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How do you cope up with emptiness? (21)

1 Name: Kanra : 2013-10-12 08:30 ID:sDgBeCKS [Del]

So yeah, how do you guys cope up with emptiness? I don't know why, but every single day I go to school, I feel lonely. I have this so called "friends", that love to backstab and such. I feel like I don't belong.

2 Name: Saika : 2013-10-12 08:59 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

You feel lonely because your "friends" suck.
And that sucks.
Did they do anything to hurt you?
I hope you're okay.

3 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-10-12 09:24 ID:ohOwBEmr [Del]

I feel exactly the same. I feel so lonely, i have the impression that nobody understands me. But i don't care. I prefer to be alone that to have fake friends that don't respect me, i feel happier like this. There will be a day when I'll find someone that thinks the same as me, and then i won't be alone. :3 Don't worry If you feel empty, it doesn't last forever...find something that makes you feel happy, even if it sounds cliche...the secrets is to put yourself first, sometimes.

4 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-10-12 09:34 ID:eEkAO0lA [Del]

Emotional detachment is becoming increasingly common in later generations. Earlier on in history, it would be an early symptom of heavy depression; now it can be chalked up to general apathy as well. Basically, when a lot of people feel emptiness it's really their mind trying to tell them to do 'something'. The reason that therapists are so heavily on the rise is that people misinterpret such feelings as a distinct emotional problem, rather than a symptom of first world living. If you are feeling empty, try to break the norm. Maybe learn a new skill, partake in an activity, just something to switch regime. If you instead start feeling like such things are pointless and emotions are merely a barrier to true self control, then it is rooted in something deeper and you should see somebody.

On the other hand, it might just be because you're hanging out with a bunch of shallow assholes. In that case, stop hanging out with them, it may feel like there is a social barrier but there really isn't. You aren't bound by some kind of teenage code of honour.

5 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-10-12 21:22 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

I developed multiple personalities to cope with emptiness, good friends help with loneliness but emptiness is a whole other story. There is no "right" way to cope with emptiness. You could find a lover to fill the whole in your heart but that doesn't come with a grantee. I guess all anyone can really do is find something they love (like a hobby or a lover.)

6 Name: Illiavander : 2013-10-13 01:06 ID:RyNG4DDX [Del]

I had the same problem when I was in high school. I used to hang out with a group of friends who didn't really appreciate me. Sometimes it felt like I could walk away and no one would even notice. I tested that theory once. I was right. I walked away for half an hour and no one noticed. My solution: I found new friends. Good friends that actually payed attention to me and cared about what I thought and said. Within one year my self confidence sky rocketed. You can't just wait for someone who thinks the same way as you to show up, cause, chances are, if you feel that you're better off by yourself, they will too and you'll never approach each other. Someone has to make the first move. If you have enough self awareness to realize that something is missing in your life, then you're lucky to be mature enough to take the first step in enriching your life. Make that first step. You'll be surprised where true friendship can be found.

7 Name: Makani : 2013-10-14 01:09 ID:enrwbmrG [Del]

Hummm..... I recommend pineapple. Wait- Wait! Hear me out >.<' pineapple is a natural anti depressant. I found it immensely helpful during the times akin to what you describe.

Emptiness is not an easy feeling to fight but don't give up. No matter how bad life seems to get it almost always gets better. Trust me ^w^ I grew up through some pretty rough times myself. It wasn't exactly safe for me as a kid where I grew up.

I know what you are feeling can be hard to deal with but believe me. You can. * smiles* I hope the emptiness fades soon and warmth fills the space it leaves behind. Please feel better. Okay?

8 Name: elchan !0aIlUQyu62 : 2013-10-18 01:19 ID:4kbIcK+g [Del]

emptiness is hard to overcome..
in my case, eventhough I have a lover, there are still that feeling that I feel empty. when I seek to understand more this feeling of mine of being empty, I think, I know what's making me empty-- ITS THE WORLD.

i think most of us, feels that this world is so boring.. when I mean 'this world', it means our personal world.. the world that we see in our own perspective.. we are just one tiny human in this world and the world that we can see is just so small for our hands to reach.. that goes the same with friends too.. there are over billions of people in this world. surely, someday, you will find someone or some people that will complete you..

just that, when you feel empty, ask yourself what makes you feel empty? what can you do when you feel empty?

in my case, I dont feel empty when I have my internet, locked up in my room and when the night is so silent..

my friendly advice is >//< when you feel empty, please dont make it to the point where you will feel despair :_//<

9 Name: elchan !0aIlUQyu62 : 2013-10-18 01:21 ID:4kbIcK+g [Del]

because when your emptiness turns into despair, it will be hard for yourself to find goodness or hope in this world >_____< 'cuz I am feeling the same way too.

