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i feel stupid saying it. i relised im suicidal (4)

1 Name: traveler : 2013-10-05 00:08 ID:p4T0r+mx [Del]

okay so aparently im just fucked and should die in a pit. im in love with a girl (and yeh ima chick fuck off homophobes!) well i told her exactly how much i loved her and how shes beutiful inside and out and how i finaly just let go and excepted that i wantedx an us and she blew it off like i said that thing to people evry day. and then theirs a situation with my freind. i kinda am in love with this boy named dar but she suposedly saw him first even tho i saw and talked to him right when he walked on campus. but balls to it in her mind dar belongs to her! theirs also a situation with my father... hes physicaly and verbaly abusive. whenever i say any thing evryone ignors whats really going on and just fucking thinks im fakeing it for attention but in his words, im an ignorant litle bitch, im worthless, i dont care about anything. but you know what thats no reson to throw a 13 year old fucking girl of a fucking scaffold! butt mabey he is on to somthing... because im love with a chick who doesnt fucking belive in love and a guy who could care less about me. my freinds dont give two shits about my feelings and my dad simply doesnt care my grades are sliping im skiping more often and im slowly causing myself physical harm... i didnt relise it untill a few seconds ago when i grabed my illigal swich blade and relised how deep down i am int this sunken pit and im mentaly unable to climb out and im starting not too care... im just... broken... and i cant be fixed... that i know of and holey shit i sound whinny...

2 Name: Friday-san !oBIrkXzP.s : 2013-10-05 03:15 ID:OFeBM688 [Del]

Hey there, friend. Hang in there. I cannot understand how it is to have an abusive father but I can tell you this: leave him and stay away from him. That isn't a father. You shouldn't feel stupid that you realized something about your self. It's better now instead of never, eh? But you have to understand, life is better than you think. Suicide is not the answer. Don't run away from your problems, deal with them head on and protect yourself. If your friends don't give a shit of what is going on with your life right now, then they are no friends at all. You have to choose wisely who is ganna be your closest friend, who doesn't judge you of who you are and I'm surtain that you will find such person in your life. Don't give up we are here for you. Fight on and you will win.

3 Name: madd : 2013-10-05 19:05 ID:McdR0hti [Del]

>>2 Yes! Absolutely. Things will get better. I had a friend who has the same exact situations as you, the friends (except for me), the abusive father, the girl who wouldn't love her back (she's bi), everything. She was at one point suicidal as well. Hang in there. Stay away from him, and try to find a safe place away from your home. My friend came everyday to my house to escape her hellhole. Her and her father got into a huge fight and then he left. She was lucky he didn't severely hurt her.

Find someone you can trust, and hold onto them. You can get moral support from us, but sometimes it's easier when you have someone in person. And maybe that person can be the person who helps you get away from everything temporarily..until you can move out and get away.

Suicide and self-harm isn't the answer. You deserve better.

4 Name: Zeta-90E5 : 2013-10-06 03:32 ID:Ra72JmzC [Del]


PLEASE REPOST ON THE THREAD KNOWN AS: The Official Dollars Suicide Hotline