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i need advice (7)

1 Name: miuki : 2013-09-14 10:10 ID:3xyAqRY1 [Del]

i have been trying to lose weight for a while now . i have already lost 30 pounds but now i don't know how to lose the last 25 . i'm 5'0 and currently 171 ibs. so i basically need advice for what to do because this will help me solve a lot of my problems about myself if you could help, and yes i'm a girl. i want to meet this goal befoe December for my birthday. thanks ^.^

2 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-09-14 10:14 ID:cWwLncPa [Del]

You probably won't be able to lose 25 in that amount of time unless you're really dedicated. Try filling up on fruits and vegetables in small snacks over the course of the day so you aren't as hungry at dinner so you don't eat as much. Exercise more, even if it's just taking a long walk every day it will help you burn calories.

3 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2013-09-14 10:25 ID:SNrngNsS [Del]

I'm no expert when it comes to weight loss, but I agree with >>2. Try to take a walk everyday - go to the local park and just waltz around until you get bored. Avoid driving to places unless you have to carry a heavy load or are going a long distance and walk to your destination instead.
As long as you focus on your goal, I'm sure you'll get it done. Good luck!

4 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-09-14 11:51 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

My advice is to make sure that your metabolism is doing well, eat a healthy breakfast (eggs are great for energy,) do some walking, weight lifting, etc. (jogging and running is bad for your joints,) lunch can really be whatever so long as it isn't fast food or anything greasy, for dinner have a light yet healthy meal like some kind of fish and some grains (desert is also fine same with snacks, they throw off your metabolism and make it work harder, just no fast food or anything fried, etc.) personally I think that swimming is the best workout. I hope that helps! It's awesome that you're working to be healthy! (^o^)/

5 Name: miuki : 2013-09-14 12:16 ID:3xyAqRY1 [Del]

thanks i will try my best

6 Name: aiza : 2013-09-14 17:50 ID:gjekqfj4 [Del]

make sure to drink atleast 8 cups of water, this helps clean your liver and makes loosing weight easier ^^

7 Name: Satsuki : 2013-09-14 18:37 ID:vCJT3Pc4 [Del]

Always eat a healthy breakfast, exercise regularly and never give up.