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Colors (27)

1 Name: Shoes : 2013-11-24 17:56 ID:2HGwdoCd [Del]

Many people have colored skin, like asians or black people.
I'm asian and I don't like the feeling when people look at me and ask if I can speak chinese because first, chinese is NOT a language, it's called either mandarin or cantonese,
I'm chinese but I'm adopted so I don't speak these languages.
Also, I have a korean friend who is insulted by many people from my school saying his chinese.
Same goes for black people. They are not all africains and they are not all the same.

Please comment what you think about colors.

2 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-24 19:46 ID:vBnZA7IS [Del]

Humans are dicks, we are always going to find a difference to be a dick about. If you let that get to you, it shows that you aren't good enough to realise that in truth, none of those opinions really matter. We can't change how dicks act, we can change how we receive them.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-24 20:50 ID:zId/Gllx [Del]

If it ain't white, it ain't right.

4 Name: Neko-tama : 2013-11-25 00:31 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>3 fuck you.
>>2 Agreed. I've never been accepted where I live because I'm half Russian, I don't know why that should matter but still I got harassed with countless stereotypes. People make me sick, society makes me sick, why the hell does race have to matter? It shouldn't matter.

5 Name: Blinking (Temporary computer) : 2013-11-25 01:47 ID:77KKrTxy [Del]

I get picked on for being German all the time; people assume all Germans are Hitler-worshipping neo-nazis. The world is stupid and lazy - people feel the need to stereotype others because it makes their lives more convenient. Why have individual people who are not defined by their race when you can go by the easy route and take a guess that they're all the same, right?
Solace is completely right - we may not be able to change them, but we can change how we react and receive their words. Once you realize that opinions like that are dumb and ignorant, you stop caring.

6 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-11-25 06:29 ID:THT25XC8 [Del]

I am absolutely terrified about telling others I'm Italian. I'm tired of hearing how much my country sucks, how we are the joke of Europe and even worse "HURR DURR PASTA PIZZA MANDOLINO LUIGI SPAGHETTI HOT CHICKS DERP HERP".
People have to understand that a person IS NOT the mirror of her/his country.

The colour of the skin has nothing to do with what's inside- the brain first of all.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: AbeMao : 2013-11-25 19:58 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

I hate how some people think that I'm a Viking girl. Just because I'm Norwegian and Danish. It's all negative stereotypes and cultural differences

9 Name: BlueRaven : 2013-11-26 00:44 ID:xcIP79dN [Del]

its funny, because me and my friend are both half japanese, half white. but im normal height with light skin and brown hair. my friend is short with tan skin and black hair. XD weird

10 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-11-26 00:49 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]

>>9 welcome to intro level genetics.

11 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-26 01:56 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>1 Not everyone knows that Chinese isn't what the language is called.
Asking if you speak it doesn't have to be a bad thing either.

Some one could be interested in learning about a culture they know nothing about, and you just got offended by it.

I'm not saying that you're not justified by being offended, I'm just saying that if you take it negative then you're kind of doing the opposite of what you're preaching about here.

Also, not everyone can tell Asians apart.

>>2 I agree with this. Nothing anyone ever says to you actually matters.

>>4 Race matters, and it should matter.
It shouldn't be used as a tool to be on top of the food chain though.

>>8 Vikings are cool as shit.
You should be goddamn proud of that culture.
Pls don't shame the All-Father.

>>9 You know what, that is really funny.

I think that judging someone based on their skin color is pretty stupid.
But I do it, just like everyone else does at some point.
Though I tend to judge people more on class than skin color.

12 Name: AbeMao : 2013-11-26 07:19 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

11 it's cool I admit that and Im always proud of my heratage and culture, also you know we all didn't fallow Odin everyone had a specific deity we love and worship.

13 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-26 08:21 ID:3jdJv3x/ [Del]

>>12 Oh, I know.
I just really like Odin as a figurehead.