10 Name: Jolteon !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-10-18 08:44 ID:/hnTrxPZ [Del]

For me, college is horrible... I thought i made some friends but.. they just don't appear to be of that kind anymore.. just mere this entire week.. i've been alone in the library.. sitting.. and just doing things on my own.. even eating by myself(it's fine seriously.. i'm antisocial with strangers).. how do i cope with it? eating.. just eating and deep breathing... i would like to eat some pineapple @Makani :)

11 Name: hrs42 : 2013-10-19 21:51 ID:5FGlkY4h [Del]

You know what? That's exactly the way I feel everyday I go to school.
The way I deal with it is to do something I like doing (such as drawings), that way I feel less of a waste and more productive. As for those "back-stabing" friends... you don't have to like them, but you don't need to feel alone either. Real friends will come sooner or later.
I wish you luck~! =)

12 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-10-19 22:18 ID:5Qzsz7VH [Del]

Because of friends in high school, I have trouble trusting people so I don't keep close relationships with others. Not even family can save or help me from the loneliness. In fact, I'm on the edge of suicide right now and I'm doing everything I can to stop myself from doing so.

13 Name: Gavar : 2013-10-19 22:24 ID:E91Lrxwx [Del]

A mi me sucede algo parecido tengo buenos amigos por donde mi padre trabaja pero en la escuela todos siempre estan hablando de chismes y cosas que realmente no me interesan siento que no deberia estar ahi aunque hablo con algunos de ellos por internet en la vida real ni me saludan

14 Name: Gavar : 2013-10-19 22:34 ID:E91Lrxwx [Del]

Well what I recommend is that you try to talk even with one person for all you can be as a person as a friend maybe that empty slowly closes and try and at least now I have a reason to get up every day

15 Name: Gavar : 2013-10-19 22:34 ID:E91Lrxwx [Del]

Well what I recommend is that you try to talk even with one person for all you can be as a person as a friend maybe that empty slowly closes and try and at least now I have a reason to get up every day

16 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2013-10-19 23:46 ID:cUORTyfI [Del]

Dat triple post

17 Name: Rini !DIXv5jBsv. : 2013-10-20 02:43 ID:N2D3+gmT [Del]

try going some were new i know how you feel this emptiness its like a hallow pain in your heart when i go some were new see new people cities are the best for me i do not know how to explain it but when i see all of those people living and going through there day well it makes me feel just a small amount better

18 Name: Murake : 2013-10-20 09:01 ID:JrhlSgqS [Del]

I would say that emptyness is usually caused by something missing, thus creating the empty space. Try to find something to fill this open space in your soul/hearth (whatever you call it). Hobby is often a good solution. Many hobbies can provide you some social interaction as well. To find what is missing, try something like pyramid of human needs (Maslow's hierarchy of needs). Be possitive not depressed. *end of random thoughts*

19 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-10-20 17:29 ID:iIVU07fg [Del]

>>1 Make duplicate threads. People hate you and then you aren't empty anymore.

20 Name: neko1 : 2013-10-21 10:54 ID:bnI/QNJ+ [Del]

Same here -_-"" i distract myself by reading and watching anime and well it works most of the times but the pain of the loneliness is soemthing very heavy to live with (imagine i dont even have siblings) if you want to talk or something feel free to tell me ill give you my mail or we can talk in the drrr chat. n.n

21 Name: sk2 : 2013-10-21 10:56 ID:bnI/QNJ+ [Del]

Same here -_-"" i distract myself by reading and watching anime and well it works most of the times but the pain of the loneliness is soemthing very heavy to live with, if you want to talk or something feel free to tell me and we can talk in the drrr chat. n.n