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Alone (14)

1 Name: Amato : 2013-09-25 10:45 ID:Befuy0Et [Del]

well ive been bord i dont really have anything to do or anyone to talk to ive been alone for quiet some time and i would enjoy a chance to talk to someone almost anyone honestly so if anyones intrested or even pays much attention to this thread please hit me up just email me im hope to see someone soon and have a nice day

2 Name: Ao : 2013-09-25 17:34 ID:uvxxFRkh [Del]

Hey there Amato, I get those feelings too sometimes. Right now for example. How's your day been so far?

3 Name: Mason : 2013-09-26 01:18 ID:T3LD+W6g [Del]

Feel free to IM me on Skype if it's possible. My screen name is LegendaryEd. I'm generally on there, I just don't really use email. I'll also chat with you on here if you'd like. I know how it can be to feel lonely, and I'd be happy to chat with you about whatever. Hope you're having a great day! And I hope I hear from you!

4 Name: DEVILS-KID : 2013-09-26 01:46 ID:CiapqduS [Del]

I feel sorry about you, bub. Let me tell you mine. When I was a kid in Clark Elementary, some of the stupidity friends make fun of me, calling me a monster and a freak. So I was sitting alone towards the building shadows alone and two shadows wear appeared. It was the devil and a half angel/devil woman. My new parents. Satan and Lilith, they're the ones who protect me in the year of 2000. My mom protect by the kids and my dad scared them off! Some of my ex-parents got some problems, I was the part of the solution. They're all keep hitting me and making me a normal. But I changed. I don't trust them and their family. I've turned into the dark side. Never be alone. If I was alone, I would not have friends or a family, but if I wasn't. I Am Not Alone!

5 Name: Amato : 2013-09-26 07:03 ID:Befuy0Et [Del]

so far all i get is called a freak and a monster a bit like the person above but im not THAT desperat that id sell my sould for a friend no one talks to me really because honestly everyone i know is afraid of me. all they do is avoid me so i sit alone even at home i dont have real family i get constant abuse from parents and the only one that talks to me only does so because hes skits and tells me about what hes seeing then he leaves after a few minutes talking to himself mumbleing something i had a gf she left me after seeing me then ranted at me because i looked like a murdererthe only good thing is my grades im an honer student but even my teachers refuse to speak to me or help me and its been this way seince i started school im currently a junior

6 Name: Hana Maru : 2013-09-26 07:20 ID:91O3aqmp [Del]

No one should be alone! Everyone is diffrent and Its people who are that little bit more diffrent that are rejected. But you know what I think! I think that thoughs people who are rejected that are the greatest people of all! They are strong, kind and genrally great people! I think that the diffrence is their greatest aspect not their weakness! I'm sure that everyone is just scared because they can't see that... :) and you should maybe get out of the shadows and show them that! You never know... People may just stop being scared :)

7 Name: Amato : 2013-09-26 07:26 ID:Befuy0Et [Del]

i try everyday and just get rejected

8 Name: Hana Maru : 2013-09-26 08:25 ID:91O3aqmp [Del]

Then their not worth it. If they wont take the time to know you, you dont take the time to know them. I sent you an email before and I'd be happy to be your friend :)

9 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-09-26 09:22 ID:ZYaUAhBi [Del]

I sent you an email! :) I'd be happy to be your friend too! :D

10 Name: Amato : 2013-09-27 07:07 ID:Befuy0Et [Del]

thanks everyone

11 Name: Mydget : 2013-09-27 13:40 ID:HYJVUibc [Del]

i sent you an email. it would be nice to talk to someomone, i dont get out much.

12 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-09-28 06:11 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

I sent you an email too :)

13 Name: SimplySacred : 2013-10-04 12:24 ID:Befuy0Et [Del]

sent out an email a few seconds ago it would be nice to talk to you my pale faced feathery friend

14 Name: Hiroki : 2015-11-22 16:43 ID:TewncsMa [Del]

Me too, I feel alone sometimes...
So desu ne ???