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Life Help (8)

1 Name: TheGuy : 2013-12-26 09:35 ID:teDkEdBz [Del]

Hi people, I kinda need help with life, I'm totally lost. At the moment, I am doing my GCSEs in UK, but I don't know what the point of that is, since I have no goal in life, no dream, nothing to keep me going. I don't excel at anything, I have no friends or family to turn to, I just don't know what to do with my life. I don't study hard to finish my GCSEs because I just lack the motivation to do so.

I was wondering if there is someone in the Dollars that could help me, for I am a lost soul.

2 Name: Roorando : 2013-12-26 15:38 ID:M9Icvl3d [Del]

Hya ! ~~~ヾ(^∇^)
Don't lose hope yet. There are things out there that you still haven't seen, or people you haven't met. Find a hobby, fall in love, anything that will make a reason for you to live, be it anything, really. As long as you want, you can do anything and get anything ! Just believe. (8

3 Name: TheGuy : 2013-12-26 16:18 ID:teDkEdBz [Del]

No offense, but that's easy to say. I have no friends, I have no where to go, I don't know where to start "finding a hobby, or fall in love, or find a reason to live". I am always told that I have to get good grades in my GCSEs, but I can't bring myself to get the good grades.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: TheOtherGuy !WU9T5SzJow : 2013-12-26 17:05 ID:teDkEdBz [Del]

Just bumping this, the guy seriously needs help.

6 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-26 18:13 ID:vipDqocs [Del]

The Guy just samefagged.

Anyway, The Guy is going about this with an attitude set for futile struggle. You want to seem like you are actually doing something, but you have no faith anything will work. If you keep yourself stuck in the bracket of 'hopeless', you will never get anywhere. What you've done now is take the excuse of a fact that you live reasonably in a first world society, and abused that luxury to sink yourself into a well of self-pity and apathy.

You need to actually do something. There is no point in asking for help as long as you aren't going to do anything yourself. Go to a mixer, apply for some charity work, join the army, start writing a book, try to get in super good shape. There are limitless options for you to do put meat into your life, it's been your choice that you haven't chosen any of them.

You don't need to excel in life to have fun with it. Some people need to realise that.

7 Name: Neko-tama : 2013-12-27 00:17 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

Keep your options open, just make sure that you can live at least comfortably. The rest you need to find for yourself, you don't just get a purpose in life, you need to discover it for yourself by well, living. But stop looking for it, keep yourself busy with hobbies you find enjoyable (if you don't have any hobbies then you definitely need to find some,) by doing the things you love, you should be able to find a valuable purpose in life without even realizing it. I hope that helps :3

8 Name: TheGuy : 2013-12-27 05:29 ID:teDkEdBz [Del]

Thanks dudes,, I think that I needed to hear that from someone. Once again, I thank you.