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A purpose in life (9)

1 Name: The Laughing Man : 2013-12-28 21:20 ID:pI1g8M2k [Del]

I've always been shunned from following my dreams by my family, I feel hated and disowned by all of them because they say things like I can't do it, and that I will never succeed or even that I should just draw a government check and give up. You see I possess a certain talent with technology and since grade school I furthered my knowledge taking extra classes even when I went into high school I've even taken online courses and even vocational for two years and I graduated this year and I am still studying and I'm getting better all the time. I am a 19yr old man with the dream of becoming known worldwide for my talents, like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, or even Mark Zuckerberg but they all discourage me and put me down, my plans was to enter the spring semester of community college and if things go well for me then a four year university. But these days I am much too depressed. I need help or some advice or maybe a voice that will make them realize my talents, not to mention that I was hospitalized in '07 because I was much to young for jail, you see the bullies recognized my talents and told the principle that I had a hit list and numerous weapons and because of that event my family treats me like a mental sickly person and sometimes even a psychopath and every time they hear of my succession they call My clinic I'm registered through and have me arrested for non-true statements and actions sometimes I feel like giving up because no one believes in me, not even my girlfriend. I grew up without a father and I don't know how to be a man and take charge in my life.

2 Name: Nobody : 2013-12-28 22:14 ID:db329tyB [Del]

Hi 'The Laughing Man'
I also have had similar problems my father left when i was vary young and was hardly around even when he was here. i don't have a talent with technology ,but i love to write and draw. unfortunately as a child and even now i was what some would call "different" i was not like other little girls i didn't write or draw stories of true love or prince charmings.
i would write stories of suffering, fighting, war with less then "happy endings" but that's what i saw i wanted real emotions, real fear, real love. that's where the trouble started i was drawing a scene of a beaten boy, a victim of child abuse, and my teacher saw i never meant for it to happen it was just free time and i wanted to sketch. the next thing i know im in the counselors office i tried to explain myself but they would’t have it i was kept under closer watch for years and stooped writing for years. after i entered high school i stared writing again but lying about the topic if asked but soon i became friends with some one who i believed was like me in a way she would never show the real her to anyone who wasn’t willing to do some work to know her i began to show her my stories and was amazed to find that instead of the looks of fear or rejection i received prase for my story.
That was the day i made a decision to never stop it is something i enjoy and love so if that is what technology is to you never stop.

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2013-12-29 13:15 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 It sounds like you could do something really great in the future, but like many people who do great things, certain challenges face them. Your family is like that, they're just there to make you stronger. I know it sounds strange but when they tell you something cruel like "you'll never succeed" use that to motivate yourself, tell yourself that you will succeed and eventually you will. Keep fighting for your dream, believe that you can do it, work hard and you will realize your dream one day. Good luck! :3

4 Name: The Laughing Man : 2013-12-29 14:28 ID:jxaTtMBP [Del]

>>2 A lot of people refer to others that have talent and isn't your ordinary student as black sheep, I was the blacksheep of both my family and my school, and not having a father doesn't help, you see my father is well known for a bad deed, my father is a drug dealer.
>>3 Thank you Neko its hard for me to get the idea of what I should do but your words of wisdom are inspiring
>>3>>2 Thank you

5 Name: Lady : 2013-12-29 18:23 ID:ub5dtWIb [Del]

A Lot of people will try to put you down; tell you who you're supposed to be. The fact of the matter is only you can determine your worth in your life, your work, your relationships, and in your world. If you really want to be successful, if you really have that drive, you won't simply allow your family to bring you down. You won't allow -them- to determine -your- worth. Don't allow anyone to hold you back and don't hold yourself back because if you don't take control of your own life and keep making up excuses,never grow a spine, then you will live and die with regrets. I'm sorry if it sounds harsh, but that's how my mother has always put it to me. My mother, the devil woman she is, did instill in us the fact you hold yourself back. You make up excuses for yourself. If you wanna do something do it.

6 Name: The laughing man : 2013-12-29 21:09 ID:B+tpuLK6 [Del]

>>5 Thank you lady, although your right about me deciding my own destiny. I have a spine, it just gets me in trouble even when I am innocent in the matter. Some how trouble follows me everywhere

7 Name: kanra : 2013-12-30 03:04 ID:n0vaqEQr [Del]

my family does the exact same thing...they even try to change my looks and how i stick up for the bullies that hurt me...they tell me not to put fuel on the fire...but i stood up in front of the class and told them a story of my past...but the bullying hasnt stopped and now everyone thinks of me as some kind of whiny child..

8 Name: Miu Inoue : 2013-12-30 11:46 ID:c7DMymXa [Del]

I`m sorry...

9 Name: communistcoffee : 2013-12-30 18:01 ID:d+EG7YSD [Del]

I had a discussion concerning this topic and eventually a point by a third party said that there life was boring and this is the result that we came to
"You know that there is more that you can be doing; where as most people think that there living the best way that they can or that they have no where to go but if your bored that means your just having a break from the things you could be doing.And its good to take a break".
Another conversation i had concerning dreams lead to this
"Does the dream give you passion?It's my feeling that if it's dying, it's not dead and there's hope.
Finally concerning purpose in life we ended with this.
"I think a happy person is someone who is satisfied with the things they're doing and places they're headed. Someone who smiles a lot, maybe. Internally or outwardly.I think it's okay to just exist. I'll bet a lot of people are between the two. I am."
However dead your dream seems just by getting to the point of hoping and believing that any dream is possible will open doors to many other things to hope about. If someone doesn't believe that you can do it then that says that they are lost and once you are found go and find others especially those who you love that are lost. Trouble and change are life's operating system if you can be willing to change you can control your troubles. find hope that's the place to start.