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I'll simply be forever alone... (20)

1 Name: KuroNeko : 2013-11-04 08:39 ID:9D0qmwOS [Del]

So today,this guy came and asked my friend out at school,then afterwards my other friend told me how she'd found herself a boyfriend and two other friends of mine-a guy & a girl are actually together....I just feel really akward because,this is my main group of friends & ALL of them are in a relationship now!!I'm the only one who's never been in romantical relationship.(& I really think I deserve that )And I am already 15!! :/ My first boyfriend actually hit me once & after that we broke up and my second bf was a dream come true for me,srsly...I saw him at an amusement park & out of the blue,he started flirting with me.After that,we started hanging out together & some days later,he asked me to be his gf...It was the best day of my life but then I found out he had another gf that he had been cheating on with me,so I asked him to break up.We broke up recently,really (2 months & 14 days ago,yes,I counted xD).But I haven't been asked out at all since then & I really DO believe I'll be forever alone...After all that, I'll never be able to trust a guy again.Also,my behavior towards guys has changed,I've become really distant,but I do it out of fear....Help?? :(

2 Name: Silverfang !9UkOGtZTdE : 2013-11-04 08:58 ID:fZzGdfoU [Del]

I'm a guy, and I was cheated on twice in my first relationship which caused something similar to what you said at the end. I've become distant from females generally and I don't trust many at all. I decided a little while ago that since I can't trust anyone I get in a relationship with, because of my first girlfriend, I would just do without a relationship at all. This is just a personal choice I made, that a lot of people say is stupid... but I'm in a somewhat similar position as you.
My only reasons for staying single really are A) that I don't really understand relationships anymore, as nobody seems to value them, and B) that I don't want to be hurt the way I was again.
Honestly, since then... I've realized that a relationship is the last thing I need at a young age (17). Maybe when I'm 20 or something I'll reconsider my choice, but it's not worth it for me at all right now.

You don't really have to care about this post.
I just saw this one and I decided to share my own experiences.
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

3 Name: Aoi : 2013-11-04 11:03 ID:JN8Bm7vL [Del]

I think you shouldn't force yourself to have a boyfriend because afterall, you're still young and have many years to find one. Also, it's not because everyone has a bf that you -should- have one, it's up to you, not your friends.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: KuroNeko : 2013-11-04 23:45 ID:9D0qmwOS [Del]

>>3 I know,it's just that they make such a big deal about it all the time...I mean,when my friend got into a relationship with this guy,she was squealing & shouting "OMG someone pinch meee!!!" I mean,she seemed so happy...& everyone who's in a relationship seems upbeat & energetic...I'm like the ONLY ONE who it didn't work out well for,I just feel so unlucky!Plus now my friends try to help me get in a relationship with guys I don't like!! :/ and >>2 perhaps you're right...Perhaps a relationship is the last thing I need right now & I'm perfectly fine with that.But what do I do with all my friends who push me about it,telling me "well,you're the only person of our group who's single right now,we have to help you out!" I don't NEED to be helped out,but they just don't get it!!-_-

6 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-11-05 05:30 ID:VT7RUcFD [Del]

Althought what I'm about to write might sound lame bla bla bla, I have to say that I'm already 20 and I haven't been dating anyone for about a year or such. This may be cause boys are the same idiots, like >>1 said, even at his age, and let me add at even a greater age, so my conclusion is either normal, not sex-obsessed boys no longer exist or that there's something wrong with me, God knows. Anyway, one thing I learnt was that rush never makes things easier, so my advice to you is to think about your own feelings and opinions, and not about those of somebody else's and act according to them only. You must be firm, blunt in front of those against your thoughts. And don't rush things up, there is a time for everything. I'm sure of it.

7 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-11-05 06:32 ID:0NS5+PhZ [Del]

I quote everything.
I'm almost 18 years old and I've never had a boyfriend. NEVER. I've never kissed anybody, either. And I'm just fine, even If sometimes i wonder what my life would be like if i fell in love with someone. Rushing things is absolutely unnecessary, it's better to wait long enough to truly feeling like finding love!
Believe me, you are so young and you still have tons of occasions, don't worry at all!
About your friends...just tell them that you're happy the way you are now, never stop to tell them whenever it's necessary. And if they get annoying, don't bother to get a little angry (NOT aggressive!) : they are your friends and they'll eventually understand. (I'm sorry for my grammar :3 )

8 Name: KuroNeko : 2013-11-05 09:43 ID:9D0qmwOS [Del]

>>6 and >>7 Thank you both... :) I really understand what you mean.Actually,I've seen for myself that rushing only makes things worse.I was almost 13 when I had my first relationship...You can't even IMAGINE how much I've regretted this.I knew I wasn't ready for a relationship,but I followed the trends & got myself a bf.Of course,I ended up broken in the end. :/ I just try to be independent,but my friends can get veeeery pushy at times.Today we had the same argument about romance & things ended up pretty badly this time as well.We got into a huge fight & I managed to tell them that I don't want to be pushed to find my significant other & that I'll hook up with someone when the time comes.One of them shouted at me & told me "you are an idiot...Guys are much more important than you think & if you don't try to hook up with someone RIGHT NOW you never will!& you'll never get to be in a romantic & serious relationship,thus you'll never discover how a guy can turn your world upside down!!!" Irony is,some hours later she broke up with her new bf & she kept crying till the last hour of school...& that's when I realised that I was not the only unlucky person when it comes to romance & that it's something serious that takes its time because FEELINGS have to get involved in it,not just the world's opinion.

