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Fault Confessions (40)

1 Name: Flamingfox : 2013-11-18 17:12 ID:xcIP79dN [Del]

Admit some of your own faults. Things you can't help but do, things u know u need to work on personality-wise, things you dont want to be but are, ect. What are some things that make you who you are, but get you in trouble sometimes or causes you/someone else regret or sadness?

2 Name: Flamingfox : 2013-11-18 17:22 ID:xcIP79dN [Del]

i get really mad and cant stop arguing furiously with someone who is being ignorant or doing something mean for no reason to others. it pisses me off so much its scary.

3 Name: Neko-tama : 2013-11-18 17:29 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

I can be rude sometimes, I'm often uncertain and forgetful which may upset people sometimes. I'm also extremely lazy X3 I should work on my strength as a person.

4 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-11-18 19:40 ID:CNPHiArL [Del]

sometimes when i'm having a bad day, my anger boils over and i can think and wish some horrible things that i regret ever conceiving them.

5 Name: Medryn : 2013-11-18 19:43 ID:ySB2UB7R [Del]

I know very well that I have an anger issue: When people need someone to talk to, I quickly welcome them, but then I get pissy and angry at them for no reason and end up shouting at them and making them more upset... I always feel really horrible about this and always tell myself that I'll make it better, but it happens a little too often..

6 Name: Cyy !uXmReHf/YE : 2013-11-18 21:30 ID:10Lgftzn [Del]

This thread is a great idea, admitting your own faults can make it easier to control and deal with them on a daily basis. The first step to solving any issue is recognising it first. Personally I sometimes think far to much of my understanding of people and misjudge them. It makes me come of as rather arrogant and people thing i'm belittling them. I work on it every day~

7 Name: Flamingfox : 2013-11-19 00:07 ID:xcIP79dN [Del]

>>6 thanks Cyy! :D glad u like the thread! this is like my first successful one haha

8 Name: Murake : 2013-11-19 13:05 ID:JrhlSgqS [Del]

I would say that my biggest problem is lazyness, but by doing that I would only make my real biggest problem worse. This problem is my egocentrism. I unconsenciously ignore other people and their problems, concetrating on my self(like in the first sentence). Of course it mustn't be a problem, but in my case, it's just too much. It isn't a lie, that I work on it every day, but it's quite hard to do anything about it.
Uhh, it's such a great feeling to let it all out.

9 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-11-19 13:50 ID:MXtkn7aP [Del]

My fault is that I don't solve a problem on time. I'm always pushing it and never finish what I have started.

10 Name: Vallenceford : 2013-11-19 15:10 ID:PHGLPGWu [Del]

when I'm supposed to be angry on someone, I can't. I'm too careless for it.

11 Name: BlueRaven : 2013-11-19 21:37 ID:xcIP79dN [Del]

im a MAJOR procrastinator and cant seem to stop

12 Name: Ao!xbaEGjJEyU : 2013-11-19 22:35 ID:uvxxFRkh [Del]

I can't change how I want to. I know there's some things that I really should check up on with myself, put things in place, but... I just can't seem to do it. And its screwing me over bigtime.

13 Name: Robo40 : 2013-11-19 23:31 ID:PlKyD6mB [Del]

I hate it when I fail but for some reason I can't seem to stop doing it again an again...!

14 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-11-20 11:37 ID:oPO6zuh4 [Del]

I procrastinate in a way that it's almost like self destruction.
I can't speak normally face-to-face with a person and i feel incredibly awkard and sad when I'm the middle of a crowd of classmates and I'm simply invisible. I wish i had a friend on the internet to talk with about my problems.

