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Nobody talks to me at school (3)

1 Name: Hannah : 2014-01-07 13:55 ID:LGRMBK5S [Del]

Hey guys,
Nobody really talks to me at school....
I'm pretty shy, whenever I try to talk, I talk too quiet, because people scream and yell in school...
It's pretty annoying.
Also, to make it worse, I'm failing math.
What do I do...?

2 Name: SweaterOtaku !S67g2fUyCo : 2014-01-07 18:57 ID:MbleWE5I [Del]

Well hannah being shy and quiet isnt neccisarily a bad thing
but you have to make sure to keep your grades up that is importent
it is one of the only ways to aquire your desired future
what i recomend is getting a tutor to help you with math that is what usually helps me

About the freinds thing you only really need one good freind you dont have to be popular or anything
But again your real relationships and freinds come after highschool so dont worry about it hun ^3^

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-01-07 21:51 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

I agree with >>2 about the grades. Getting a tutor is a good way to try and bring your math grade back up. You could try and find a tutor your age, then you can try and build a friendship with the tutor, who will then introduce you to his/her friend group, which will then widen your friend group. Besides that, all I can say is you should probably see your teacher for help with math and possibly see if there's any extra credit you can do to bring your grade back up. As for the being quiet and shy, that's just something you will have to overcome if you want a large group of friends. Start conversations with people instead of waiting for people to start ones with you. It's hard when you're shy, but you will eventually get past that after enough conversations with people.