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Meep !! (10)

1 Name: Heichou_Levi : 2013-11-04 06:51 ID:O3SAAaF4 [Del]

Guys Help!!
I have a classmate (girl) and she's beautiful (Im beautiful too ^.^) but she seems harsh towards me and I'm just o-o ... (only in Me) I'm trying to become friends with her but everytime she passes by and I'm with my friends she'll said "you're ugly" I mean wut? .-. I just let her do that things everyday. My friend shanna (friend of girl) said that its who she is... and its so good to be friends with her but its a big mess if you're an enemy of her. So I just let her be v.v I got nothing to do...I dont want to involved with her anyway.
(For me she's Just jeaulous because Im beautiful too and Im a better person than her X3)
So everytime she passes by, my friend (shermain) always there to save me like "Whatever Major Loser Barbie Doll"
Its not a big deal for me but I want your opinions

2 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-04 08:39 ID:Ti+bv3uz [Del]

You seem like a person that really needs to re-evaluate your life in general.

3 Name: Aoi : 2013-11-04 11:07 ID:JN8Bm7vL [Del]

You shouldn't judge people on their beauty, sometimes they aren't that beautiful on the inside :)

4 Name: Smile : 2013-11-04 11:29 ID:5PIVeIkz [Del]

I think, the girl you are talking about is just going through some issues. I don't think she really means it... Try not responding at all. or maybe warm up to her slowly... I guess, the best thing you could do is nothing at all.

It's really admiarable that you think you are beautiful ^^.... don't let her change your mind

5 Name: TyphoonLiquer : 2013-11-04 14:17 ID:UVMD/RzG [Del]

now matter how pretty she is I do not wanna be around a jerk so screw her there are prettier people and nicer one's

6 Name: anri : 2013-11-05 12:41 ID:dHEe2WO4 [Del]

honestly i think the best thing is to just leave her as she obviously does not want to be friends with you or is a horrible person.
also i agree with >>3 you really shouldnt want to be friends with someone just because they are pretty

7 Name: kitty : 2013-11-05 14:10 ID:0ZL64OOa [Del]

Why would you want to befriend someone so mean spirited? I personally always try to befriend those who seem they need someone/something nice in their lives, but if she acts that way and calls you ugly then she doesn't deserve friendship from you. She clearly isn't the best kind of person.

8 Name: Cyy !uXmReHf/YE : 2013-11-05 16:20 ID:1DWYGVlg [Del]

Everyone is spot on so far, I'd say Personality over Pretty every single time~

9 Name: ayastigi waya : 2013-11-05 18:42 ID:q5o08NuS [Del]

Outter beauty is just a mask, The inner self is what we truly look like, This girl is Ugly and disgusting looking on the inside, Like a Goblin, Never trust a Goblin, They don't make good friends, they will betray you in the end, If you are beautiful INSIDE then you have gtrue beauty, and it will reflect in yiour eyes, and your voice , most times it will show on your face as well THAT is true beauty

10 Name: Shikyou : 2013-11-05 19:31 ID:3FnMsPku [Del]

ok first thing, if she makes you feel bad, to hell with her. but try peace first, get her alone just you and her and be straight up. ask what the deal is and express an interest in becoming friends. if she refuses, i don't care what you're friend says, no teenage girl is scary. what's she gonna do? start a rumor? lay into you on facebook? lol.