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oh the Anxiety (6)

1 Name: Kitty : 2013-11-03 13:33 ID:Bn+nfWDk [Del]

Recently I've been suffering severe panic attacks. I've never had them before, but I do have a history of anxiety and depression. About two weeks ago I was in the hospital because of this, I couldn't breathe, my whole body felt like pins and needles the way your foot feels when it falls asleep, and my heart was racing.
To this day, weeks later, I still have trouble breathing. The doctor gave me meds and says its all psychosomatic, basically saying its all in my head. Just about every night I have the issue of my heart racing, and All day long it feels like I'm breathing through a straw.

My question is, has anyone here had similar problems?
How did you deal with them, what works best for you when you feel panicky? Do you have any suggestions on keeping calm, or lowering anxiety?

2 Name: Mukashi : 2013-11-03 21:03 ID:4gkHZ2h2 [Del]

Well, i get panicked a lot but not as severely as you. I just breathe and distract myself and think about happy stuff

3 Name: Archray : 2013-11-04 08:05 ID:ixr3YlGA [Del]

I suffer from social anxiety and have had a few panic attacks and many anxiety attacks. When I feel myself reaching that stage in school or crowded areas the first thing I do is get out of there.
Excuse yourself and go to the toilet.
Take deep and slow breathes.
Hum as song or one thing that helps me is I take my phone and earphones with me. I put them in with songs that cheer me up and make me feel good about myself. Mozarts works are very good for calming yourself and is proven to lower stress levels.
One song that cheers me up is 'Anything' by Hedley.
I hope this helps

4 Name: TyphoonLiquer : 2013-11-04 14:22 ID:DJgwrc+X [Del]

I panic all the time but then I think- take it easy or you'll kill yourself. I listen to music that reflects my mood at the time-90s alternative for girl problems, heavy metal when im mad and lounge music so I can chill out

5 Name: AbeMao : 2013-11-04 20:39 ID:/OhJJ9Pl [Del]

I normally try to breath deep and or smoke pot with my boyfriend

6 Name: kitty : 2013-11-05 14:03 ID:0ZL64OOa [Del]

Thank you all for your replies, they're deeply appreciated!

I've been trying to take deep breaths, but it is still very difficult to breathe for me right now, like I can't get enough air into my lungs.

I have been trying to distract myself with music an video games, I also find that if I'm talking and carrying out a conversation it is a little easier to relax.

also AbeMao I used to smoke pot literally every day for almost 4 years thats why I'm in this situation, but still you're contribution is appreciated.