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i am a bit scared.... (5)

1 Name: miuki : 2013-09-28 11:23 ID:3xyAqRY1 [Del]

i have this boy in my PE class and he has a crush on me. i don't like him back though, he has given me a poem, is always around me, and it's getting kind of creepy.i know it may sound that i'm a bit paranoid ,but truthfully i have never been worried about my safety at school before so this is why i am a bit worried.i talked to my mom about it she is willing to go up to the school. but after i thought it over more yesterday i realized that maybe he's not being stalkish but is just socially awkward.i'm a 9th grader and he's a 10th grader so he might still be going through a phase. so what i think i am going to do is tell him straight up that i dont feel that way that he does but of course i will be considerate of his feelings to and see how he acts after that.if he still acts like he does now after that than i will try to get my class changed or something because this is really bothering me.if you have ever been in this situation or know someone who has please tell me what thy did and how it turned out for them. it would be a big help.

2 Name: Chreggome : 2013-09-28 11:47 ID:bByjhm7p [Del]

The only thing you can do is tell them to back off, the way you said you would go about it is the best way.

If that doesn't work, get a teacher involved.

3 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-09-28 15:04 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

Or he can be a stalker.
Don't freak out. Just try to tell him. But not tell him when you two are alone. Choose a public place. Don't tell out-loud that you don't feel that way - he might be embarrased and react strange.
Or have someone watch you two talk while you tell him your feelings from afar. It's better to be safe than sorry. He might be normal, or be a weird guy. If he doesn't understand, ignore him and tell a teacher. Tell your mom where you are, all the time. Text with her every hour/half and hour. At least until he leaves you alone.
The truth is that, as his age, he sees your mom like a powerful person. Your mom sounds more credible if she calls the police rather than a teenage girl.So this has a 90% chance of going well. The other 10% is that he is a sociopath and you need to get him away from you.
Don't accept anything from him. Next time ask him to hold a bit to the poem he gave you. And while he takes it ~ for a moment, right? bwhahaha~ then you take your leave. lol
That's basically trolling, but still. I had a kid who always told me "can you keep this for a bit?" whenever he had a thing that needed to be trashed.
And I was "yeah, sure"
and then he left. Leaving ME to trow that thing away.
You got what I meant? I'm a big troll myself to mean/weird/idiots that I don't like.
I can give you a list ;)

4 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-09-28 16:00 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>2 is right
You have every right to tell him that you don't like him that way and that his behaviour is making you feel uncomfortable and you want him to stop. Forget about hurting his feelings and be blunt about it. You have the right.
If he doesn't stop then tell your teachers and your patents.
Good luck! (^o^)/

5 Name: miuki : 2013-09-28 16:03 ID:3xyAqRY1 [Del]

thanks for all the advise i feel a bit more at ease