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Socially Akward? (7)

1 Name: Shepherd : 2014-01-03 17:26 ID:Iahp2tne [Del]

I find that no one really starts conversations with me, and the few I do have don't last very long. It may just be how high school conversations are, but I am starting to wonder if it's the way people perceive me, which they have every right to do. As I get very loud and assholeish (for a lack of better words) when angered/ annoyed. However, I am generally quite and reserved, not usually talking much at all.

Is there something I need to do? Am I missing some secret trick?

*p.s. I lost my train of thought, so it's not quite as indepth as I wanted it to be, but it gives you an idea of how I'm feeling

2 Name: ~AI~ : 2014-01-03 17:41 ID:X3i9an6n [Del]

I had the same problem a few years ago… It's easy to say, I know, but you have to be just self-confident and also must accept that a few topics in conversations doesn't make any sense or are more or less a waste of time at first glance. But also with these conversations you get to know someone better and then you also know how to react in certain situation with him, so you don't upset the person and so on.

Also it might be hard to break through the structures of the high school life, where everybody have its own place after a while. You can try, but don't be upset if not everybody want to be your friend. Outside school are also many people to get to know better and you can also look forward to the things you will do after school because there are more people like you, who are interested in the same things as you are. So just try yourself out and don't give up ;)

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-01-03 20:15 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 it might also be the people you converse with also. People in highschool don't all know how to carry a proper conversation but in a way, that's what it's for. Conversation is an art, and like any art you need practice in order to make it beautiful. Don't get discouraged and continue to converse with people, make conservation, start conversation and practice finding a happy medium between having an "assertive personality" (I'm not actually sure what to call it X3 ) and the feelings of others. You can be opinionated but just keep in mind the feelings of others. Like I said before, you just need practice. Good luck~! :3

4 Name: daremo : 2014-01-04 07:26 ID:fMwe1Qmz [Del]

1) High school conversations have the depth and sophistication of a rain puddle. Not a good benchmark.

2) If no one is starting conversations with you, try to start conversations with them.

3) But don't be the weird annoying guy. That guy doesn't really pay attention to anyone besides himself in the conversation. You need to...

4) Pay attention to the other(s) and gauge their reactions, feelings, mood. Did you just say something obviously wrong? Are they not paying attention? Walk away if you need to. Know when the conversation is dead.

5) Know your audience. This may seem obvious, but everyone had a unique set of topics they like as well as topics to avoid. Know who you're talking to, know what they want to talk about.

6) Listen. A good conversation is 50% listening.

7) Practice makes perfect. Conversation is a skill. Some people are naturally better at it, but practice WILL help you.

5 Name: Mr.Z : 2014-01-04 14:26 ID:n53+gicI [Del]

If you want to keep longer conversations with people, the easiest way to do that is to keep the conversation going. You cant just rely on the other person to keep fresh material that doesn't get stale, you have to do it too. I have a friend who sounds exactly like you and i try to tell him the same thing as ive said to you. Hope this helped, if you need more explanations or help ill check back to this thread in a week so just post anything else you need help with and ill see what i can do.


6 Name: Shepherd : 2014-01-04 19:19 ID:3vmVqbmp [Del]

Thanks for the help guys, I'll try out what you've been telling me (mainly daremo), and see how it works.

7 Name: kanra : 2014-01-05 01:17 ID:tl0jmRRI [Del]

most people at school tend to think that im just some creepy person lingering in the halls ^^ ha ^^ i never go to the gymnasium unless i absolutely have to ^^ and one child stared at me and then he had proceeded to scream...i have no idea what i did besides standing there,but he screamed...and pointed at me...but then he finally ran off to do whatevs...