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Friends? (12)

1 Name: Sma : 2013-09-30 04:04 ID:qCVA481j [Del]

My years as a high school student is coming to an end and you think being my last year it would be the blast of my teenage life but life surprises me outta nowhere and made it the worst year for me. My friends are all gone I wander lunch time alone, Now I'm just someone who's all alone and plainly feel sad. The following days I feel as if I'm useless as heck and time to time I don't even know who to trust anymore. I'm a guy who doesn't have any special skills so I can't really relate with other people, I feel that I'm going nowhere and confuse to who I really am. The only and only thing that goes in my mind is making a friend but I can't cause I'm such a loser and no one would like to be seen hanging out with me. Well plainly I posted this because I wanted to shout out in a way that I'm partially free and also hear the thoughts or advice that you guys can give me.

2 Name: Saika : 2013-09-30 05:17 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

Hello Sma,
I am here to give you the unfortunate news that you are right. You can't make any friends if you are a loser that no one wants to be seen around. If you're useless as heck and have no special skills and no compassion, if you have no direction in life and are keenly aware of your loneliness, then I do agree that you can't make friends.
It's quite funny and painful at the time, because the solution to your problems would make your problems irrelevant in the first place.
The solution to your problems is to stop caring about wanting friends. But that's hard, isn't it.
Do I dare ask why all your friends are gone?
I don't know what the reason is, but I do know that it's affected you greatly. This is the time for you to pick yourself up. Aloneness isn't that bad once you realise it's not the same as loneliness.
I absolutely, absolutely promise you that friends will come flocking to you as you find yourself. If you try to attach yourself to people now then, as you correctly predicted, it won't work out. Because you'll be a leech with nothing to give. It'll just be take, take take. While this is fine in long term friendships where you've been through a billion tough things together and know each other well, it's not going to work in the new-friendship-situation you're looking for at the moment.
No, you need to find yourself. Love yourself. How can other people like you if you don't even like yourself? How can other people see that you are special if you don't see it yourself?
So pick up a hobby. Go do something out there. Do what you wanted to that you always said you'd do if you had time. The time is now. Do it now. Find things you like. Once you find something you're confident about, you'll start being more confident in yourself too. And people are attracted to confidence...
but by then, you won't care about what they think anymore.
You won't care so much about whether they want to be friends with you or whether you're a loser.
And then, my friend, your problem will be solved.

3 Name: Sma : 2013-09-30 06:44 ID:qCVA481j [Del]

>>2 I get you completely. but do you even know how many months it's been that this has happened? well to tell you it's been 5 months I don't care if it's not long enough to truly suffer from this kind of loneliness but I've been through a lot things like friends betraying you, using you, being shunned and finally laughed at well I already did accept the fact that I'm all alone and it's gonna take a lot to make new friends and yes I can find myself happy while being alone but being accustomed to loneliness has taken it's toll on me you see I forgot how to be a friend or at least lost my self direction and that's my problem from what I can see.

The question I wan to answer is how to be happy again, how to be open and not try that much around people. I can do lots a stuff like playing the guitar, drawing , swimming, badminton designing and paper crafting but I can't see that as a solution to my problem. So dude how do you change your impression on people who knows you as a nobody.

By the way great reply !! :)

4 Name: Sma : 2013-09-30 06:44 ID:qCVA481j [Del]

Also sorry for the bad english

5 Name: sm : 2013-09-30 09:04 ID:TYjH264z [Del]

my dear you ought to like yourself for your personality; it's difficult to get anywhere if you're thinking purely in terms of talent. also, as you said - you're graduating soon. it's too late to change anything, but what you can do most is take advantage of the change in environment to give yourself a new start. it could simply be because you haven't met anyone compatible with yourself yet. i personally feel that five months isn't much to worry about.
there's no need to feel stressed over it - i think right now you're not ready for building relationships just yet. so love yourself more, take care of yourself, and give yourself time. do everything Saika up there says - if you're good at something, get even better at it. try to graduate on good terms, at least, even if you can't make any close friends.
i'd like to end off with saying you should let go of your past experiences, because the likelihood is that it happens often enough, just not where you can see. you don't necessarily have to forgive, but you should come to some kind of closure before you think about making friends or being happy in general.
breathe, sma. hope this helps.

6 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2013-09-30 11:34 ID:UVX0Lv69 [Del]

What a surprise, I agree with Saika for the millionth time!
You can't expect people to come to you. You need to flaunt your good qualities and show that you're worth being friends with. Moping achieves nothing.
Don't assume that you need friends either - that can lead to overly-dependent relationships and that shit's nasty. The ability to operate independently without assistance for others is important, but you also need to know how to help and cooperate with others. What I'm saying is that you don't need friends all the time - I have a very large group of friends, so we take regular breaks from each other. Spending time alone helps with internalized development, in my opinion.
If you want friends, go out and find them. But don't get upset because you don't have any, either. There will ALWAYS be someone who could be your friend, and if you can't find one then you must be looking in the wrong place.