14 Name: AbeMao : 2013-11-26 18:10 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

>>13 I understand he will always be the allfather I stay With gifion.

15 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-26 19:09 ID:K+M05Jww [Del]

>>14 Freya is my tutelary goddess.

Anyways, we should stop derailing.

I hate how people think I'm privileged just because I'm a white male.

16 Name: Jun : 2013-11-27 22:39 ID:7Eo45E0S [Del]

People are just curious. Deal with it.

17 Name: Cocoa : 2013-11-28 01:23 ID:2w4D52vB [Del]

Dear mr Shoes, I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. Just the other day, this old woman came to me when I was waiting for my bus and started saying Chinese words like machine gun. I happen to be chinese but like you I can't speak Chinese. So I told her nicely, "sorry I can't speak Chinese". Then she glared at me and scowled, and replied "huh? How can a Chinese can't speak chinese?"

Then she walked away, after practically spitting on me. I was thinking, WHAT THE HELL WHY DIDN'T YOU SPEAK ENGLISH AT THE FIRST PLACE YOU--

So yeah people, don't judge books by their covers.

18 Name: NAI !06lyWgx.QI : 2013-11-28 03:51 ID:I7FBiJJa [Del]

So true.
Never understood why people weren't doing the same for spanish/italian/etc people.

I don't think things will change much however... I know some people who can make the difference but actually don't care. They want to consider Chinese and Japanese the same way for example, no matter what.

19 Name: Arcobaleno : 2013-11-28 05:22 ID:ztWjEeM+ [Del]

People just have a lack of knowledge and are ignorat. I always get mad when person doesn't know the diference between Chinese, Japanese and Korean people and languages they're using... and when they asume every black person comes from Africa and ther're no white people there. But that's just society.

20 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-28 07:15 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>19 Instead of getting your tender little butthole all hurt, why not try to give them information. |
Asians are hard to tell apart and most people from Africa are black.
It's not really out of ingnorance that people think this way, it's out of a majority.
Stereotypes exist for a reason.

21 Name: Arcobaleno : 2013-11-28 09:06 ID:0csAnt5B [Del]

>>20 I'm not a butthurt, and I'm not saying everyone is able to tell the diference, and that's not the problem, I wanted to say that I don't like when people jump to conclusions before asking. If you don't know, ask, don't say first thing that comes to your mind... that's all. ;)

22 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-28 10:05 ID:K+M05Jww [Del]

>>21 So you never jump to conclusions based on someone's race/color?

23 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-11-28 12:12 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]

>>22 if you say yes you are lying.

24 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-28 12:38 ID:Ck3Xx6P9 [Del]

>>20 They don't take time to discover all the information about a person and assume they know things about them based on stereotypes. Stereotypes can be based on a majority of cases, like you said, in which case it isn't really that bad. But some stereotypes are not based on a majority and are instead based on propaganda and/or misinformation.

>>21 People always judge other people based on appearance, it is a basic human trait. You can only change whether you let this pre-judgement affect your behavior towards them.

25 Name: Kinra : 2013-11-28 13:45 ID:H0H41VLf [Del]

I grew up around black people all my life. I had to hear someone always calling me Purterican or Mexican. All because I'm half Filipeno and half Black. Nowadays I have to deal with my friends calling me Blasian, which isn't that bad (kinda funny lol)... unless you call me Chi-negro. That's when I get offended.

26 Name: Arcobaleno : 2013-11-28 14:02 ID:1ij/3xeu [Del]

>>22 about race no, but about someone's appearance, yes, sometimes, but I never say anything before I ask.

27 Name: Chreggome : 2013-11-29 19:20 ID:iU2thRyV [Del]

>>24 Thinking a Chinamen speaks Chinamen talk is not propaganda or misinformation.
Poor judgement, sure.
But it isn't necessarily ignorant.

But I do agree that propaganda and misinformation play a huge role in how we interact with each other in society.

>>25 Why give power to the word?

>>26 I don't believe you for a second.