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Hana Maru (3)

1 Name: help with afriend : 2013-09-26 05:54 ID:91O3aqmp [Del]

I'm having a trouble with a friend. Can you please give me some advice.
There a girl who lives next door to me and ever since I moved here we have been friends, we even go to school together. One day I had an English assignment due soon and I was working on it first brake and as well as second. I was walking gup to a teachers staff room to return somethings when I saw her. I was really hungry having not had anything to eat all day. I told her that there was twenty dollars in my bag and that if she went and brought me something at the canteen she could have an ice block as well and that I would be there soon. So once I dropped of the stuff I went to the lunch area to find my friend eating an frozen yogurt (Cost $2) and she gave me an billabong ($1.50) and $15 change.... I counted the money and straight away knew something was up... I asked her about it and she told me that it was all the money and that she didn't bye anything else.... I pressed her further and eventually she pulled another billabong from her pocket... before I could talk to her about it she up and ran away, not turning back when I called out to her... The tuckshop lady saw what happened and was nice enough to give me my money back....
Anyway... I was really made at her for it. She Stole, tried to hide it, thought I was stupid enough to be tricked, lied to me, and then ran away! I refused to talk to her at all after that. Then the following weekend she came over and my dad let her in not knowing about the fight... My nice side kicked in and I found that I didn't have the heart to kick her out. So I ended up letting her stay. Now she thinks we're friends again when I don't trust her and I'm still mad.
I was thankful that this was just before the holidays and that I wont be able to see her all break. But what am I going to do when the new term starts? I get the feeling that I'm either going to ignore her again and start a big drama or I'm going to pretend to be her friend! I don't know what to do!

2 Name: Mason : 2013-09-26 11:31 ID:T3LD+W6g [Del]

I know often times in situations like this, when someone's done something to hurt you, you feel like any action on your part would constitute "starting drama", and wouldn't really be worth the trouble. But to be honest, there are ways of bringing up subjects such as this without starting a big fight. Clearly, your friend acted out of line in trying to take some of your money without asking. I think the best thing would be to confront her about what happened. Let her know that what she did was not ok with you, and that you really don't feel comfortable hanging out with somebody who thinks it's alright to try and deceive their friend like that. Let her know how you're feeling, and then you can see exactly how she feels about it. If she isn't apologetic, and doesn't recognize that she did something wrong that hurt you, then she honestly isn't really worth the trouble of pursuing as a friend. But it's entirely possible that she knows she did something wrong, and is just too embarrassed to bring it up herself. And if that's the case, you should give her the chance to explain herself and apologize to you, before cutting her off entirely as a friend.

What you do is up to you, and you'd be within your rights to hold a grudge and just not talk to this girl at all. But if you're interested in saving the relationship at all, communication is the only way you can possibly move past this mistake on her part.

Best of luck, have a great day!

3 Name: Hana Maru : 2013-09-26 12:32 ID:91O3aqmp [Del]

Thanks for the advice... I still have a bit of time to think it over... Your sugestioned helped :)