9 Name: Risama : 2013-11-05 12:46 ID:rNOWojX4 [Del]

KuroNeko with all do respect.. YOU ARE 15 YEARS OLD you have plenty of time to find someone that likes you as much as you like him/her.


10 Name: kitty : 2013-11-05 14:06 ID:0ZL64OOa [Del]

You're so young honey, you have so much in life to learn. But I promise you, you DO NOT need a boy to validate your existence or make you happy. Putting your happiness in the hands of someone else is the best way to get hurt. You're 15. Focus on your studies, boys are a waste of time a your age.

11 Name: Cyy !uXmReHf/YE : 2013-11-05 16:23 ID:1DWYGVlg [Del]

Agreeing with >>9 and >>10 your friends are absolutely WRONG, you're still so young you have PLENTY of time to find someone and do the whole relationship thing. I'm 19 and still practically in the same position as you, relationships are hard and even harder if both sides don't feel the same way~

12 Name: ayastigi waya : 2013-11-05 18:32 ID:q5o08NuS [Del]

okay firstly you are 15, your oppinion of guys hasn't changed forever, just for now, secondly you're 15! that's the way 15 year old males opperate! most di not think, Why We guys don't devolp BRAINS around women till about 21-25 (sometimes later than that) Until then it's instinct guiding us, not emotion most times, YES SOME GUYS , myself being one, devolp brains early, but for the most part we are idiots till we get in our twenties, My point is, Teenage dating isn't meant to be forever, just to start us on the path of love, Trust me I'm engaged now and I been hung with the idiot guys , yeah odds are it'll take you a while, But Alone forever, at 15?? How can you say that, when your love life is just now beginning??

13 Name: ayastigi waya : 2013-11-05 18:35 ID:q5o08NuS [Del]

I'm not meaning to be rude on this, I am just saying, this seems like the type of thing my grandpa said, " needs a good kick in the arse" to get fixed. So yeah take it from someone who WAS a teenage guy once, We're all idiots from 13-18, then we grow into idiots with emotions,You won't be forever alone, Just for now You gpot a future and it's bright and happy, That is the point i tried to make

14 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-05 18:53 ID:7u5nCGJa [Del]

>>13 Don't even care that you horribly generalised an entire gender into a stereotype that isn't necessarily true.

15 Name: ayastigi waya : 2013-11-05 19:26 ID:q5o08NuS [Del]

read it all the way thru -_- i said , not all, and dude I am male, I have been there, when you get past the teenage years you tend to apollogize to a lot of people, at least me and my buddies did, so yeah every male i knew was just the same as us, only difference is I had a brain they didn't

16 Name: Shikyou : 2013-11-05 19:26 ID:3FnMsPku [Del]

When you stop looking, you'll find what you want. Don't talk to guys like they're guys just talk to them like they're people. Also don't be overly concerned with "finding someone" because if it's forced it wont work out(trust me). try to trust again, and forgive, but never forget.

17 Name: ayastigi waya : 2013-11-05 19:34 ID:q5o08NuS [Del]

Adolecence is meant to get you ready for adulthood, not make you an adult all at once -_- , teenage guys JUST gone thru puberty are A )driven by Testostorone that they don't have full congtrol over yet, and B) trying to think of ways to get laid, paid and , and are almost all un afraid , un afraid of anything, why do i group ALL teenage boys?? I grouped them the way a scientist or therapist would a catogory , i did not mean That EVERY SINGLE teenage boy is that way

18 Name: Yu : 2013-11-05 20:41 ID:r95laXaa [Del]

think about it if there is one person that gives you a bad time there are another that is perfect for you just keep hanging on..... hay Im 17 and still have never been in a romanitc relationship. dont judge XD

19 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-06 07:12 ID:Ti+bv3uz [Del]

"We're all idiots from 13-18, then we grow into idiots with emotion"
"that's the way 15 year old males opperate!"
Both those quotes contradict literally what you just said. I don't think that you are being fair to the teenage male population. I'm 16 and although some of my friends are idiots, the majority of people I hang out with are already sensible, mature (to an extent) and developed. Not only that but apparently this 'brain lacking teenage male' has better spelling and punctuation than you. Also, once again, while saying that you are not generalising, you said in the exact same post "every male i knew was just the same as us..." Do you not see the problem?

20 Name: Moka-chan : 2013-11-06 15:30 ID:rQfZZlsS [Del]

I think that before you start even hoping for a new relationship, you should first fully process trough with your feelings at the moment. Now I`m not saying that you should dwell on something for the rest of your life no! No dwelling at all, rather just think trough your relationships like "what was good? What went wrong? Did I really like them? If I did , why? Why didn`t I? " and so on. And Solace I agree with that we are blaming guys in general too much, she clearly just happened to meet some jerk who clearly has personal issues. Oh and I`m 15 too so I suppose I can relate to you at least a little, though I`ve only been in a relationship once... I shall wish you luck... right now... at this moment...XD No really, everything will turn out just fine in the end, promise!