7 Name: Upsilon-92XF50D : 2013-09-30 13:39 ID:LRm8X0Dm [Del]


8 Name: Kurai : 2013-09-30 14:53 ID:W88hN62N [Del]

Hey! I hate this sort of stuff.
Be yourself, and show people who you are. No one is just gonna be like: "Hey, I'll be your friend, and I'll make your year a blast!"
You have to be the one to start something if you WANT something.
...But if you have a problem with that; well here, this'll make your class life a bit better:
-Eavesdrop. Not suspiciously, just overhear things people talk about. If it's a topic that you enjoy just say: "Hey I like that too!" or contribute more specifically in the discussion.
-Join a club. A club you ENJOY. There is no better way to find friends than to join a club of people with the same interests.
-MOST IMPORTANTLY: Figure out that, NO ONE CARES! I'm not saying this to be mean, but once you realize, that people don't have a negative opinion about you, and will NEVER have a negative opinion about you, everyone's a blank canvas! Show them who you are, and if they like you for who you are, then you've found friends. Seriously, once I figured out that no one cares, and that when I leave, everyone would forget me, it made it much easier to talk to people, to have friends.
Even though I say "No one cares" Please know that I, and hopefully the rest of the Dollars care. I wish you luck in this problem, as it won't be easy.
But can be hella fun if you play your cards right. ;)

9 Name: Saika : 2013-10-01 08:38 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

5 months is a long time to be stewing in these sorts of feelings for, Sma.
Once I was in a situation a little like yours. There was betrayal, friends using me and leaving, people shunning me without knowing me, people laughing at me for who I wasn't or who I was. I thought everyone around me hated me. I thought people who had never talked to me before already knew about me and probably saw me as a loser too. I was so paranoid. I was very scared.
See, there are a few differences between my story and yours, but the main similarity I want to point out to you now, is that we both felt like maybe everyone had this one impression of us.
For you, you feel like people see you as a nobody. For me, I thought people hated me. I realise now that this wasn't the case, but it was really hard to see back then. If people didn't hate me, why wouldn't they come up to me and comfort me.
I missed the point, Sma, and I think you have too. If I needed friends, if I even just reached out once, I might have found these people, but I didn't try because I was so afraid.
5 months is very long. As you said, it's long enough to make you forget how to be a friend.
As Blinking said, this 'you' can potentially fall into overly-dependent relationships. You're in a tricky position now, but I know it's not impossible to get out.
I still struggle here and there with my old paranoia, but I feel like I'm a lot more confident about myself now.
Sma, when I first saw your story, I thought you were spineless, whimpering about your problems in a pool of your own misery, but I see now that I was wrong.
You have a life outside of your misery. You can do lots of things. You are more special than you said you were - and maybe you need to see that. Are there many people that you know who can do as many things as you? Wow, sports, art and music, all at the same time.
And most importantly, you have a direction outside of your misery.
You recognised your own issue long before any of us barged in and tried to identify it.
I have an unfortunate answer to your question though.
You can't change people's impression of you. This is not to say that their impression might not change. People change their own impression of you.
But there is good news.
Because I think you're a bit like me. I don't think absolutely everyone out there thinks you're a loser or sees you as nobody. I think there's some people out there that you haven't considered being friends with who could be friends with you. In fact, there's people within the group you've identified as 'hostile' who probably have a good opinion of you but haven't come forward about it. Remember this: things that make sense to you or look like decent actions to you might not seem like it to other people. It might not even register in their minds. Everyone is so involved in themselves. Including you.
With such a wide range of interests, I'm sure you'll intersect with someone, eventually. Cast a wider net. Start looking out for people and being kind to them. People will remember. They will think 'that's Sma, who said those kind words to me that day', 'that's Sma, who I thought was like a weird loner, but he's actually a decent guy.'
Don't give up on yourself.

10 Name: Mr.Z : 2013-10-01 12:38 ID:C5NyHgYR [Del]

so no one told you life was gonna be this way?

11 Name: Hidden !yxSN/bs2A2 : 2013-10-01 20:26 ID:B7f3Bfvl [Del]

Ok this is interesting enough... Ok first off don't assume your alone just because no one is talking to you. There are most likely other people that are in the same situation you are, you just gotta look around, if you notice someone is walking in the halls alone regularly, or someone is kinda hanging out of the group, maybe not talking to anyone at their table just kinda sitting there, those are the people who will relate to you. If the person is in their group but doesn't seem to participate in the group, they most likely don't have a real friend in the group to talk to, so if you go talk to that person (alone or with his group) he will most likely be your friend, and possibly help you into the group of people that he is with, if not, still got one more friend than you had before. If the person isn't in a group there is a better chance for accomplishing friendship, but you prob won't be introduced to anyone other than that person. Ether way, don't TRY to make people laugh, cause they well know and just think it's annoying and obnoxious. also don't TRY to act "cool" around them, they will find you arrogant and cocky. Just kinda follow their lead with things, cause if your going to them to be friends, they will be in their comfort zone, if someone approches you, don't act different at all, and they might follow your lead. in this case they are the ones asking to be friends. Also don't ever come out and say "Can we be friends"? that is prob obvious, but it just makes you sound pathetic and desperate as hell. I hope this little guide helps, I tried to cover everything :) also, DON'T be afraid to be friends with the "Ugly", "Loser", "Nerd" people. They tend to be some of the nicest people. Ok last thing I swear. If someone is annoying you, or you just don't like, don't force yourself to be friends with them, things will just get worse.

12 Name: Saika : 2013-10-02 03:37 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

Poignant, yet true.