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Self Harm (9)

1 Name: anonymus : 2013-10-08 22:04 ID:lBa7H3IN [Del]

Okay, so i know people who cut them selves and i myself do...i dont know how to stop. And it's so scary to think someone is going to find out, and when people judge you for it... Any advice?

2 Name: Lady : 2013-10-08 22:54 ID:wImJbk78 [Del]

Honest to god, It's harder to stop than it is to start. In reality, I'm not really one to talk, but it's my civic duty. So basically people who cut, cut as an emotional outlet for whatever your feeling at the moment.
So put your feelings somewhere else. Scream into a pillow, draw, punch your pillow, snap a rubber band on your wrist. i mean there are a lot of different things, but the hardest part about stopping, if you've been doing it for a long time, is that your body gets addicted to it. so you must retrain your body.
Yeah, so as for people judging you, it is easier to judge than it is to be empathetic towards another. They can say how bad it is and ,everyone that does it knows it is, but unless they have been there themselves or have known someone , they don't know shit.
Just find something to put your emotions into, like poetry. Poetry is good.

3 Name: Joe : 2013-10-08 23:53 ID:tNQt8EBO [Del]

My best advice would be to do whatever you can to get some "momentum" towards being in a position to actually stop. As mentioned above, its a lot harder to stop than many would think, so you may not be able to just "drop it"...Maybe plan something you enjoy doing over a weekend. Something you just really like, or havent done in a while. From there, just keep positive and avoid things that caused you to get to that point in the first place (Bullies, parents, ex's, whatever it may be). Also, I wouldnt do any kind of drugs or alcohol, or things that could potentially ruin your mental state. By this, I mean any idiosyncrasies you may have too. Some people may be more likely to self harm after participating in some habit they made. It could be something a lot of others do, like listening to certain music(s), or possibly something a little more specific to you. Just ask yourself if you notice any patterns beforehand.

Probably the hardest part is keeping up even after a while has past. I hope you have or can find a good friend or really helps a lot.

If you want to hide scars or new cuts, I'd invest in some long sleeved clothing, sweat bands, wrist bands, make-up maybe. IDK its kind of up to the person. You'd be surpised how few people would notice anyways though, so dont stress too much. As for being judged, thats kind of unavoidable.

Best of wishes.

4 Name: neeon : 2013-10-09 02:58 ID:VkNPIJnI [Del]

So I'd like to start this off by saying that I'm sorry for what ever you are going through that would cause you to harm yourself. Ok, now I know how hard it is to think about people judging you over self harm, as I was a practitioner of it from the time that I was 14 until I was 22. But I also know that you have to be pushed really far to go to that point. I'll address the fear of someone finding out first. I know how that it goes with changing up your placement of the cuts, but you have to realize that maybe, just maybe that it would be a good thing for someone to find out about it, meaning that they could try to help you through it. Self harm manifests as a release for emotional pain, as far as I was concerned at least, and I do understand how addicting that can be. As the two above me already said, try to avoid the situations that make you feel like you wan to cut, and I know that is easier said than done sometimes. I strongly believe now that if you take that immense emotion that you are feeling at that point, instead of cutting, dive into something you enjoy, whether that be music, poetry, writing, even video games or anime. I know that there are triggers for everyone, and wwhatever that may be for you, may be avoidable and it may not, but you have to think, that every time you break your own skin like that, you are removing a part of yourself. I do not mean that as a physical part, but doing it may make you feel better for that moment, but the underlying will still be there, while a small part of you has been consumed by the pain that you inflicted.That entire statement goes for the use of drugs/alcohol as well. The best thing is to talk about it, get it out, everything that bothers you, even as miniscule as a cricket chirp. I this is an action against someone, or memories as it was for me, you have to know that you are worth so much more than this. No one in this world is worth doing that to yourself. I know all too well how hard it is to stop, but you know in your heart that YOU are strong enough to overcome this. This is just an obstacle on your way to greatness. I hope that you can believe what I say, that you are worth more than that and that you are strong, easily strong enough to overcome this, and I believe that you will.
Sincerely, Neeon

5 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-10-09 05:22 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

Try to focus on other things. Something that makes you feel good: painting, singing, fishing or whatever. Or study.
Your attention will be redirected towards what is needed and you won't have time to cut yourself.

6 Name: Saika : 2013-10-10 10:07 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

Tell me why you cut.
The answer may not even be very clear to you, but if we find the root of the problem, or at least find a sign that points us towards it, we will be able to solve it. You will get out of this unfortunate addiction.

I cut for 2 years.
I couldn't stop because I didn't know how else to cope. I found new ways to cope, and I stopped.
Also one of my friends sent me a very emotion-filled message which broke my heart.

The journey is different for different people. To find the solution we must go to the root.
So if you're still around, please tell me what you think it is.

There are people who won't judge you even if they find out. I hope you will be found by these people and cherished and cared for by them.

7 Name: Sid : 2013-10-11 03:56 ID:8nEV55v5 [Del]

Writing might be a good way to find out what is bothering you, but it won't be a quick fix. I switched from cutting my wrists to my upper arm so people wouldn't see if I didn't have a long sleeve on.

Overall it took me about 5-6 years to finally break free of the cutting, since I relapsed here and there. It isn't easy to fully break away, since it does relieve a lot of stress, but it is possible.

8 Name: anonymus : 2013-10-22 20:34 ID:LUT6fdxA [Del]

thank you all for the advice, i'll try to stop and pace myself, or at least not cut but do something else....idk >~< But thank you for taking time to answer me, this means a lot to me! <3

9 Name: Clementine : 2013-10-22 23:00 ID:3KHfoeeV [Del]

I used to be in a position like yours too, and the thing that helped me the most is to be around positive people, and not ones who bring you down. I had friends that also cut and were having hard times with their problems. We were all really close, so we shared our problems with each other. The problem was that I cared about them so much that their problems became mine. If you have other people around you that cut themselves or are suicidal, you need to motivate them, and yourself, to keep living and look at the bright side. I hope this helps, even if you don't have friends who also do it remember to keep your head up and remember that you're a unique, amazing person :) I'm cheering for you.