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Back problems and no lockers. (6)

1 Name: Nutty : 2013-09-18 18:25 ID:B4XMikGk [Del]

Alright, so! My high school has no lockers, right? Which calls for us to carry around several textbooks that are VERY heavy everyday. When I was a freshman, I had 8 different classes everyday and I had to carry around about 4 VERY heavy textbooks, 2 large binders, and work books. I've NEVER experienced such bad back pains until high school. It's horrible. And it makes me angry that when I decide that I can't carry them around all day and leave them at home, I get punished?
This year, I was kinda hoping that since I have only 4 classes (one of them being a Studyhall block) that my back pain would ease.
My textbooks are just as heavy as last year since they are thicker. And I HAVE to have these books everyday since my teachers don't like to tell us when we exactly need them.
I've never felt such an annoying and irritating burning pain that is there all day. I'm sure that the fact of my bed being hold isn't helping it at all. (my mother ordered a new bed and it will hopefully be better for my neck and back pains. *crosses fingers*)Another thing that doesn't help is that I love to draw. I'll sit hunched over and I'll get these bad pains and lumps on my shoulder and RIGHT under my right shoulder blade (and when I have a lump there, it's like a trigger that causes more pain all the way up to my neck.)
Yeah, I try to sit properly, but it's really hard when you have back pain. I usually just want to rest my head on the desk so it won't feel like I'm adding stress to it. But just writing down notes for a whole 1 or more every other day also hurts my neck and shoulders.
Pain pills don't help my pain. My mom massages it sometimes, but it doesn't help when they just keep coming back. I don't have the money to get a professional or something to properly massage me (if only.. ;~;) I don't really know what to do. I'm now always getting in trouble for not bringing my textbooks because I'm in pain EVERYDAY. It's crazy.
Is there anything that can help relieve back pain for a longer period of time? Should I complain about it to my school? (They probably won't do anything) Or should I just go about my day doing the same thing? I don't really see a choice here, but it's good to ask. c:

2 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-09-18 18:33 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

This is hurting you so see a doctor!! Also check out your school's policies and protocols for complaints, every school needs one, if there's a website then it should be there. Send a complaint or get your mom to. If that doesn't help then start a petition, if this hurts you then others are in pain too so it should work!! Good luck! :3

3 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-09-18 23:05 ID:yfBhKGgc [Del]

Now I'm sad because I have a high quality backpack lying around that I hardly ever use anymore and I don't know how to give it to you. T~T

4 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-09-19 14:15 ID:CC8/PzeG [Del]

actually, at my school, we have lockers except that we don't use them. I don't get it! XD plus, this weird locker-no-use thing has been going on for about 5 years and the new area (building) that they made 2 years ago has freaking lockers... I just don't get it. Everyone has to carry around their own stuff, and I'm like one of those few people who carry around like three bags and still get used to it.
Well, that's just your school. my school has been like this forever. :/

5 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-09-19 14:16 ID:CC8/PzeG [Del]

though you should at least see a doctor, that would be better.

6 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-19 15:34 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

...seriously, guys?

OP: "Hey Doc, my book bag is too heavy so my back hurts!"
Doc: "...kid, get out of my office (after you pay cash for this consultation."

>>1 Just get a small travel bag on wheels for school that you can easily drag a few steps behind you. If anyone makes fun of you for it, just laugh in their faces and tell them they're the stupid ones for carrying around books that heavy.

...yeah, that's basically how I got through my freshman year of high school. LOL. My back couldn't handle the books at all .-.

But if you're getting back pain all the time without it, then go see a chiropractor, not your base doctor. Chiropractors will loosen the muscles in your back and tell you if there is any issue a lot faster, cheaper, and more efficiently than a regular doctor would. Just make sure your parents look up reviews and such because a bad chiropractor can make your back worse rather than better.

Bring it up to your parents. If they say they can't afford it, then try looking up back stretching exercises online. Just make a few general searches about relieving back pain and there should be plenty of temporary fixes that you can try out at home.