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Goodbye Gift Suggestions? (5)

1 Name: Hakuro : 2013-12-01 20:23 ID:MUtAdLk5 [Del]

A very close friend of mine will be moving away in January. We won't see each other at school anymore and if not for g+ and email, won't really spend any time together anymore...

For this person, before she leaves, I want to give a gift to her, or at least do something for her so that she feels better.

Do you guys have any suggestions? Preferably, its something that has to be actively made/done, in other words, not just buying a card at some store, so basically, I have to put some effort into it. Also, something relatively cheap too.

Some Information: My friend is a girl who loves reading. She isn't very girly and is thirteen.

2 Name: HarryPOT : 2013-12-01 21:18 ID:QBgBkl1j [Del]

Get her a book you and your friend read when you we're little or a good item from your friendship when you guys spent together like a photo or maybe a movie you guys watched together

Or ask her what books she's been wanting to get and get the latest or coolest version of the book like a hard cover or a signed copy of the book.

3 Name: Astra : 2013-12-01 22:48 ID:x2fmDOn5 [Del]

This is just an idea, but you could write everything that is positive about her, and perhaps even some flaws that you like her for. Or maybe a description of memories that you shared. Anything that makes up your friendship that you want to make last even after your parting.

Honestly, anything would do the job as long as you put your heart into it.

4 Name: Cocoa : 2013-12-02 00:10 ID:2D+Pqe+T [Del]

A scrapbook album about you and her. Handmade, lots of feelings, and the kits to make them can be found just in any bookstore. Perfect.

5 Name: daremo : 2013-12-02 05:45 ID:vYdci/Rw [Del]

I would basically do some combination of the ideas that have been mentioned. The scrapbook/note idea is really sweet, and I would also try to find a small item (preferably with some significance), especially one that would fit on a keychain or something like that.

As cheesy as it might sound, it's really nice to be able to have a small physical object you can hold on to to remind you of someone.