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Feeling bad for doing what was "Right" (8)

1 Name: Tia-Chan : 2013-12-02 07:45 ID:TrsFshwt [Del]

My little brother who is fourteen, has been smoking weed for about a year. I have known for around eight months and I've been letting him sneak out and do what he needs.
Life at our house isn't exactly wonderful, everyone here is incredibly miserable and we all have our own problems, I am clinically depressed and have been put in in-patient for Suicide more than twice...
A few weeks ago... I told my mum about it. I told her where the missing money had been going and that my brother had been going out of party, drink, smoke, and let off some steam.
My brother got in a lot of trouble and as things have passed, now there are drug charges against him... and if I hadn't said anything than it would've been different... I feel horrible... should I though?

2 Name: Giglamesh : 2013-12-02 08:20 ID:gZ4c3lqe [Del]

Well you did what you thought was for the best so you should't feel too bad about that. But you will have to deal with the consequences,like your brother may hate you for snitching on him and i can't realy blame him(not saying you did the wrong thing)
but he probably thinks that you betrayed him.I don't know what kind of person your brother is but if he is like me then he will probably forgive you in time.But i don't think he will trust you completly for a very long time.Anyway i can't tell you that you shouldn't feel bad and i can't tell you that you should. But i can tell yu that you will have to deal with the consequences.

3 Name: Aki chan : 2013-12-02 08:22 ID:vjBjZCSZ [Del]

I feel so sad for you.but its not your fault because the feeling of being stuck between your feelings and decisions is hard . suicide is not the answer for escaping this can talk to a councilor if that makes you feel any better, remember, the dollars are always here for you :)

4 Name: Giglamesh : 2013-12-02 08:23 ID:gZ4c3lqe [Del]

But then again im a very wierd person so you shouldn't take what i say too seriously.

5 Name: Blinking (On her phone) : 2013-12-02 08:39 ID:z3S6CQiB [Del]

I've seen people have their lives ruined because of drugs. I'd need more specific info on his habits to give decent advice, but I'll try.
What I'm seeing is that your brother has lied to your parents and taken their money to indulge himself. Admittedly, his home life isn't perfect and he does deserve an outlet - but deception and theivery are not necessary evils here. There are other outlets he could have chosen with less impact on the rest of his life. But he's fourteen and part of being a teenager is screwing up.
That aside, I feel that you did the right thing. He chose a risky hobby, and now those risks are coming to light. If your brother thinks he's old enough to smoke weed, he's old enough to deal with the consequences.
My personal opinion is that its better to see the ugly truth than it is to sell a pretty lie - especially when it comes to family. Then again, I'm from a very accepting and tolerant family so I should probably shut up.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-02 09:52 ID:htu2vBTB [Del]

So, weed isn't that bad. It's the least dangerous health-wise of all "illicit" drugs out there. To put it in perspective, eating bacon is probably worse for you than smoking a blunt. Additionally, it's the least addictive of them as well. Simply put, your brother's a dick, not a drug addict.

That said, you shouldn't feel bad for ratting him out. As Blinking said, he stole money from your parents, and under no circumstances is recreational drug use a good reason for that. If life at home is already tough, he's certainly not doing anything to help that.

Drug charges though seems a bit much. Did your parents actually report him? He knew what he was getting into - if he really didn't want to get caught he shouldn't have relied on you keeping a secret. That's borderline abusive to put you on the spot like that for so long.

7 Name: Tia-Chan : 2013-12-02 10:01 ID:TrsFshwt [Del]

Thank you all for responding... it means more to me than you might think.
And my parents weren't the ones who reported him, it was his friend who found out through my parents. My parents grounded him for a month and took away all of his privillages. He was forced to break up with his girlfriend who is constantly high and he had to stop talking to his best friend who got him into the drug mess.
The big deal wasn't so much that he was smoking weed as, his friends weren't on weed anymore, they had moved on to bigger drugs and he was about to. He was bringing me to parties with him and telling me that if I didn't dance and make out and drink a little that I wasn't any fun and I was lame and it was at the point when his friends offered him Ecstacy in from of me that I finally ratted him out to my parents.
I feel bad because he looks at me like I'm evil for just letting him do it for so long and then finally saying something...
I hadn't before because I was scared.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-02 11:02 ID:htu2vBTB [Del]

Right, that's the major concern with weed as an illegal drug - despite being relatively safe, it's still a gateway drug.

Probably best you did so now before it got any worse. He really does sound like a prick; not only should you not feel bad for reporting him, you shouldn't feel bad for getting shot the evil eye for ratting him out. He deserves it, even for reasons other than getting involved with drugs.

He pressured you into various things - going to parties with people you didn't want to be around, making you do things you didn't want to do, silencing you and putting the weight of "not getting your brother in trouble" on you unnecessarily... honestly I don't know why he would be surprised or upset you told on him, unless he's also a complete idiot on top of that.

He had it coming. If he blames you at all, he's just scapegoating. Fuck it.