a bad thing but i didnt breakdown and cry. and why should someone? if you where in the building or have friends or family there ok sure, but if not i ask again why should someone on an emotional level personal feel bad? 90% of the world doesnt breakdown and cry when another tsunami hits some 3rd world country and kills thousands of people. no one really cares, sure some do, and sure alot of people might donate money but they them selfs dont personaly care.
and when that student commited suicide you where calm and composed and did the right they while everyone else around you did the wrong thing. you reported it while other people where freaking out and crying doing pointless actions. in a lot of jobs what you did you would be praised for and might get a raise or something.
a person cant possibly care about every person in the world, or even every person they meet they just cant do it. yes you can hope they dont get hurt or anything bad, i wish that one for everyone i meet everyday, but i still dont personaly agonize over there problems.
those peole that look at you like a freak look back at them like they are an idiot that would freak out in a fight and get themselfs killed.
nothing is wrong with you. dont let what other people think of you effect your life. live your life how you are.
nothing is wrong with you.

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-01-08 18:15 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 >>2 is absolutely right. I give pity to almost no one and it's fine for you too. Actually composer is a fantastic skill to have. While people cry and some pretend to be sad you actually do something (like getting angry at your school). You are no monster. You are not heartless. You don't need to be seen as someone with unlimited compassion. Don't let others bring you down. :3

4 Name: Lady : 2014-01-08 18:41 ID:ub5dtWIb [Del]

You're probably just apathetic or you just have a high tolerance.

5 Name: TheFlyingLion : 2014-01-08 21:50 ID:27hmD1/1 [Del]

I might completely lack empathy. IDK even with "close ones" like family or acquaintances, I just never found myself caring about their tragedies or bad things that happen. Sometimes I think if I witness someone getting shot next to me I may not flinch. I... just don't react like others.

6 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-09 00:20 ID:EmEmPT8h [Del]

Around 7% of people are born with complete lack of a conscience and zero empathy. I guess you are one of the lucky few.

7 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-09 00:46 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

You probably don't completely lack empathy.

8 Name: Piccolo : 2014-01-09 16:35 ID:eSmoqt9b [Del]

I don't think there's anything wrong with you. It could be that you might think that dying and things like tragedies are just a part of life. I kind of understand what you're feeling...and I've been telling myself that it's just acceptance. So that may be it.

9 Name: BlueRaven : 2014-01-10 22:00 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

You might be a psychopath. Affectionless psychopathy is when you have a complete lack of empathy and are unable to feel affection. but dont worry, this is an illness and it can be fixed. and it should be, or your life will be a lot more boring and it would get you into serious trouble. do you also not feel guilt? something may have happened in your childhood to make you this way. i suggest you go to a psychologist and fix it before it gets worse. :) its ok, its not your fault. otherwise, maybe you just dont really understand death. you may understand it with your head but not with your heart. u know what i mean? perhaps you have never had a near death experience or have never truely realized what it means to die. really die. and that natural fear has never flooded your mind, so you dont understand and dont see.

10 Name: BloodyRose : 2014-01-11 15:56 ID:H/+CCRyp [Del]

>>1 You are interesting. It is strange to ke how you can watch someone die and not flinch. If you have read my addiction post then I guess you would understand what I'm getting at. But no your not crazy. You just have that trace of knowledge that tells you death is normal and everyone will face it. I'm sorry.

11 Name: TheFlyingLion : 2014-01-11 17:21 ID:27hmD1/1 [Del]

Um to both of the above, I don't "like" watching people die or stuff like that happening. I just kind of... i dont freak out or feel bad cause of it. IDK if I'm a psychopath but I do have Asperger's (Autism) so maybe that's why i look at things differently but i'm not sure. Should i feel guilty when people die even if i have nothing to do with it? people live and the die. It happens and I don't get bumbed out about it. Maybe cause i never lost anyone i really cared about losing. Which is weird as a lot of people i knew growing up have died be it accidents, illness or murder.
Um but the boredom part. Thats weird you mention that cause i have noticed in recent years that i've been getting really bored. Is that related?

12 Name: Lynn : 2014-01-11 17:24 ID:TYVp/AqA [Del]

Dear __,
I've liked you for a year, maybe two; I still do, actually. I love hanging out with you, I love your personality, I love your eyes, I love just about everything about you.

Since I'm not the brightest person, since I'm not good at anything, I never mustered the courage to tell you... Of course, I regret that now, because even if you rejected me at least I'd have known...

Anyway, congratulations on getting a girlfriend. Dude, I always knew it would happen.

I'll just continue being lonely and trying to accept the fact that you guy's would miss me if I died...

Honestly, I'm not sure you would.
So, is it okay if I given in and die tomorrow?

13 Name: TheFlyingLion : 2014-01-11 18:10 ID:27hmD1/1 [Del]


14 Name: BloodyRose : 2014-01-11 18:35 ID:H/+CCRyp [Del]

Could be related but I don't think its the full reason that it doesn't fase you. Trust me your not crazy. I've met people with a problem like yours. I wish to know more so I could assist you so it doesn't get worse.

15 Name: Dantzig : 2014-01-11 19:46 ID:eHLluTZI [Del]

I think >>12 posted to this thread by mistake instead of the anonymous letter thread. They were right next to each other.

16 Name: TheFlyingLion : 2014-01-11 21:26 ID:27hmD1/1 [Del]

I dont think it's psychopathy. Being able to stomach others cant. There's no childhood trauma either, I was born with Asperger's. But this stuff i began to be aware ofnow as an adult.

17 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-01-11 21:51 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>16 If all you have is just really good composer, if there ever is a crisis you'll know that you can stay calm and rational and not overcome by your emotions, it's a pretty good asset. If it's empathy you're lacking, it isn't a problem unless you have thoughts of hurting others like animals and people. If you get violent thoughts then you should definitely see a psychiatrist.

18 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-01-11 22:33 ID:QHCjf8oN [Del]

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you if you're like this. It could just mean that you can just stomach it or maybe it's some form of a protective/survival instinct your mind uses, to keep you from becoming overwhelmed by emotion.

I have something similar to this, but I believe mine does not only happen during times of violence or danger, etc. I'm pretty sure I'm sometimes unable to actually feel any emotion. This is just me, though.

19 Name: BloodyRose : 2014-01-14 00:23 ID:ctNysR/F [Del]

Put this to use. Become a detective or a crime scene inspector? I don't know. I found out that with my problem it started out like yours but blossomed into something else. I want to try my hand at writing horror stories.

20 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-01-15 20:10 ID:QHCjf8oN [Del]

Like I said, I'm the same way, and >>19 I am putting it to use. Right now, its enabling me to act efficiently when my friend needs help with something, but it'll help me during basic training this summer and in the Army

21 Name: TheFlyingLion : 2014-01-15 22:20 ID:27hmD1/1 [Del]

I have greatly considered switching my majors to something in Detective Work. Mostly due to the fact that when the woman committed suicide that day I... I knew it before the cops got there. I mean no one knew what really happened they just saw her fall but I figured it all out, that she wasn't completely dead yet, her back of her skull was cracked open, and body was really broken. Though now I've switched my majors to journalism at the moment I might focus on that. I'm still trying to figure life out and that suicide didn't help ease my mind.

22 Name: BloodyRose : 2014-01-15 22:25 ID:PF3VtoqS [Del]

There ya go. I am in the middle of writing a horror story. I'm a bad writer but its good enough for my needs. Find what fits ya.