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Help!! (20)

1 Name: LL : 2013-09-09 09:45 ID:+7M+v3vE [Del]

So my freind has a brother who likes to joke around flirtatiously and recently it been getting out of hand as in REALLY out of hand. He has been touching my boobs, grabbing my ass and two days ago re freakin' licked my finger and it feel so disgusting I dont know what to do!! I want to tell him to stop but I dont know how to since his my friends brother and all and I dont want to cause a problem among our little group. Please Help its really disgusting!!

2 Name: *Lyrics*of*Pandora* : 2013-09-09 11:21 ID:v99qVlkP [Del]

Even if it's your friend's brother.....tell someone. Seriously, don't let anyone makes you feel uncomfortable. Don't just let things happen. Do something about it.

3 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-09-09 11:26 ID:ypYPnDSJ [Del]

Punch him in the face, problem solved. Or say something to your brother, he will punch him in the face for you.

4 Name: Thistle : 2013-09-09 12:12 ID:m92d25AP [Del]

>>3 This.

Seriously. You're making the problem out to be more complicated than it really is. Just tell him to stop, let him decide if this is going to be a problem for your group or not. If he does, problem solved. If not, kick him in the solar plexus.

5 Name: passing girl : 2013-09-09 17:00 ID:XtTkBnN5 [Del]

>>4 This ... only.. I would suggest you kick him "down there" but that's only what I would do.

6 Name: Thistle : 2013-09-09 17:08 ID:m92d25AP [Del]

>>5 Matter of preference. The solar plexus contains the personal power chakra and can easily floor/wind the guy if done properly. By comparison, a guy worth his salt should be more than capable of walking off a single groin blow...albeit very uncomfortably.

7 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-09-09 20:59 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

Tell him to stop, that's not okay, it's doesn't matter who he is. He's making you feel uncomfortable and so it is harassment. Tell him to stop, if he doesn't tell your brother, if your brother does nothing then tell a trusted grown up, if he tries anything do what >>5 says and then run. If you don't stop him now he could end up rapping you or something bad like that so set your boundaries. Good luck!

8 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-09-09 21:48 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]

Dont run, stand your ground. >>7

9 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-09-10 01:26 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>8 I tend to forget that most people aren't as weak as me, my bad X3

10 Name: Steve : 2013-09-10 01:50 ID:NzO2hUsV [Del]

Pepper spray him, kick him in his "nuggets", then warn him it'll be worse next time if he doesn't stop... Problem solved.

11 Name: LL : 2013-09-10 08:01 ID:+7M+v3vE [Del]

Everytime he does something like this, I do hit him and tell him to stop but he just continues. I feel so disgusting and dirty like someone threw bucket of mud at me Ugh!! I cant explain this feeling!! My family also hates weak people so if I say that Im getting harassed at school, Im scared that they might be very disappointed in me and just not believe me. Even if I do get him to stop, I dont know how to stop this feeling of disgust, it been bothering me so much that I have been continuosly scratching to try and scrape it out, I know it wont do anything but it does feel much better but at the same time I dont want to continue my self-harm.

12 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-10 08:04 ID:fNg7HtlP [Del]

>>11 You've got to tell somebody. They're not going to think you're weak; they're going to be scared to shit that their child is getting damn molested.

13 Name: Thistle : 2013-09-10 15:30 ID:m92d25AP [Del]

>>11 Unless you completely knock him shitless, which I really don't recommend, then I'd imagine you're past the point of ending this on your own. You may be concerned about what people think of you, but the way you claim to feel tells me that ending what he's been doing to you is far more important. Tell anyone you need to, and then don't leave yourself alone with him.

That feeling of disgust and dirtiness is not a single emotion. It's usually the sensation of a slew of competing emotions that are demanding your attention at the same time. Like anger at the guy which drives you for retribution, and fear of how people may see you if you ask for their help. As long as you let this problem persist, these emotions will continue to compete within you.

I SERIOUSLY recommend following >>12's advice, but in the meanwhile you need to find some way of relaxing other than that. Find something to do, with somebody else, and let yourself think about pretty much anything other than that for a while.

14 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-10 20:30 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>13 I definitely agree with the last part of this. I wrote >>12 when I was at school and was too rushed to write out anything else, but you hit the nail on the head.

At the very least, OP, avoid him for now. Find excuses to hang out with your other friends or find some new hobbies that you can enjoy on your own. Have your friends who are related to him hang out at your house rather than going to theirs. Whatever you can do to keep him at bay and to take your mind off it, do. It will be tremendously better for your health if you're not always in fear of this.

