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Revenge Porn? (2)

1 Name: GelbenApfel : 2013-12-02 21:47 ID:+R/vQkNY [Del]

So this has become a sort of 'Hot topic' on the internet as of late, and I was wondering what everyone thought about it (also I haven't seen a thread like this and even if there was one, it's probably long dead by now anyway). Basically revenge porn is the act of posting nude pictures of an ex in revenge of being broken up with (usually posting personal info along with it). However, cases of hacking into peoples personal computers or photoshopping faces onto nude bodies is considered revenge porn to. This came to my attention when Anonymous attacked a known revenge porn website called 'Is anyone up?' (now defunct) and a pending FBI case on the owner of said website Hunter Moore. These websites are known for ruining lives, and the people who visit these websites harass and hound the victims of revenge porn relentless, seeking to destroy their lives and get them fired from their jobs. Like I said before, I would like to know the opinion of fellow dollars members and maybe some of you could share more info or ways to stop these websites (New Jersey is the only state in America that has laws to combat revenge Porn). Please keep things civil...

2 Name: ekeke : 2013-12-02 22:13 ID:QBgBkl1j [Del]

1.I think this should belong in the news section because it has been a topic in articles

2. I think it's complete ridiculous for both side of this revenge porn. On one side their is the obvious devastation of the victim losing a job and being reminded of that person BUT on the other hand the ex than has to be reminded of this person and see how people are liking and viewing their once loved one, so neither side really wins.

Also I don't understand pornography scandals firing people. Some people have done those thing, don't mean they don't know better. You couldve been a major slob during your teenage years but maybe you stepped up and turned to a great lawyer or business man. Even if that's not the case, who hasn't or at least though of showing sexual pictures to their loved one before? IT MAKES YOU HUMAN. I'm not saying it's ok to do that all the time but you have to understand that they were "in love" at the time and have to respect that's a poor decision they made. It dosen't mean they'll try it again and if they did I think if it's affecting their productivity than I would say you should fire them. It's almost like if your dating a person who drinks alcohol (not alcoholic) and the rest of your workers treat it as a disgrace, or if you made a bad deal with a company and everyone is giving you the cold shoulder.