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Stupid (6)

1 Name: Usagi : 2014-01-03 12:11 ID:ZC+CnOnF [Del]

I swear.. Some guys are just so stupid. I don't mean to insult any males out there, I'm just referring to this certain guy.

I didn't fall in love or anything. This is different. You might think I'm overreacting and that's okay. Just don't complain about it because I'm pretty aware. I just need to post this to let off some steam.

You see... I have this guy classmate. I didn't like him, but he liked me. He probably started liking me once we became seatmates. During that time, things were okay. That is until I gave him my number... Of course we had to communicate for school purposes, but then he started texting me nonstop. He also kept chatting with me on Facebook, which of course was really annoying.

He told me through text that he liked me, but I politely said no, my reason being I wasn't ready. So he said he'll wait. I never really planned on responding anymore, though.

But what annoyed me the most were his friends. His friends kept teasing ME. Then all of my classmates started too. It was getting on my nerves. Then later on the guy started acting excessively nice to me. I tried to ignore him but he was really persistent. Then two days after my birthday... He had a gift for me. An hour or so before he wanted to give it, his friends were making it really obvious that he had somemthing. So during recess, when he was supposed to give it, I left the classroom. When I got back the bag was on my seat, so I basically just picked it up and dumped it on the floor(yes it sounds harsh. But hey, I was pissed). I remained silent the rest of the afternoon.

Now, after all this, he ends up liking his new seatmate, who just so happens to be my friend and practical twin(we have a lot of similarities so we call each other that). Like, he switches so quickly and girl is one of my best friends. Seriously, dude. And my friend recently told me that he already confessed, but I dunno what she did.

Ugh.. Sorry for a long and useless post. I just needed to let this all out.

2 Name: Zeckarias : 2014-01-03 12:49 ID:utvYnoGn [Del]

No worries. Just remember, all that school drama is just temporary.

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-01-03 14:19 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 he's a player. Ignore him, actually stay away from highschool boys in general (most of them anyway, I don't mean to generalize.) You had every right to be harsh, otherwise he would have kept pestering you.

4 Name: ~AI~ : 2014-01-03 16:46 ID:EsqtZ5DD [Del]

I know the feeling, when you just want to tell someone things that concern you, although you might even won't have any replies…
I think it's just up to you, what you do when you don't have THESE feelings for him. So just as Neko-tama already said: you had every right to be harsh… For me it sounds also very annoying how everybody is behaving around you, although it isn't their problem.

5 Name: Mr.Z : 2014-01-04 14:21 ID:n53+gicI [Del]

>>3 This guy doesnt sound like a player. For one he couldnt even get the girl to like him so what kind of player is he? The truth is that he is just the kind of guy who really wants a girl friend, hes probably a "nice guy" but he just wants a girl to be with.

>>1 do you like this boy? even if its just abit. cause it seems as though you are getting worked up over everyone knowing but not really at him. The whole present thing was over the top though its not a surprise he moved on (not trying to be mean just honest). You sound young so im just gona give you this advice. Don't get worked up about what others think, kids are kids and they love to talk and gossip. Unless those people are important people who you actually care about, then what they say should not even effect you. Hope your situation is ok now.


6 Name: kanra : 2014-01-05 01:20 ID:tl0jmRRI [Del]

OAO...if i were you, id accept the gift, but i can see why you were mad and its perfectly fine,bro...its perfectly fine ^^