But you still need to get someone in a higher position of authority to intervene. What this boy is doing is more than just inappropriate - it's illegal. Molestation is a chargeable offense. Even if you and your parents don't choose to go that far, he needs a stern kick in the ass from his own parents, who ought to be informed of the situation by your parents or whatever adult figure you choose to disclose this with.

Now, for a short rant. This is one of the problems with anime that I've noticed affecting plenty of kids (myself included). It glorifies this idea that groping and being physically perverted is appropriate and normal. It makes those who grew up watching it less understanding of exactly how serious it is when it happens in real life. Whether it happened in your favorite show or not, it's not okay if it happens in the physical world.

15 Name: Apy : 2013-09-10 23:08 ID:0hUM+ghq (Image: 640x360 jpg, 17 kb) [Del]

src/1378872493550.jpg: 640x360, 17 kb
Your family hate weak people, kill themself, because weak people that we suppose to protected, if your brother friend keep harrasing & you don't want to tell someone because your feeling, to me I don't even care about that.

Which one will you choose, keep being harassing till you get raped & get pregnant or keep your feeling of disgust till kill yourself...

If me I choose the first, call the police & locked your brother friends in jail. Good ending, feeling of disgust, family hate weak people I don't really care, to me weak people we really must protected...

You decide which route will you take...

Your choice...

16 Name: D'or D'amour : 2013-09-11 02:22 ID:XG2O3Yn8 [Del]

I suggest you tell someone about what your friends' brother is doing to you. Also, it might be a good idea to see if he does this to other people as well.

As for your parents hating weak people. I don't really have anything to say about this, but I know that to ask for help in this situation is not a weak act.

Now the feeling of disgust you are having, may take time to heal.

17 Name: LL : 2013-09-11 10:44 ID:+7M+v3vE [Del]

Thanks guys, I have been slowly and subtlely improving my situation, I give him signals to back off and he does until of course next class. He also touches only me and this other girl mainly because he likes the reaction but I cant not react because if I dont he only does it more. MOst of my friends also know that he touches me like this but they take it as a joke. I want to tell them that it feels uncomfortable but our little group has this atmosphere that you just dont want to break. As for that feeling of disgust, it has slowly been going away but everytime I see him it keeps coming back and I have to see him since he is in most of my classes and normally sits in front or beside me (due to class-seatting arrangements. Also you should know that my parents had to face aot of hardships when they where young so its perfectly understandable why they dislike the weak but really, I cant thank you guys enough. YOu guys gave me alot confidence to stand to him and Im not really the type to show sad depressing emotions around my friends so I cant really tell them about my problems comfortably since Im that friend who does nothing but joke around. Thanks again!!

18 Post deleted by user.

19 Name: insomnia : 2013-09-12 23:52 ID:MCoCg3Vy [Del]

you should tell him to stop harassing you that you don't like it its not a joke and he should have some respect when saying this don't try to be nice don't smile you have to make it clear that you don't like it after you said what you wanted to say leave and ignore him hopefully this will help and you should tell it to somebody

20 Name: megnekko!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-09-14 01:17 ID:NJiZZNNZ [Del]

tell your friend even if your friend is a guy or a girl they're brother shouldn't be touching you like that. that's so disrespectful. no man should touch a woman like that. hell I would have kicked his ass alright.
as a female it really pisses me off that some assholes be doing that. it's not hot or sexy in any way. hell I wouldn't let anyone touch me like that. cause no one should. shit this pervert should have learned to keep his hands to himself. you want him to stop either tell someone or kick some ass.
tell your friend, your parents, his parents. don't be afraid to tell. if you can kick the guy's ass tell them. what he is doing is a crime. if he touches you he most likely try some other worse things.
also what the hell if someone or your friends knows about this and not tell anybody. what the fuck that's how people end up dead or on the news. no you says shit anymore. people used to report the shit they see.
plus this isn't something to joke around about. cause if adult sees that and they tell the cops depending on his age he could be badly charged. so be very careful.
to be honest If it was me i would be doing time in prison already for his death. but that's just me and my crazy ways. my mom always told me if someone treats you wrongly either leave or kick their sorry ass.
if you don't tell someone or kick his ass. he will most likely keep on. he think he's won and your letting him. put your foot down and say if you don't stop I will kill you. if you let him keep on you will no offence look like a slut if you let him touch you even a little bit. look if you really don't like it don't put up with it cause you haven't have to. you are better than that and deserve better too. everyone does.