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[Survey] Do you wear make up? (19)

1 Name: koi : 2013-11-02 01:24 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

I do hope this is the right section to post this. Please answer the following questions if you wish!

This is a survey for both men and women.
Please state:

1. Gender

2. Ethnic background & Nationality

3. How often do you wear make up? (i.e. every work day/only to special occasions/every day)

4. (If you wear make up often) Why do you wear make up/how does it make you feel? (If you don't wear make up often) Why not?

5. Would you be able to go without make up for the rest of your life?

6. (Optional) How do you think make up is viewed in today's society? Is it a necessity for all girls/women to wear make up?

2 Name: Blue : 2013-11-18 17:19 ID:xcIP79dN [Del]

1- Female
2- half japanese/half british, raised in America
3- all school days, on days i go out
4- because it makes me feel more confident and makes me look prettier
5- yeah if i had to but i like wearing it
6- i think makeup is becoming less important to most girls/women now a days. people diss those who wear a lot of it and call them fake. i see a lot of girls at school who dont wear makeup or only a bit. (im in high school). i personally only wear some mascara, a bit of eyeliner, and some toning pressed-powder face stuff. it looks really natural and people think i dont wear any sometimes haha. hope this helped ur survey~

3 Name: ArabellaTurner : 2013-11-18 20:04 ID:SPSng2h7 [Del]

1) Female

2) 100% WASP

3) Only on very special occasions

4) I guess I feel pretty when wearing it, but not pretty enough to bother applying it on a regular basis.

5) I could absolutely go without it. It really isn't all that important to me.

4 Name: Chinaricat : 2013-11-18 20:04 ID:tL0cqXkK [Del]

1) Female
2) Caucasian
3) Minimally, maybe three or four days out of a month
4) I don't see a need to wear make-up that often. For one thing, make-up actually hinders your skin's health. Also, it's another task in tedium during daily preparation. When I do wear make-up, I keep it to a minimum with maybe some foundation and powder to cover up acne or eyeliner more or less on a whim.
5) I could live without make-up, but it's nice to have for special occasions and cosplay.
6)Make-up feels like something of the past decade, a fad having passed, but in reality, a lot of women and female teens wear make-up as per societal standards. Too much is considered trashy or fake, but America by and large comes off as a superficial nation. That conception finally breaking through to the general public may even be an indicator of desire to break that paradigm, but nothing can be certain. Wearing make-up is no necessity for the most part, but rather a reflection of culture, both around and inside oneself, and how that perception plays out aesthetically.

5 Name: AbeMao : 2013-11-19 00:51 ID:g8b5rjJL [Del]

1 female
2 half Danish half Finnish lives in denmark.
3 I wear make up everyday .
4 It makes me feel more beautiful.
5 I could go forever with out make up all I wear is lipstick a bit of blush and mascara.
6 I think it's a good thing some girls/guys like wearing make up and I think it helps cover up some problems you might have.

6 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-11-19 01:21 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]

I just thought i would point out something


7 Name: AbeMao : 2013-11-19 02:40 ID:g8b5rjJL [Del]

6 what do you mean

8 Name: Vallenceford : 2013-11-19 15:16 ID:PHGLPGWu [Del]

1. Female

2. Moluccan (sort of Indonesian) but I live in The Netherlands, which makes me Dutch.

3. Everyday

4. It makes me comfotable..

5. No..

6. Yes, definitely.

9 Name: BlueRaven : 2013-12-27 00:59 ID:7hoUY6aD [Del]

>>7 Sleepology at 6 is right. Gender is not the same as sex. Sex is biological, if you are female or male. Gender is psychological and is due to how you are raised and how you perceive yourself. For example, in some cultures, a few boys have been raised as girls. So their sex is male, but their gender is a woman. make sense? :)

10 Name: Hana Maru : 2013-12-27 04:28 ID:91O3aqmp [Del]

1. female
2. Australian but with European ancestry
3. Only on special occasions
4. because I am too lazy to put it on in the mornings and I suck at it.
5. yep

11 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-12-27 06:26 ID:0NS5+PhZ [Del]

1. Female
2. Italian
3. Only on special occasions
4. It takes too much time to put it and i don't really care about look
5. Nope. I can live my everyday life without make-up but i absolutely need it if i want to continue cosplay!
6. I think make-up is overrated. Women are taught to wear it since childhood (they sell those make-up toys) but it's still a complete tab for men.
Society still teaches that a woman /needs/ makeup to look pretty, but in fact it can not be true. A percentage of women feels completely uncomfortable with makeup, and i don't think we should encourage or obligate girls to wear it.

12 Name: vinny !XXcmcacCYI : 2013-12-27 06:30 ID:jLuDkZ0R [Del]

1. Female.
2. Mexican.
3. I wear foundation every day, and a little eyeliner + mascara every other day.
4. If I don't wear foundation people tell me that I look tired! Plus my complexion isn't the best, either.
5. Eh, I'd live.

13 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2013-12-27 13:35 ID:TH8UqaU9 [Del]

Come on, guys all afraid to reply?

1. Male
2. White as all get out
3. Twice in my life
4. Once was for a costume the other was cause I had this huge red spot on my face and my sister covered it up before an event
5. Easily. I'd like access to it in the event of future cosplay, but I could do without just fine.
6. I don't think makeup (like basically everything else in this world) is inherently good or bad. People should just learn what moderation is. I don't know anyone who doesn't look just fine without it, but that doesn't mean some people don't use it well to compliment what they have. Just don't make yourself look like a display cake and we'll be cool.

14 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-12-27 14:12 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]

People, this is almost 2 months old and is way past any point of helping anyone. Stop replying.

15 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2013-12-27 14:47 ID:TH8UqaU9 [Del]

I suppose. I wasn't even thinking about which board it's on. It could be a discussion, but not really one for Personal.

16 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-12-27 15:32 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]

>>15 just how is this a discussion?

17 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-12-27 16:23 ID:111nCscs [Del]

>>16 I think it's kind of interesting seeing different perceptions on makeup related to different genders/ethnicity, honestly.

18 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-12-27 17:34 ID:ULm6H+vp [Del]

>>17 And yet very few responses from males, for relatively obvious reasons. I think this thread does have the potential to be rather insightful, but the amount of repetition of sentiments makes it appear less so.

19 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-12-28 05:08 ID:gR+rK/5Y [Del]

>>18 I actually know several guys who wear concealer and/or eyeliner faithfully o: They're not the majority, but they exist.

It's not a really complex discussion, though, so there doesn't need to be leading questions. It would probably be better to open a new thread up as a complete discussion/debate about makeup, its effects (both physical and mental, as well as whether or not those are positive or negative), the extent of its use, etc. I know I'd like to slap a few words on a thread like that lol

Anyone want to remake it? If not, I'll toss a new one up somewhere (though I'm not sure if it would be here or on Main since it could count as a decent discussion).