15 Name: Tsundere : 2013-11-20 14:49 ID:evu5+nIz [Del]

- I am, for the lack of better term, tsundere. Of course, I'm not as extreme as anime girls. I never hit my crush or scream "BAKA!" at him. But I would NEVER confess it to him or let anyone else now that I like him. I can confidently say I'm THE only person on the entire planet to know about my feelings. I even denied them to myself for first few months ("NO! I CERTAINLY don't like him! It can't be!") It took me about 2-3 months to even realize that I like him. About two years ago, a couple of boys asked me if I liked him. I gave them VERY tsundere-ish reaction: *awkward, high pitched laugh* WHAT?! ME LIKING THAT... FREAK! NO WAY IN HELL!" *massive blushing*. Another thing that happened a few years ago: Our head teacher decided to make our sitting arragement herself. She briefly considered to make me (usually quiet girl) and my crush (very talkative boy)sit together for WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR. I blushed so much, my teacher asked if a have a fever and she nearly called my parents to pick me up and take me home. I said something like "Yeah, it's really hot in this classroom and I'm not feeling very well... But I don't need to go home!" At the end, we didn't sit together :( I even called my crush an idiot a few times xD
- I am often lazy and I procrastinate my schoolwork
- I am a bit of a liar (I wouldn't say I'm compulsive liar, but I sometimes lie about things that don't even matter - eg. "Oh, I'm just a bit worried about tommorow's math test" when I'm actually hungry or bored)
- I can't trust people, especially those in my school (I used to be teased and bullied when I was a kid and I was also very naive. I wouldn't get it when someone was sarcastic and I actually believed them, only to get called an idiot. Now,whenever people are nice to me, I ALWAYS assume they are sarcastic)
- Beacause of my previous statement, I'm also very sarcastic (When people comliment me, I only say "Yeah, thanks" in most sarcastic tone I can menage to use)
- I eather act extremly mature or extremly childish (I almost never act my age, as a teenager. I'll eather be telling girls in my class "They should focus on studying instead of boys and fashion" or I'll scream "Yay, doggy!" whenever I see a dog).

16 Name: TheWatcher : 2013-11-20 19:21 ID:qLEQ1Tke [Del]

* I have a short temper
* I tend to keep everyone at a distance
* I have a problem with communicating with others which makes me seem meanier to some
* I say sorry for the smallest things in fear of getting in trouble or making someone upset
* When I'm not being a push over I tend to yell at eveyone
* I yell at myself and put myself down
* I act as someone I am not around people sometimes
* I have no idea in the slightest bit who i really am
* I always think people are planning against me and that I have no one on my side

17 Name: I : 2013-11-20 19:52 ID:xcIP79dN [Del]

i overthink EVERYTHING. im going insane. i dont want your help.

18 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-11-20 23:13 ID:5Qzsz7VH [Del]

>>15 Hahahha!! I loved reading your post.

19 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-11-21 12:19 ID:whAtLyr2 [Del]

I have a horrible memory
I have a horrible attention span
I have a horrible memory

20 Name: Svecia : 2013-11-21 17:36 ID:1aD7SsKT [Del]

- I constantly apologize over the littlest thing
- I obsess over unimportant things
- I can't keep a relationship
- I am scared to be around girls
- I define myself by my medical condition
- I treat people like crap once I get to know them
- I'm too neurotic for anyone to love

21 Name: AbeMao : 2013-11-21 18:26 ID:R6d9iSTh [Del]

I'm really niave and im to trusting.

22 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-21 19:55 ID:aW2dhSVc [Del]

I can often be a major cunt to my friends without realising.

23 Name: Ao!xbaEGjJEyU : 2013-11-21 21:07 ID:uvxxFRkh [Del]

Living pisses me off without her. But I find it more interesting than being dead.

24 Name: BlueRaven : 2013-12-27 01:01 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

I think im addicted to depression

25 Name: Viridian : 2013-12-27 03:42 ID:/nHtzrSm [Del]

I have trouble staying committed to almost everything. If I say I'll do it, there's a fairly large chance I won't or will give up halfway. Sometimes I feel I could be more talented, or a better person, etc. if it weren't for this.

26 Name: Hana Maru : 2013-12-27 04:32 ID:91O3aqmp [Del]

I''m kind of cowardly. If something bad is going on to someone or even to myself, I can't work up the courage to stop it or even say something against it. I've lived a pretty good life where nothing bad has happened, which I'm grateful for. But it means I don't know how to deal with certain situations. If a friend is hurting and upset it can be very hard for me to comfort them. I usually end up crying along with them. well it's hard to explain really but being like this actually makes me feel cowardly and weak.

27 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2013-12-27 13:18 ID:TH8UqaU9 [Del]

I'm the type who is so petrified of failure that every possible action/reaction is calculated while the moment to act slips away and when I finally muster the courage to say something, the moment is gone.

Whether it's in my head or in conversation, I make a big deal out of little things and make big things seem insignificant.

I am a chameleon in groups. The only people who really know anything about me are the people I get to talk one on one with.

