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heart break (5)

1 Name: bigfellow319 : 2013-11-04 22:52 ID:RMlXw6Dk [Del]

This is the first time doing this kind of thing but since i have no one to tell this to im just putting it here to help myself feel better. So this might sound like some everyday thing but the girl that i have cared for four years and tell everything to and viseversa has basically just stomped on my heart. I know this might sound like some cliché but she knows how much i loved her and she felt the same way but then i found out that shes seeing someonr else and she was talking to him in front of me in my bed and this just pissed me off so much i really have no idea what to do. sould i stop talking to her for a while or what???

2 Name: unknown Soul!Z4Y4LdoAVE : 2013-11-05 05:15 ID:t2NzvqpK [Del]

You should do nothing. Just wait, act as a friend, she'll notice that something is weird. If she do something for it, she cares about you. If she don't, sh's not worth of your attention

3 Name: Risama : 2013-11-05 12:49 ID:rNOWojX4 [Del]

Don't back away from her just stay friends (you need a lot of courage to do this). BUT only be friends.. hide your feelings and she will miss you (eventually). Give it a month or so.. if that doesn't work just move on with your life.
This is the best advice i can give you right now.

4 Name: Cyy !uXmReHf/YE : 2013-11-05 16:26 ID:1DWYGVlg [Del]

>>2 >>3 These guys have it covered. DO NOT freak out, that won't help your situation at all. You may even find it's some ploy to make you jealous~

5 Name: bigfellow319 : 2013-11-09 08:40 ID:RMlXw6Dk [Del]

thanks really appreciate the help