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I just had a huge fight with a...Frenemy.What should I do?? (7)

1 Name: KuroNeko : 2013-12-06 18:33 ID:SWFM4Aj1 [Del]

So today,a friend posted a pic of hers on fb.(I know it sounds lame,but the pic is not the reason,just wait and I'll explain) I was the one who had taken the pic with my phone and put some special effects in it (that took hours,trust me) Anyway,after that I posted the pic on my friend's wall,OK?She put that in her profile,without even liking it,without even saying anything about me!! :/ I dunno if she did that on purpose or not,but it sucked...Well after that,I commented on my friend's pic & said in a jokingly manner "woooww the pic looks awesome!!& of course,it's cuz I took it... :p (& yeah,I actually put the effects as well >.<) but I couldn't help myself...She looked so cuuute!! :D" then that frenemy of mine (who is kinda..Always with this girl I'm talking about,it's like she worships her or s/thing -.- ) commented as well & told me "....What,really?U are so ridiculous... -_- " & then the fight started...I asked her what was her problem & that I was saying the truth.That I really had taken the pic & I was just pointing out loud NOT ON A SERIOUS MANNER.And then she told me "You sounded like an attention whore"....U guys please tell me....Did I REALLY sound like an attention whore,cuz I can't believe her!!I never do & now she's mad at me & same goes for me as well...But just tell me,who was right about this??I might've sounded a little mean,but did she really have the right to criticize me like that??!I dunno what to do now & worst thing is...We have the same group of friends & I'm gonna see her stupid face tomorrow as well cuz a friend of mine has a party....So tell me what should I do??Also I pointed out the word frenemy cuz we always fight with her & I don't like her style either....She's pissed me off a lot these days & I guess today I was like... "BANG" I kinda erupted,yeah... ^^' so,any advice??

2 Name: Neko-tama : 2013-12-06 19:35 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 first off, you were right. If she had at least liked the picture then that would have been fine, but she didn't credit you and it took you hours of effort, that's wrong. Hard work is hard work and you have every right to be credited for it. You said it nicely and politely so you aren't wrong. But maybe you should talk to your friend about it in person and tell her that that picture took you a long time to edit and that she could at least credit you for it, it hurt your feelings.
The whole frenemy-mean-girls situation....I've been there and all I can honestly say is that that kind of life was such a terrible waste of time. Ask yourself if she's really worth having as a friend? If she isn't then maybe you need to find new friends this don't fight with you over stupid things. If she is worth having as a friend then it's your duty to put up with the crap of her other friend, that's just how these things go.
You weren't being an attention whore at all! That girl was the real attention whore for starting such a petty argument! It's best to delete and ignore those kinds of comments because they can turn into harassment very quickly...
Anyways good luck with the situation! I hope that I helped~! :3

3 Name: KuroNeko : 2013-12-07 04:41 ID:SWFM4Aj1 [Del]

Thanks so much,I'm glad there was at least one person to tell me it was not my fault... :') I knew it deep down,but it's just that at that moment,I felt so...Numb.Like,I couldn't think at all!!Oh and...It's really hard to stop being friends with her,sadly...You see,a very good friend of mine likes her & hangs out with her so I dunno what to do. :/ It's like I'll be leaving them both behind and I don't want to,but I guess I'll have to.Funny thing is,they are my only "real" friends,along with some other girl.We've been hanging out for 4 YEARS.Ok,with that frenemy for 2 years...But she wasn't always like this.When she wasn't an official part of the group,she was kind to everyone.When we started hanging out with her though,we saw her true colors.Or at least me and everybody else did...That friend of mine who post the pic I made her as a profile,told me she loved her a lot.She even had a fight with me for that and told me "look,I know you don't like her...I know she gets on your nerves,but...I've accepted her for who she IS,and I'm not giving up on her!!So telling me all this about her is like saying; Choose either her or me & that sounds very egoistic,you know" Well I just wanted to shout out at this moment; "U ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES HER!!Nobody else likes her when they first meet her and THAT happens for a fucking reason!!!You like her cuz she always agrees with what you say,cuz she's always on your side....But just think about how rude she is to me!!I can't stand being friends with her,just....NO. :( " but I didn't Cuz I knew that'd destroy our friendship.However,I'm planning on telling her today and I'm not backing down this time...

4 Name: Neko-tama : 2013-12-07 15:18 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>3 After years of harassment and back stabbing from my old "friends" I just couldn't take it anymore, I had no friends for years after that and although it was hard it was worth it, later on I met an otaku girl like me and we're still friends. What I'm saying is all that drama is ridiculous and painful, you can always, always, always make new and better and nicer friends! Just keep that in mind :3 good luck!

5 Name: Astra : 2013-12-07 21:31 ID:qE2+4rjY [Del]

I'll tell you what I would have done. Instead of posting a passive comment on the image, I would have sent a message to the girl in the picture directly and told her how I felt like she was not giving me any credit.

Well, since all this already happened so there is no use re-thinking it... But consider what I've said if a similar problem comes up in the future, I guess.

Now I wouldn't consider your frienemy as much of a problem, but I may be wrong. I know some people who are just plain rude because they feel like that's who they are, and that their friends - no matter how much or how little they have - like them because they are who they are.

I hope that makes it easier for you to understand her. I don't exactly have frienemies because I like everyone I meet no matter how they treat me. Heheheh...

6 Name: Grim : 2013-12-08 13:28 ID:TvJH26Ps [Del]

Facebook is absolutely stupid
in my opinion you started the fight
if you wanted credit you should of asked for it.
and your upset about a frenemy? I find it so interesting to see people in situations where they label someone as such a 'Frenemy' but still care about them. Get a grip.
though this is my opinion. you merely have yo ignore it :)

7 Name: communistcoffee : 2013-12-10 00:17 ID:d+EG7YSD [Del]

let ignorant people be ignorant unless you love them.