...just a handful of known issues in the chronic thinker.

28 Name: catshit : 2013-12-28 18:52 ID:Az+IO3NZ [Del]

I got problems being honest... When I tell the truth it just sounds fictional. Oh yay! Satan loves me... Yeah that's my fault maybe also because I refuse to disclose entire truth's unless it's necessary.. But then lying by omission makes everything sound so fake in the end...maybe

29 Name: Alfred : 2013-12-28 23:01 ID:WdX2qQsL [Del]

I lie to people.
Mostly the lies were formed to protect them from the real me, but now I can't help but feel guilt when I see them.

30 Name: Tamacchi : 2013-12-28 23:47 ID:k58UJk9O [Del]

I sacrifice my parents' trust for my own wants. Sometimes I lie to them because I want the best grades possible to make them happy.

31 Name: Miu Inoue : 2013-12-30 11:47 ID:c7DMymXa [Del]

I`m sorry...

32 Name: BloodyRose : 2013-12-30 12:58 ID:MHAXc20Z [Del]

I love it when others suffer. Not just because I'm sick but because I want them to know that I suffer 10x more then them

33 Name: Amy : 2013-12-30 13:24 ID:ozvFbHZG [Del]

Because I'm a melancholic person, I do bad things. My lover is sad because of me and my bad behaviour. Sometimes It's hard to overcome it. I wish I'll change.

34 Name: Marionette : 2013-12-30 16:59 ID:P8cbU/Ht [Del]

im prone to lying. be it simple or in depth, i will lie about anything as long as i feel it necessary. but i also find great pleasure in watching others suffer. i see it as payment, for all the things they have done.

35 Name: Lady : 2013-12-30 17:13 ID:ub5dtWIb [Del]

I am unable to truly love someone. I have never felt love in my life and don't know what it feels like.

36 Name: Pawprint : 2013-12-30 22:37 ID:DyOC9J6z [Del]

I am truly stubborn. I tend to keep going even if I feel pain or confusion both physically and emotionally, and never stop for a break or advice. It's a bad habit, but I am hoping to turn it and use it for gain instead

37 Name: *Lyrics*of*Pandora* : 2013-12-30 23:13 ID:hoqzWEnO [Del]

I am constantly afraid of being abandoned. so i push people away. I am insecure and don't really trust people. I hurt a lot but hide it behind a smile. I constantly compare myself to a lone wolf....I yearn to be in a pack of my own....but i am better off as a loner....

38 Name: kanra : 2013-12-31 01:53 ID:n0vaqEQr [Del]

Every one in my school/home thinks that i'm a depressed child and that everything is just a phase, but i'm tired of parents telling us that its just a phase...and I have a crush on someone, but they have a pal/date person :( I've always sat in the back of the class...i only have like 4 or 5 best friends and we hang out as a group together(we are known as the trolls from Homestuck). There are 2 sollux captors (including me) so i feel really left out when they try to rp and talk about their zodiac and everything...I dont smile...i wear boy clothing so i get asked if im a guy all the time ^^ ha its fun to stir up some gender fender benders sometimes, but other than that, there really is no fun in my life...i escape the real world through anime,manga, and gaming...

39 Name: Cocoa : 2013-12-31 02:28 ID:emRCRAPc [Del]

I live in a different country. My mom occasionally visits me, since im still underaged and a foreign student. From where i am now to my hometown takes 12 hours of flight. My dad is busy; heck we are a big family. Plus my brother got caught in an accident some years ago and now has a brain.. um.. error? He acts like a little boy now although he is almost 20 years old.

Sometimes my father calls me in his short free breaks. I dont know why but i keep screaming and yelling and getting angry at him.. although when we speak face to face i dont. Like yesterday, i just took a flight back to this country (call it Country R) and the day after he called me. He.. um, said that i was being worrisome for not calling him during the transits (i had to change planes two times). I dont know what got over me, but i yelled, and i mean YELLED at him my excuses. Heck it was not a matter to yell about. I could have explained it to him calmly.. *sigh*. Im a terrible child. I hope the next time he calls i can remember to apologise..

40 Name: lala-chan : 2013-12-31 11:02 ID:3JfqIbtA [Del]

I am paranoid and because of that I never get close to people.
i do not understand emotions so i am constantly making people mad at me and i refuse to trust anyone