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Evil bitches (6)

1 Name: ? : 2013-12-10 19:05 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

At school there are these two girls, who will be referred as "the bitches" who keep harassing me. The bitches harass me because I changed seats and now I sit next to them. It was either sit there or next to a dude who is so gross he has bugs falling out of his hair. The bitches and me have a history I chose to be an adult and put it behind me. But they won't leave me alone. They cuss a me and threaten to harm me and constantly annoy me. I told the teacher, but he is a passive jackass. I'm not just saying this about him, he never does anything but give warnings and the kids know that he won't do anything. And I don't know what to do about it.

2 Name: durarara123 : 2013-12-10 19:55 ID:QBgBkl1j [Del]

have you tried talking to your parents about it?

I was also in your shoes once, i had these girls who would always make weird looks at me and kept me from my only best friend from elementary school. thankfully i had supporting and high alert teacher to watch me. My story wasn't as evil as yours because mine is more subtle and looking back on it, I think it was foolish of me to think about them being a harsh level compared to other people.

Since yours is a special case where a teacher is not involved with the problem. Try asking other teachers about the harassment or report it to the police. If they keep harassing you to physically harm you than you have the right to call the police. It may be verbal warning but those bitches will go to a extreme of trying to harm you or even worse your family if you don't stop them.

Man i sound like an adult, i'm only 14 :D

3 Name: Alaestor !fAAOkAlae. : 2013-12-10 20:17 ID:66yrtPPG [Del]

>>1 you seem to be all riled up by this. You sound arrogant, most likely because your all entangled in the situation. Try taking a step back. Ignore them, be above them, be stronger. Accept them for who they are, and then don't let then disregard them entirely.

View their attacks for what they are;
desperate, weak, and pathetic.

If they physically harm you, well you told the teacher beforehand so there is a known threat. If you feel that you are in actual harm, I suggest you tell others about it, and go to the information brokering thread in Main and look for Siyos' CQC concept guide.

Live your life as if they don't exit~ or better yet; accept their existence and actions, and then move beyond it.

4 Name: Person : 2013-12-10 22:19 ID:AC9CVPaS [Del]

>>3 Dude, wtf... It's NEVER that simple. Ugh, I'll avoid a rant this time.

>>1 Report it to the principle. I agree completely with 123, you've got report it to some higher authority. Good luck, and be careful.

5 Name: lilly kun : 2014-03-24 23:16 ID:bvT1Rik6 [Del]

sounds like ya'll have a pretty bad history. tell them you want to put it all behind. remeber if they try anything you have a right to defend your self and definitly tell the princable or even the police,actually the police is a good idea becaus eit's their job to deal with stuff like this and it will make them think twice seeing as they could land in hot watter with the law>

6 Name: RD !BhsOWsakiU : 2014-03-25 06:22 ID:RgWeGTu5 [Del]

>>3 calling her arrogant is pretty harsh. She's just angry and to be quite honest who would want to sit next to someone with that level of personal hygiene, knowing my sense of smell I would probably be gagging but I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings so I would have changed seats too.

My advice is risky but I was badly bullied and as soon as I started to answer back and outwit the bullies they started to leave me alone, if you can make them feel dumb that's intimidating to them.