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I'm Having Trouble Being Myself (6)

1 Name: TOTO30 : 2013-11-19 20:19 ID:QBgBkl1j [Del]

I have a hard time being myself. I'm always angry all the time but keep it in to avoid making trouble. Everyone in my family says i'm smart and should know better than to act in violence. But today I got really angry at someone for taking my chair because it was a roller seat than when i took it away he took another rolling chair from another seat. ITS JUST A F@CK#ING SEAT!!!! Anyways I got some heat from my mom and she says i need to change. I know my actions were wrong but i couldn't stop myself, I actually felt proud i let my anger out regardless of what the people says. But that probably makes me a bully right...huuuuuh. Yeah know sometimes i feel like shizuo. I have all this angry energy and i can't control what i feel. people will probably say "your just being that character! Your stupid for doing that!" Well before I did act angry like that. I've been calm all this time but nothing has happen, no new things to solve. Sometimes i just wish i didn't care what other people think more or less.

2 Name: Ao!xbaEGjJEyU : 2013-11-19 22:40 ID:uvxxFRkh [Del]

Then don't. Some things I've learned over the years, that no matter who you are, somebody somewhere is going to be pissed at you for no clear reason. I'm a seventeen year old kid who likes to ponder things. My suggestion to you is take up a martial art you practice regularly, or do parkour. It will help release some of your "antsy energy," the energy your body knows it has for violent situations. So go tire yourself out in a fun way, your muscles won't be so tense, and you'll probably feel a lot better. That's just an untrained opinion though, some people are wired differently than others.

3 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-11-20 04:52 ID:AcX8D89W [Del]

>>2 I agree with what Ao said, from just reading that it does sound like doing some kind of fairly active sport will help you.

4 Name: Zulz : 2013-11-20 08:32 ID:cl2JOqP1 [Del]

Well i'm agree too with Ao and if it's not sport you want you can try relax with music too...

5 Name: TOTO30 : 2013-11-20 09:50 ID:2Rri6J0B [Del]

I also forgot to mention I almost hit the guy, I kinda thrashed him around but I wasn't strong enough

6 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-20 11:43 ID:bmjAyDqY [Del]

breathe in breathe out dont be resortin to violence we all luv ya but u get 2 wild sometimes ja feel